A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor played by Rainbowdragon1357 in Project *******
They are 5 years old, live in a dingy apartment, and often appears as Shorter man in the low 5ft with a curly mop of hair and a frizzy beard. His skin is extremely tanned with dark grey eyes. He always holds a smirk like he know0s something you don't. Curled horns sit on top of his head and when he walks there is a clip clop beneath him like heavy dress shoes, but they are not, they're hooves. He will Generally wear baggy green pants that drag all the way on to the floor With a trench coat.
Terra Abaddon lives in Project *******, a setting where reality flows, bends, and breaks, and the whole world stands at a delicate balance. Their journal has 6 entries.
2 Alertness
0 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Brawl
0 Crafts
1 Culture
2 Drive
4 Firearms
3 Influence
2 Investigation
0 Medicine
0 Melee
3 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
3 Stealth
1 Survival
0 Technology
2 Thievery
3 Infiltration
Latest 0 of 0 answers
List of people who know Terras real name:
Donovan Luci