World Events of Maelstrom Prime

Posted by Strazhari, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

Subway Explosion in Milan!

A new subway tunnel exploded, presumably from a methane pocket struck by miners - at this time, there are an unknown number of casualties. Officials are ruling out terrorist activity, citing old sewer structure - fires are contained at this time, & we will bring more news as the situation evolves.

(Harry & David will take particular note of the location of this event)

Posted by Ltyinkwint, 1 month, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

Amsterdam Ghoul Fever Outbreak

A flurry of Cryptoleak videos, news articles, and rogue photos populate the internet, all showing the sickening scene of what could only be described as a human gale of mayhem. A segment of one of these news articles explains as follows:


Yesterday night, flight KLM 682, originating from the Vancouver International Airport and headed to the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport was hit with a terrible tragedy. Once landed with its 183 passengers, chaos broke loose as the travelers broke out of the plane and spread horror throughout the airport as the craze was inflicted on more and more people.

Several were injured during the stampede and one individual lost their life.

Later analysis confirmed that these passengers were in fact infected with Ghoul Fever, though the patient zero is unconfirmed. Several passengers later commented on witnessing a ghoul on board though this has been contributed to the effect of Ghoul Fever.

Coupled with this event, during the flight, the reports of a spreading infection within the cabin was interrupted with a nearby personal jet's mysterious fall with authorities believe could be related to this incident.

The situation was eventually quarantined by local authorities and stability returned to the airport, although countless flights were delayed along with many more people afflicted costing a heavy toll to the city's resources. 

Emily Miller made a Move (Strazhari GMed) 2 months ago. View Move

Senator Hays's Responses in the Second Presidential Debate

CANDY CROWLEY, MODERATOR: Good evening from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. I'm Candy Crowley from CNN's "State of the Union." We are here for the second presidential debate, a town hall, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

CROWLEY: The Gallup organization chose 82 uncommitted voters from the New York area. Their questions will drive the night. My goal is to give the conversation direction and to ensure questions get answered.

The questions are known to me and my team only. Neither the commission, nor the candidates have seen them. I hope to get to as many questions as possible.

CROWLEY: I want to turn to a first-time voter, Jeremy Epstein, who has a question for you.

QUESTION: As a 20-year-old college student, all I hear from professors, neighbors and others is that when I graduate, I will have little chance to get employment. What can you say to reassure me, but more importantly my parents, that I will be able to sufficiently support myself after I graduate?

Revitalizing the economy will be one of my top priorities once I'm elected, second only to national security. By the summer of 2026 when you graduate, the structural reforms I'll be implementing will have had time to take effect. With genuine competition in every sector, a simplified tax system, streamlined regulations favorable to small businesses, nationwide broadband Internet with 100% coverage, and a renewed investment in basic science, businesses will need all the workers they can get, and hiring will surge.

In fact, I'm so confident in America's future that I'll make this pledge to every American citizen. If you're unemployed a year after my reforms are passed, contact my office and we'll see to it that you get a job. As long as you're willing to work hard and do your best, you're an asset to this country, and we can't afford to have you stuck on the sidelines.

Of course, even once you have a job, you may have to pay back student loans. If you can't afford to pay them in other ways, or if you just don't want to wait that long, you can join the military or sign up for the National Service Program and every penny of your student debt will be wiped away.

On that theme, we'll also be pursuing ways to reduce educational costs, which, like health care costs, are spiraling out of control.

CROWLEY: What can you do more immediately? We’re looking at a situation where 40 percent of the unemployed have been unemployed for six months or more. They don’t have the two years that Jeremy has.

What about those long term unemployed who need a job right now?

An excellent question.

Traditionally, accepting a job that paid less that your last position has been seen as unwise. The thinking was that your earning potential would be permanently reduced, because employers would see you as being worth only what you're making now. That's no longer the case. In today's economy, many people have to accept work on an interim basis while they position themselves to reach their long-term goals. Temporary employment is nothing to be ashamed of. I'll make sure there are job centers in every community to connect those needing work with those needing workers – both temporary and permanent.

But what if you can't find even temporary work – or if you want something more meaningful? Vote for me, and the day I'm sworn in I will ask Congress to authorize the National Service Program, a greatly expanded version of the current Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and Senior Corps.

If we're to rebuild this country and ensure a bright future for our children and grandchildren, we're going to need every one of you. It's time to get back to work.

CROWLEY: We want to get a question from Phillip Tricolla.

QUESTION: The Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, has now been on record three times stating it’s not policy of his department to help lower gas prices. Do you agree with Secretary Chu that this is not the job of the Energy Department?

Is it within the purview of the government to bring those prices down, or are we looking at the new normal?

The government should not directly lower gas prices; price controls simply don't work. However, it is the government's responsibility to guarantee a competitive marketplace, and that's something we don't have today. If we did, the supply of energy would increase to meet the demand. That isn't happening.

The answer is for the government to intervene to ensure an ample energy supply and true competition, and then step back to let the market work. New technologies can increase supply, reduce demand through improvements in efficiency, eliminate pollution, and give the United States energy independence. Moreover, local generation of energy will reduce transit costs and help bring about neighborhood self-sufficiency, preventing the type of catastrophic system failure that we saw in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. There is no excuse for a collapse of basic services in time of natural disaster – the time when they're most needed.

Many of these technologies exist today or can be achieved very quickly. Often, the companies with the legal right to exploit them have chosen not to do so because they want to preserve the status quo – a status quo in which they benefit but the nation suffers. This is unacceptable. If they don't take advantage of the technologies of the future, we will.

CROWLEY: We’re going to move along to taxes over here and all these folks that have been waiting.

This question comes from Mary Follano.

QUESTION: Concerning various tax deductions, the mortgage deductions, the charitable deductions, the child tax credit and also the education credits, which are important to me, because I have children in college. What would be your position on those things, which are important to the middle class?

