Rasha Saad's Journal

From the Cradle
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sewer run

The Bracelet

I think I may have found the most dangerous and powerful man that likely does these things. He has not done 10, 20 of these things. Probably about the same as me really. He has one vaulable thing that he flaunts and that I have seen no one with anything of the like. He makes and gives out artifacts. He gives out actual powers like its nothing. And they arent weak or flimsy these are legit peices of equipment, and the amount of powerful allies he can create with these is insane. Because in the end we are the ones who are making it out of these alive and winning most of the time we are the most dangerous and we are the most powerful. He is in general, second to the objective of the job, the priority of the others who as I said are the most powerful and skillful beings that we will ever face. And this man you may ask? This man is Kevin Sparkles. Kevin sparkles the unstable, my little POny, lovable boy. The world turns upside down when the my little pony fan boy opens a portal using his braclet and a clone of him pops out. Its insane and I a man like that with that much power. I'm scared around him thats why I was so friendly with him, thats the type of person you don't want to be on the bad side of, thats why I get a sweet ass new bracelet instead of a fucking brony beating the shit out of me with a foam sword and clones of himself.

An Auction in Austin
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