Igor Rajtan's Journal

Project: Wormwood
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Back from Hong kong

I got back on a civilian plane, most of my equipment that, would make it a bad Idea got lost after that shark broke the glass and flooded the whole room. When I landed, I went on a little shopping spree, had money to spend on new equipment. I bought all of the lost equipment plus a gas mask, some walkie-talkies and a flashlight. Still 100,000 $ is more then I needed so I bought my self a motorcycle.

After I got back, I felt so dead. Everything seemed so wrong. I'm sleeping a lot, like the way it should be. I have no idea what type of curse was placed on me, but it won't let me die, disappear into nothingness. I still eat normal food; it makes me feel somewhat alive.

After a week from that job in Hong Kong I got another job. Assassination of some cheating husband. I knew I wouldn't get a kick out of this after Hong Kong, but money is king. Some people went to bed and they simple never woke, like this target. I guess Dr. Liu Xhao had died in solace, knowing that his death will be bespoke. While disposing of the body I felt irresistible urge to try human flesh. It tastes like normal meat, but the knowledge that I did a despicable act gave me a rush of the adrenalin. After that I went to therapy, turns out eating humans is bad for your psych. Well now I don't fell an urge to eat brains. I'm not even sure If I need to eat, I'm dead FFS.

I have noted that my technic with edge based weaponry has gotten sloppy, It's time to train extra hard.

The Doll House

Here Lies Igor Rajtan

Cause of Death: BETRAYAL

He got "mercy killed" FFS

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