The purpose of these deductions is to encourage home ownership and charitable contributions, and to support families that are trying to raise and educate their children. At the end of the day, people don't care whether this help comes in the form of tax deductions, direct assistance, or low-cost services, as long as the help is there.

I strongly support home ownership, charitable organizations, and affordable, high-quality education. If these tax credits go away, I'll see to it that they're replaced by programs that provide at least as much – and probably more – benefit to the taxpayers who were receiving them. For example, the mortgage deduction is inefficient because you have to wait until tax time to receive it. It makes much more sense to receive assistance when you're buying your home, instead of months later.

CROWLEY: And Katherine Fenton has a question for you.

QUESTION: In what new ways to you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?

Ensuring a level playing field is one of the fundamental roles of government, and one which past administrations have failed to fulfill. This is partly because they haven't stopped to consider how they can help the workplace become more friendly to women as well as to men.

Time and again, women say they want more flexibility in schedules, working from home, and nontraditional workplace arrangements. Time and again, both government and employers ignore them.

And make no mistake, many of these obstacles have been erected by government, not business. For example, regulatory and tax regimes often favor – or even require – traditional work locations and schedules. If you own your own business, why should it be illegal for you to live there as well? For thousands of years, people lived in one part of their house and worked in another. Shopkeepers might have their shop on the first floor and their home on the second floor; accountants might live in one half of the building and work in the other half. Yet today, government arbitrarily decrees that this arrangement is no longer permitted, even when there are no genuine health or safety concerns.

Government should encourage employees and businesses to experiment with new and innovative workplace arrangements rather than obstructing them at every turn. Under my administration, it will do so – starting by leading the way with flexible work programs for federal employees.

CROWLEY: I want to move us along here to Susan Katz, who has a question.

QUESTION: I am an undecided voter, because I’m disappointed with the lack of progress I’ve seen in the last four years. However, I do attribute much of America’s economic and international problems to the failings and missteps of the Adams administration.

What is the biggest difference between you and Sam Adams, and how do you differentiate yourself from Sam Adams?

In essence, you're asking how I differentiate myself from the Republicans and the Democrats, because when you boil it down, they're all the same. The answer is simple. I believe in honesty and openness. I believe in transparency. I believe in a government of the people, by the people, for the people. They don't.

Time after time, Republican and Democratic candidates have pledged to support open government. Time after time, they've broken those promises once they were in office. This should come as no surprise, since their records gave no hint of any commitment to openness with the American people; quite the opposite. Both of my opponents, like their predecessors, have a long history of operating behind closed doors and revealing the truth grudgingly if at all. My record, on the other hand, is of honesty and openness from the day I was first elected to public office. As President, I will continue to open as much of the government to the American people as is possible without compromising national security.

CROWLEY: Lorraine Osorio has a question for you about a topic we have not yet discussed.

QUESTION: What do you plan on doing with immigrants without their green cards that are currently living here as productive members of society?

I plan on asking them to obey the law, just like the rest of us.

Illegal immigrants who wish to live in the United States should return home and apply to immigrate legally like the millions of other law-abiding immigrants.

In 2019, there were around 2 million legal immigrants to the United States. More than 12 million people applied for those slots.

Illegal immigrants are gaining an unfair advantage by cutting in front of law-abiding immigrants. They got in, but 11 million people who obeyed the law did not. We should not encourage this type of end-run around the system – a system intended by the American people to limit our out-of-control population growth.

Those who oppose enforcing our immigration laws are essentially saying that we should have a policy of unlimited immigration; anyone who wants to move to the United States should be allowed to do so. My question is why they don't make this argument openly. Why don't they push for a bill in Congress to remove all limits on immigration? Do they believe in honesty in government, or not?

CROWLEY: I want you to talk to Kerry Ladka who wants to switch the topic for us.

Hi, Kerry.

QUESTION: This question actually comes from a brain trust of my friends at Global Telecom Supply in Minneola yesterday.

We were sitting around, talking about Libya, and we were reading and became aware of reports that the State Department refused extra security for our embassy in Benghazi, Libya, prior to the attacks that killed four Americans.

Who was it that denied enhanced security and why?

Both the Republicans and the Democrats.

The Republicans slashed funding for embassy security – a move I strongly opposed, and which proves that the Republican Party has been taken over by libertarians. They should be honest and admit that their conservative days are long gone.

The Democrats denied specific requests to improve security in Libya. They squandered money on measures that didn't improve security and insisted on using contractors, who are more expensive but can be kept off the books, instead of soldiers, who are dedicated, efficient, and cost-effective, but have to be included in statistics on the number of American troops in-country. They're more concerned with playing politics than with protecting American lives.

CROWLEY: I want to introduce you to Nina Gonzalez, who brought up a question that we hear a lot, both over the Internet and from this crowd.

QUESTION: President Obama, during the Democratic National Convention in 2008, stated that he wants to keep AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. What would your administration do to limit the availability of assault weapons?

I wouldn't limit the availability of assault weapons; I would limit the availability of criminals.

A weapon in the hands of a law-abiding citizen is an asset, not a threat. If you doubt it, just look at Switzerland – one of the safest countries in the world. If we want to reduce crime, we should focus on the people who commit it, rather than the tools they use to do so. If you lock hardened criminals up for a few years and then let them go – or lock them up long enough to become hardened, and then let them go – they'll find ways to commit crimes. Anything can be a weapon, as the September 11th hijackers proved, and many weapons are more dangerous than guns. We're unlikely to pass a ban on fertilizer, for example.

Those who want to own guns should know how to use them. Prospective gun owners should undergo training in gun safety, or demonstrate that they have already mastered the subject. Crime-reduction programs, such as job training, employment centers, financial aid for education, and after-school programs, should be expanded, especially for those most likely to commit violent crimes – single young men. And policies which support and encourage stable families should be continued.

CROWLEY: I want to ask Carol Goldberg to stand up, because she gets to a question that these men have been passionate about.

QUESTION: The outsourcing of American jobs overseas has taken a toll on our economy. What plans do you have to put back and keep jobs here in the United States?

Outsourcing was one of the great mistakes of the 20th Century. Certainly there are cases when outside workers can do the job more cheaply than your own employees, but there are far more instances in which you would saved money by keeping the work in-house. All too often, outsourcing becomes an accounting gimmick, aimed at keeping an expense off the balance sheets or forcing another division to pay for it without regard to the welfare of the organization as a whole.

Many companies which outsourced jobs to India, China, or elsewhere overseas are beginning to bring them back to the United States, for several reasons. For one thing, foreign wages are rising and undercutting any savings on labor costs. For another, enterprises have discovered that outsourcing often creates rivals who learn to replicate your entire business model. They're doing the actual work; you need them, but they don't need you. Instead of building the product for you to sell, they simply sell it themselves, cutting out the middleman – you.

So American jobs are already beginning to come back to America. Government can greatly accelerate this trend by changing regulations to favor insourcing instead of favoring outsourcing as they so often do today, and by leading the way. As President, I pledge to lead the way with an insourcing initiative that demonstrates the advantages of using your own employees in your own country – American soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and civil servants, dedicated to doing what's best for the country instead of whatever is most profitable for the private contractor who signs their paycheck.

CROWLEY: We have a really short time for a quick discussion here.

iPad, the Macs, the iPhones, they are all manufactured in China. One of the major reasons is labor is so much cheaper there.

How do you convince a great American company to bring that manufacturing back here? We can’t get wages like that.

You're absolutely right; we won't be able to match the cost of labor in China anytime soon. But we don't need to. Labor is only one line item in total costs. One particular line item doesn't matter if our total costs are competitive and our quality is higher. That's where we need to focus: Minimizing total costs while maximizing quality.

How do we do this? By playing to our strengths. We can offer stability, reliability, a highly educated workforce, the best infrastructure in the world, and, with the proper investments, cutting-edge technology unmatched anywhere else. If we bring down crime rates, repair our infrastructure, streamline regulations, fix our educational system once and for all, and redouble our commitment to basic science and to ensuring that new technology is actually available for use, we'll find businesses eager to bring jobs back from overseas.

Companies aren't asking for anything unreasonable. They simply want livable cities and a friendly business environment. As President, I'll give it to them – and to the American people.

CROWLEY: I want to introduce you to Barry Green, because he’s going to have the last question.

QUESTION: I think this is a tough question. What do you believe is the biggest misperception that the American people have about you as a man and a candidate? Using specific examples, can you take this opportunity to debunk that misperception and set us straight?

Thank you for the opportunity to address this point. The biggest misperception is that I'm pushing one particular solution. My focus is not on solving an immediate problem in one particular way; it's on first identifying the root problem, and then solving it however is most effective.

People often focus on symptoms rather than causes, and then lock onto a single solution to that symptom, rather than stepping back to consider whether a different solution to the core problem might be just as good and have broader support. Health care is an excellent example. The left wants everyone to have health insurance, preferably through the government. The right is strongly opposed to people being forced to buy insurance, and even more strongly opposed to government insurance. Why all the focus on insurance? Do any of us really care about health insurance? Don't we really want quality health care, rather than an insurance policy that we don't even understand? We should drive down the cost of medical care to the point that insurance is no longer needed. We are entirely capable of doing so, if we focus on the actual problem and work towards a consensus on solving it.

We need a genuine commitment to solving problems, and to building bridges and involving all elements of our society in the problem-solving process. We need honesty, integrity, and a willingness to sacrifice. That's what I'll bring to the table as President, and that's why I'm asking for your vote.


Posted by Strazhari, 2 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

Woodland Park Zoo welcomes infant Sasquatch

Seattle Tribune


The beloved pair of Sasquatch, Sholeetsa & Shweabe have welcomed a baby under the close eyes of zookeepers, crypto-zoologists, & the world!

While the event was marred by protestors advocating for the sapience of the Northwestern Primates, head Biologist Anne Kirkpatrick had this to say:

"We are happy to welcome little Kikisoblu into this world, & do honor our Indigenous community by giving her a Salish name - she joins her brother Muckleshoot in the generous Sasquatch Experience sponsored by GenWyld. We continue to advocate for the well being of what few animals remain in the Pacific Northwest, who are even now threatened by logg-"

Isn't that sweet? In Celebration, you may gain a FREE "Kiki" Chibi filter for your InstaFaceSter linked account across your Social Media!

Posted by Strazhari, 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

The Candidates for President of the United States of America



Republican Party: Vice President Daniel Zamboni


A New York Congressman turned Vice President to the outgoing Administration representing conservative Long Island, Zamboni is represented as a fighty, bulldog Politician in the tradition of New York Italians – his straight shooter, say it like it is demeanor is being undermined somewhat by the fact he is backed by Prometheus Ventures & their limitless capital – as such he is fighting hard to avoid being seen as a sellout, & is leaning into moderate economic self-interest.


Democratic Party: Senator Marie Herrera-Butler


A Washington Senator formerly known as Samuel Herrera-Butler before undergoing Gen-Wyld gender reassignment, Marie is considered the choice for the “Left Coast” & widely seen to be the Gen-Wyld candidate. Considering the Ghoul Fever debacle still dominating the courts & media, her chances of victory are considered nil – even so, she strives to broaden her appeal, promising social liberties & economic growth.

Independent Party: Senator John Hays


The man from Texas who needs no further introduction. As unthinkable as it may be considering the oceans of money behind the other candidates, Senator Hays is leading the race. His storied military background combined with the vigilantism that should be a obstacle has won him the populist vote – the Military, Church, Police, & Firefighters back Hays fully & many people are concerned what will happen if he does – or does not – win the election. While his Party is a minority, none can doubt the steely voice of Hays speaks truth where his competitors falter.

Posted by Strazhari, 2 months, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

Senator Hays's Responses in the First Presidential Debate

How you would go about creating new jobs?

Government doesn't create jobs; people do. Small businesses in particular create huge numbers of jobs – especially young startups. Moreover, if you can't find a job, you need to be able to go into business for yourself and earn some income, because you have to pay the rent and put food on the table. There are more opportunities than ever before to work for yourself – and quite possibly work from home – but the process of starting a business is far more complicated than it needs to be, and once you have your business up and running, it can be hard to connect with customers. That's where government comes in.

As President, I pledge to ruthlessly simplify the process of starting and running your own business. It should take no more than a few hours to handle the paperwork and figure out the taxes; you should be able to start the process in the morning and be making money by afternoon. And you shouldn't need to hire an accountant to do your taxes or spend endless hours filing forms yourself.

I will also promote and assist existing venues for customers to find the services they need, and for small businesses to find customers; and where such venues don't exist, I'll create them. This isn't particularly hard to do, and in some places it's been done very effectively, but in other places it hasn't. My staff has studied the most successful such programs, from websites to job centers, and drawn up plans to replicate them nationwide.

But what if your skills are out of date? The economy has changed rapidly in recent years, and it isn't always possible to predict what's coming or what skills you'll need to be successful. I pledge to provide education and job training to anyone who needs it. No one should be left behind simply because they can't foresee the future.

I'll anticipate Mr. Lehrer's next question: How will we pay for all this? Quite simply, it will pay for itself – as the very best programs often do. People who receive training will get part of that training on the job, learning practical skills and doing constructive work in return. Depending on the cost of their education, they may also be asked to work a certain number of unpaid hours after graduation. Alternately, they can repay the remaining cost over a period of time – or they can combine these methods.

How would you go about tackling the deficit problem in this country?

The deficit, and the national debt, were caused partly by mismanagement, partly by structural problems in the economy – such as the lack of true competition – and partly by lack of will on the part of politicians – and let's be honest, on the part of the voters, too. Eliminating the deficit will take more than a few cuts to programs the Republicans or the Democrats don't like. It will take fundamental structural reforms, and a President with the will and expertise to bring costs under control.

Politicians always promise to cut waste and eliminate nonessential programs, but how many actually do it? How many are genuinely committed to reform, rather than just to getting elected – or paying back contributers? Too often, “wasteful programs” are those which aren't providing kickbacks to the right politicians – the way the Postal Service provides kickbacks to every single Member of Congress in the form of free mailing privileges. If you want to identify a genuine reformer, ask if they're prepared to buy their own stamps.

What is your position on entitlements and Social Security?

Entitlements are programs to which the recipients are entitled simply because they meet certain criteria. They don't have to do anything in return for their welfare benefits, for example; they're entitled. Such programs shouldn't exist. No one should be at risk of starving or being forced to live in the street, but anyone who needs money should be prepared to work for it.

Social Security is a retirement program, not an entitlement; contributors receive benefits in return for the payments they've made their entire career. In theory, this should work just like an annuity, and retirees should be confident that their money is safe. In fact, the government can raid the Social Security Trust Fund whenever it wants, and often does. This must change. Each contributor's benefits should be paid into an account with a third-party financial institution which the government cannot touch. These accounts will be federally guaranteed, just like savings accounts, so that there is no chance of loss – or theft. We can't do this immediately, because we'll have to fix the economy and eliminate the deficit before we can afford it. But we need to do it as soon as we can, or one day the government will borrow from your retirement and forget to pay it back.

What is your view about the level of federal regulation of the economy right now? Is there too much? Should there be more?

The question is what sort of regulation is needed, not how much. Regulation should be skillfully designed and precisely targeted to accomplish its goals. Instead, it is frequently designed and implemented with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop.

Price controls are a good example. They don't work. Almost everyone realizes this is true, and yet they're still used simply because they're easy. It's very satisfying for politicians to stand up and say they won't allow big businesses to take advantage of their customers, and pass a law dictating how much they can charge. It also makes for a good sound bite. If we want to solve problems instead of thumping our chest, however, we need to use a scalpel rather than a sledgehammer.

Consider recent price controls on electricity. If power companies must sell electricity below their cost, they lose money. The more they sell, the more they lose. Thus, their incentive is to sell as little as possible. Furthermore, if supply is low and prices are also low, customers will use too much electricity, resulting in blackouts. The solution is to increase supply. Doing so is not particularly difficult, but it does require honest and competent leadership, something which has been sadly lacking.

Do you want Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, repealed?

Obamacare is irrelevant. The politicians involved simply tinkered with the health care system a bit. They went to considerable trouble to avoid solving problems or making difficult decisions. If we want to address the real issues, the entire system, not just one law, needs to be thrown out and redesigned from scratch.

The problem with health care is that it's absurdly expensive. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to care. After all, a portion of the money spent on medical care goes to them in the form of campaign contributions from the health care industry. Why should they reduce the amount of money we're spending? If the pot of gold gets smaller, so does their own slush fund.

Of course, both parties talk about reducing costs, but somehow they never seem to do it. And the costs they're proposing to target are only the low-hanging fruit, the obvious measures that can be implemented relatively quickly and easily: Free preventive care and wellness checks, exercise and nutrition programs, malpractice reform, placing doctors on salary rather than paying them on a fee-for-service basis, electronic medical records, and similar reforms that have been proposed many times in the past. Certainly these should be implemented, but they're not enough. Costs will remain high, and will continue to increase far faster than inflation, as long as we ignore the elephant in the room: Patents.

Health care is expensive because there is no real competition in the industry. Against every principle of capitalism, the government grants monopolies to the incumbents and allows them to block new entrants. Potential competitors, including nonprofit research institutes trying to find new cures to save lives, must work under the constant threat of lawsuits if they infringe vague patents that the holders may not intend to ever use.

Patents must be abolished and replaced with a rewards pool. Patent laws are unconstitutional and should never have been passed. They remain in force only because so much patent money is funneled to an eager Congress.

How do you view the mission of the federal government?

The primary role of government is to defend the nation and protect the American people. These missions are ably performed by the United States Armed Forces, intelligence agencies, federal, state, and local law enforcement, and first responders. The very survival of our country is in their hands. This is why it's critical that these agencies be fully funded and that all of their personnel work for the American people. We should not place our lives in the hands of mercenaries.

In addition, the federal government serves as a neutral referee for the free market, guaranteeing a level playing field and vigilantly preserving – or, when necessary, creating – competition. This includes breaking up monopolies, building and then selling infrastructure such as a truly nationwide cell phone network, and encouraging industry trade groups to establish interoperability standards for such things as cell phones, so that any phone works on any network – just as with landlines.

Does the federal government have a responsibility to improve the quality of public education in America?

Yes. A modern economy can't function without a skilled workforce. When people find themselves unemployed, the government can help them get back into the workforce by providing education and job training. This raises the question, however, of why educational institutions – including government-run schools and colleges – failed to perform their basic functions and educate their students. We can hardly ignore the fact that we're spending massive amounts on the educational system without getting a skilled workforce in return.

It's the government's responsibility to ensure that tax money is spent wisely, including federal financial aid. Clearly, financial aid should go only to institutions that provide a high-quality education. Those lagging behind should be given an opportunity to improve. If they fail to do so, they should not receive further government funding. It is never wise to throw good money after bad; and at the end of the day, our focus should be on saving students, not schools.

Given that focus, we should also ensure that everyone who wants to go to college is financially able to do so. We should expand the Federal Work-Study Program as much as needed, awarding work which is actually productive, and thus self-funding.

Many of the legislative functions of the federal government right now are in a state of paralysis as a result of partisan gridlock. What would you do about that?

The first requirement for a functioning government is a willingness to negotiate in good faith. In a democracy, we don't always get what we want. Compromise is not a bad word; it's how we solve problems in a way that everyone can live with.

And yet gridlock has become standard fare in Washington, and in many state capitals as well. This is not a result of division among the American people, or a sign that they're unwilling to compromise. Rather, it's because everyone isn't represented at the table. And that's because of the flawed system we use to choose our elected representatives – a system designed specifically to exclude third parties and guarantee a duopoly to the established parties; a system increasingly vulnerable to being hijacked by extremists on either side.

To end gridlock and return to the pragmatism the Founders showed in writing the Constitution and building this great nation, we must end the two-party system and eliminate the influence of money in politics. As is so often the case, the states are leading the way. Louisiana, California, and Washington now have “top two” primaries – essentially runoffs – which ensure the winner has majority support and give third parties a real chance of winning. Twelve states have taken control of redistricting away from the legislatures and the political parties that control them. These and similar measures, such as reforms to demonstrate the accuracy of election results for all to see, can sharply reduce partisanship and bring Americans' willingness to cooperate to Congress.

That brings us to closing statements. You have a closing two minutes, Senator.

Thank you. First of all, I would like to thank everyone watching today for taking the time to participate in the democratic process. Your participation is the only thing that keeps democracy alive.

(Hays looks directly into the camera.)

And in that vein, I want to ask each of you individually to continue taking part, and to ask your friends and neighbors to take part as well. We all believe in government of the people, by the people, for the people; but for that to work, the people must stand up and choose their government. Only a little more than a hundred years ago, it wasn't unusual to see nearly 80% of voters turning out for elections. Today we're lucky to approach 60%. Our adversaries see this as evidence of the decline of America and the failure of democracy. Let's stand together and show them they're wrong. I call on every citizen to read the news, watch the debates, meet the candidates, and go out and vote on Election Day – regardless of whether you vote for me or for one of my opponents. I pledge to work to increase turnout and help every qualified person to vote, without focusing my efforts on my supporters or even considering which way they'll vote, and I call on my Opponents to do the same. At the end of the day we're all Americans, and if we're going to solve our problems we're going to have to do it together – and the first step is to sit down at the table together. Please, come to the voting booth and join us.

Thank you. Good night and God bless.

Posted by Strazhari, 2 months, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

Lecture on Ethics by Senator John C. Hays at the United States Military Academy

"We are defined by our responsibilities.

Our first responsibility, always, is to God. To do the right thing. To choose the common good over our own selfish interests. To stand by our principles no matter what pressure is brought to bear against us.

Our second responsibility is to our country. To give unwavering loyalty to our nation and its people. To serve selflessly, not for our own benefit but for the United States of America. To fight to defend the lives and liberty of those who depend on us.

Our third responsibility is to our superiors, our comrades, and our families. To work hard, to do our share and a bit more, to help those who need help, to guide those who need guidance, to protect those who need protection. In the end, we're fighting for our children, our neighbors' children, our children's children; and we don't doubt that they're worth dying for.

Our fourth responsibility is to ourselves. Because we cannot be entirely selfless and still survive; we cannot give everything of ourselves. We must care for ourselves before we can care for others.

Every American has the responsibility to serve. In today's world, we must all work together if we are to survive; we cannot afford dead weight. We have an obligation to be good citizens: To vote, to perform jury duty, to serve our time in the military or the National Service Program, to educate ourselves about our nation's past and present. To speak up when we see something unethical. To answer to God, not to popular opinion. It has been documented that human behavior changes in crowds; but this is no excuse. Shake off the inertia, ignore the crowd, and do what's right. What others are doing is irrelevant.

We have an obligation to make sure we can help others: To learn basic first aid, to have the means to notify the police in case of an emergency, to know what to do in a crisis, to be able to take point if necessary. To be prepared.

Once we have accepted our responsibilities, once we have committed to being good citizens, good friends, good fathers or mothers or sisters or brothers, we must still deal with ethical dilemmas. What do we do when we aren't sure what's right?

Most of the time, however, in our heart of hearts we do know what's right; we just don't want to admit it to ourselves, because it's not what we want to do. We don't want to admit our mistakes, we don't want to give that apology, we don't want to go back and redo the job that we didn't get right the first time. We don't want to give up a personal benefit – perhaps a well-earned personal benefit – for the common good. Even more, we don't want to sacrifice the interests of our state, our community, or especially our family for the good of the nation. But that's what's right. Not to sacrifice all our interests, of course; the good of the nation does not mean tyranny of the majority. But to accept a solution that, while still looking to our interests, looks first to the interests of the whole.

And so a pretty good rule of thumb is that if you don't want to do it, you probably should. Should you share that last roll with the cousin you don't like? Yes. Should you offer to drive him home after he's had a bit too much to drink? Yes. Should you return that really obnoxious hat he likes to wear after he leaves it in your car? Yes. Should you go the extra mile, even though no one else does and you're not going to be thanked for it? Yes.

We could make a list of things to do, or of things not to do. Do not steal. Do not rape. Do not murder. Do not torture. Do not betray your country, your God, your employer, your spouse, your friends. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor, or fail to step forward to set the record straight. Do not break your word. Do not allow a problem to go unsolved. Do not accept a job you aren't competent to perform. Do not fail to give your best. Do not allow even the appearance of impropriety. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated or blackmailed; do not allow anyone to prevent you from doing the right thing.

But a list is never enough. You can never cover every possible situation. Ethics class can never discuss every dilemma. To face the world with confidence, you must have a clear belief system based on consistent underlying principles. If you have clear guiding principles, if you truly think about what God is asking of us rather than making a list of commandments, then your instincts will be strong, and when you face the crisis, you will know what's right.

So, first establish the core principles, then consider the implications of those principles. Love your God and your neighbors; act from love rather than from greed, envy, or lust. Do what you can to help others, but don't just give them what they want; help them become better people. To help others, we must first look to ourselves; ensure that our basic needs are met, that we are fulfilling our obligations, that we are doing our job. Better to do your own job adequately than someone else's well.

How to do your own job well, then? First, you must know yourself; you must understand your strengths and especially your weaknesses, so you can overcome them, compensate for them, or – since we will never be perfect – plan for them. Then you must understand others, not only your enemies but your friends as well. It's difficult to help someone you don't understand. Often this means putting yourself in someone else's shoes and, to some degree, experiencing what they experience. (“Do unto others what you would have others do unto you.”) Empathy and compassion come from understanding the suffering of others, typically because we have suffered ourselves. Our pain makes us human.

Once you have a basis for understanding your coworkers, subordinates, friends, and family, once you grasp their hopes, fears, and motivations, then you are in a position to help them. For a leader, this means inspiring them to surpass what they thought was possible, overcome their problems, and fulfill their obligations. Like most things that are worthwhile, and like any relationship, it's hard work, but it's something anyone can do with persistence and dedication. Inspiring others requires earning their respect and trust: Leading by example, showing that you practice what you preach and do your job as well as you expect them to do theirs; demonstrating that you trust them, and they can trust you, because you are responsible. And a leader is always responsible, never trying to shift blame, evade work, or avoid dealing with consequences. As a leader, you never ask subordinates to do something you won't do, you never give an order that you know will not be obeyed, you fearlessly advocate for your subordinates, and you make sure they have everything they need to do their jobs without hindrance. Because that's the core function of a leader: To make sure your people know what to do and are able to do it. And that's the core function of ethics as well: To determine what's right, and to do it."

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Background of Senator John C. Hays, Candidate in the U.S. Presidential Election

John Hays was born on March 18th, 1959, in Austin, Texas. He came from a military family and was descended from John Coffee Hays, who was his namesake as well as his ancestor. His father Robert Hays reached the rank of lieutenant general before being killed in an auto accident in 1980.

Hays graduated from West Point in 1981, marrying his high-school sweetheart immediately upon graduation. He entered the Infantry and quickly established himself as a superb leader and battlefield commander. He had a natural magnetism which made people want to follow him, and a gift for selecting skilled and trustworthy subordinates. He advanced rapidly and soon proved himself in battle, acquiring a reputation as an absolutely fearless officer who led by example.

Hays eagerly sought opportunities for combat commands, serving in El Salvador (1981), Grenada (1983), Honduras (1985), Bolivia (1986), and Panama (1989). He was soon highly decorated and twice received battlefield promotions. By the beginning of the First Gulf War, he was already a brigadier general. He was deputy division commander in one of the lead divisions during Desert Storm. When the division commander was killed by a sniper almost at the beginning of the war, Hays took over and commanded his division throughout the conflict. At the end of the war he was promoted to major general.

After the war, Hays commanded troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. It was then that he came in contact with the terrorist known as Abu Kareem. In 1992, while visiting troops in the field, he was badly wounded and almost killed in an ambush set by Abu Kareem. Both his aide and his driver were killed outright. Even before he could leave the hospital, Hays organized a hunt for the assassin, but it was futile; his men never even came close. In the years that followed, Hays was to repeatedly attempt to catch Abu Kareem, sometimes setting elaborate traps for him. But although he was able to learn a good deal about him and in several cases missed him by only hours, he was never able to trap him.

By 1998, Hays was a full general, and his name was being mentioned as a future Chief of Staff. Many in the Army establishment were therefore shocked when he resigned his commission to run for Governor of Texas. He had decided that he could no longer be satisfied with carrying out policy; he wanted to set it. He wanted to become President of the United States. When the incumbent decided not to run for reelection in order to pursue national ambitions, the resulting open race presented just the opportunity he needed. He was elected easily even though he chose to run as an independent. He again surprised observers when he chose not to run for reelection in 2002, instead seeking – and easily winning – an open seat in the U.S. Senate.

While governor, Hays established the Independent Party, which was originally known primarily in Texas but rapidly gained popularity in other states.

Only a year after his election as senator, tragedy struck. While on vacation visiting relatives, his wife was kidnapped, raped, and murdered. It appeared to be a random act of violence perpetrated by four gang members with a long history of violent crimes.

Without telling anyone what he was doing, Hays left Washington and tracked down the killers. For several days he was reported as missing, and speculation ran rampant. He managed to find the killers, who were holed up in an abandoned house, before the police. Instead of reporting their location to the authorities, he walked in and shot them to death. He then held a press conference and calmly stated what he had done, giving no explanation.

Hays was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. The trial was televised live and quickly became an international sensation. The facts of the case were not in dispute; the evidence clearly showed that Hays had fired first, and he admitted that he had not given the killers a chance to surrender. When the jury returned a unanimous not guilty verdict, pandemonium erupted.

It was not to be his last brush with controversy. In an eerily similar event, his eight-year-old daughter was kidnapped in early 2008 while visiting relatives. Once again, Hays left Washington without revealing his intentions. This time he found the kidnapper living in a nondescript middle-class home in the Houston suburbs. Hays entered to find his daughter's dismembered corpse arrayed on the kitchen table, cooked and partially eaten. The killer was having his midday meal. Hays shot him down in cold blood.

Once again, Hays held a press conference and flatly stated what he had done. Once again, he was tried for first-degree murder.

Though Hays had given no details, all aspects of the case were soon widely known, and this trial became even more an international sensation than the previous one. Under the prosecutor's questioning on live television, in a line that was to become world-famous, Hays stated that he would be judged by God and the voters of the state of Texas. The prosecutor responded that he would be judged by a jury of his peers. Hays turned out to be right; the jury voted to acquit, 12 to 0. Two months later, he was reelected with over 80% of the vote.

The deaths of his wife and daughter left Hays with nothing but his ambition, which became stronger than ever. Thus, it was at a particularly propitious time that he was approached with an offer that was to change his life …

Hays is obsessed with seeing justice done, whether by the law or by the vigilante. However, he has lost none of his leadership skills and understands the importance of justice being seen as impartial. Accordingly, he has acquired a reputation as a tireless reformer. He has successfully pushed to tighten ethics laws, and for harsher penalties for corruption and violent crimes.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink


A video link burns blue on Cryptoleak’s front page displaying its title above a view count of 4.78 million: “Why Caldwell?”


Clicking open the link, a video opens across your screen. At first the quality seems terrible…maybe 420p…a smeared landscape of reds and blacks and grays. The audio is loud and crackling, bursting with feedback static. As the image resolves into a smoky rubble-strewn town square, the voice of the camera man makes its way through your speakers. “This can’t be happening…Clark was right there and now he’s. He’s…. shit. Clark!” The camera pans over to a gas station sign…and the legs of a crushed man beneath it. The camera continues to move shakily in the camera man’s grip, as he runs past the rubble covered body. As he runs, a quake goes through the ground, and the camera goes skidding from his grip. The screen goes briefly black as it hits the dirt, but after a pause it’s picked up again. “Gotta run…gotta run. That thing just threw his Chevy like a chew toy.” The camera pans back into the face of the camera man, a young ash covered man running with panic in his eyes. As he runs, his Eagle themed baseball cap falls off behind him, swallowed up in the smoke and flames all around. The town past him looks like the backdrop of a monster movie. The street is littered with pieces of the gas station, a Chevco sign stuck in the ground, a pump upended and hurled into the side of the flower shop across the way. The flower shop is burning, brightly ablaze.


The young guy speaks into the camera. “I might not make it this time, guys. This isn’t fake…this isn’t another movie vlog. This isn’t…Fuck!” He swerves to the right as a street lamp goes flying by his ear. The dust it kicks up as it slams into the ground off screen sends him hurtling back onto his ass, the camera colliding back into the pole. He’s bleeding, a rock sticking through his Tshirt. It hit him pretty badly, and the flames are closing in behind.  Behind him the camera picks something out through the smoke and flames.


A sillouhette…a shape. The shape of a man, almost. A hunched over thing, with 2 legs and 2 arms. It holds what looks to be the flower shop from before over its back like a monolith, if that monolith were being wielded by a pro pitcher. The shop towers above the creature, and yet it holds it with ease. With a howl, it flings the structure towards the man, and right before the camera cuts off he lets off two dying words. “Why…Caldwell?”


The camera goes black for about 5 minutes.

5 minutes of static…and ashy nothing, and the edge of a rock. Then another quake hits the ground, and the camera rolls over, tumbling until it lands next to the carcass of a burning jukebox, a song still faintly playing through its failing speakers.


”And I looked and behold, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death. And Hell followed with him”


The video ends, and the faint blue light of your screen again pours over you. A relief.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Ghosting LA - by Reggie Curtis

While traveling down the road, or just tuning into a radio station, no matter what you’ll hear a simple song starting to rise up the charts.

Hey y'all, this is WGCI coming to you live with today’s top 100 songs. Keep this on while you are traveling on a road trip, going out of state, or just looking for something new. Next up we have a song by an artist known as DJ called Ghosting LA. Speaking of ghosts, did you know this guy is literally dead? I mean with all the ghosts around I think this makes sense they will want to have some unfinished business and were happy it was making music.”

This song also accompanies a guitar solo from a rising artist by the name of Lisa Gallagher, better known as the handle ‘Beth’.” Pausing the voice would soon scale out as the music would begin to rise over his voice. “This song is a true work of art that mixes synth, rock, and a graveyard beat to make something you’ve never heard before- check it out!”

Number 68, Ghosting LA!”

Being played over the radio waves many would find it to be rather good, not bad for what was a song made from a mix of many things all at once. Which should feel chaotic but the editing and just how it flowed was more than enough to make up for anyone’s possible critics for small parts of the song overall.

But for one person, they would hear nothing but perfection, and be reminded of those who helped them to make it.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Huron-Manistee Fire Quelled!

An image of the razed forest is displayed at the top of the article, thousands of acres of land now barren. Beyond it though, green landscape peeks into the frame.

After countless days of relentless effort, the most of the flames plaguing the once lush Huron-Manistee National Forest have been smothered away. Despite the scope of the inferno, an estimated 185,000 acres ravaged, only 17 have been confirmed dead. A situation that would have no doubt escalated to a much more severe degree if not for the sacrifices endured by fire fighting personnel and volunteers. Without them, their transportation, donations, and efforts, Michigan would have burned.


A grainy photo of the injured town can be viewed. For those particularly perceptive, a building seems to be in a strangely good condition compared to its surroundings. With further research, it is the Lake County Historical Museum & Research Library.

Baldwin has also been impacted heavily by these circumstances. A large portion of the infrastructure of the town have been gravely damaged and contracts for rebuilding the area are slowly being taken. Fortunately enough, in spite of the hasty evacuation, no casualties have been reported to have occurred during the process.


A video occupies the screen this time, footage of a built Slavic woman with eyes almost emanating a green glow lifts a crumbled wall and carries a family of three out of rubble and into safety. Their large frame providing cover for those under their protection.

This feat was only possible with the herculean aid from the 'Mother of Dragons', Iryna. Reliable sources also report that she was also responsible for creating a back burn that eventually stopped the spread of the fire, restraining it for its ultimate end.


A large portion of the personnel on the scene during the evacuation of Baldwin also contribute much of its success to Akira Han, a volunteer who seems to have an unknown relationship as her helicopter was loaned to him and those who saw their interaction claim they they were at least familiar. The following statement is from one of said personnel who aided the evacuation of Baldwin.

"They were kinda like, uh, overwatch, if y'know what I mean. Coordinated us real well when we were all scrambling about like headless chicken. The situation had got that bad, yeah. But Mr. Han came to rescue in any case, pointed out what was going on, and did a real good job at it too. Though, must admit, wouldn't have cared what they said if not for the fact that the dragon lady vouched for 'im."

Mr. Han was last seen aiding Iryna, with the companionship of other park rangers, planting new tree seeds in locations where the soil could take it.


Another notable figure making a name for themselves during this cataclysmic event, is Liam Holloway, who arrived to the burning woodland with his well-known partner, Emily Miller. From the reports and statements from his peers that he worked with, Mr. Holloway's efforts were unabated for the entire duration, to perhaps his own harm. Reports state that Mr. Holloway volunteered and asked to be placed in the most dangerous and critical areas to help those in need.

A video filled with chaos, people can be heard screaming and shouting, smoke obscuring what's happening. "Man down! Holloway is down!" In the corner of the screen, a burning building collapses into itself, and as the camera falls back, a blue explosion is caught, a blurry figure rising out of it, spectral-like flames trailing beneath them. 

Another video, this time of a middle aged man in turn out gear is played. The man smiles before saying: "Grass grows, Sun rises, and Holloway saves another person. He's... he's something different, at least from what I've witnessed with all my years behind me. The man doesn't have an iron will, he has something more."

Mr. Holloway has not yet accepted any interviews but has in fact stated that his boots, providing him with his flight, were generously donated to him by Valiant Arms. For the past days, Mr. Holloway was commonly seen blasting through the forest with his flight-granting boots.


Ms. Miller volunteered her efforts to directing traffic and later evacuation efforts, working with Mr. Holloway to bring those without transportation into a helicopter though more substantial information regarding this process seems to be scarce. The confrontation between Ms. Miller and a paramedic, Barnaby Lucas has also spread to the internet, video footage captures the scene where the two seem to debate about a Samoyed that is rumored to have some sort healing capabilities though no evidence has been discovered that proves this. Neither party has given any statement regarding this interaction as of yet.

A photo of a young man with a bloodied shirt's futile attempt to physically and desperately halt the famous figure of Emily Miller towering of him is displayed.


Stepping into the spotlight, multiple individuals have also been Illuminated to the public while combating these raging flames. Caught on camera demonstrating flight and some sort of aerokinesis is someone identified as Ricter Casenger, a 30 year old construction worker.

Caught in a video, a tall dark-skinned bald man shoots up into mid-air, smoke rising towards him in a swirl.

Mr. Casenger has given no statement regarding his supernatural capabilities but has announced that he will be working to aid efforts in rebuilding homes, roads, and other broken down structures. He is choosing to work with FEMA and other disaster relief organizations for this endeavor.


Allister Wildheart, a once debatably Illuminated individual, has been spotted once more demonstrating two large firetruck-like devices, dubbed the Fire Razors, eradicating the fire and more of his capabilities.

A bronze clockwork automaton, painted black, with a faceplate shaped in the facsimile of a hyena's face, dressed in a biker get up snaps their finger in this video and a small crew of clockwork mice, rocket propelled, scramble to the ruined building, reconstructing it with astonishing speed. 


There has been no confirmation on the identity of the individual or group that caused this wildfire, though some have been advocating that the cause of this event is a dragon, or several. Theorists claim that Iryna was on the scene so early because of a dragon burnt through the forest and they had to clean up the result. Authorities state they are doing all they can to reveal what happened and bring the perpetrator(s) to justice.


As of now, the aftermath of the situation remains uncertain. With hundreds of homes devastated and countless lives disrupted, it seems like it'll still be a long while before things return to normal. The assistance and support from the community does bring a hope though, that perhaps things will be better much sooner.

A final image, this time of a well-groomed man in a preacher's outfit counselling a young girl with bandages across her face is placed at the end of this article.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

"CryptoLink" goes live

Throughout the dark corners of the web, an odd video begins to gain traction, shared time & again by Crypto Enthusiasts.

It opens showing a plain room, through a window one can see the iconic Puget Sound, however the main focus of the camera is the translucent form of a young woman who swirls weightless before it.

"Is it on?" She pouts, before a man's voice with a decided Canadian accent says, "Sorry, yeah I got it now."

The ghost perks up, focusing on the camera with a beaming smile, "Hi world! My name is Nina - I am a single, post-living female who is looking to find that special someone. I like hiking, singing, & going to the movies - just not the scary ones. I am looking for someone who will appreciate me as I am & is looking for a long term relationship - no Boo-ty calls!"

She covers her face at that last bit & complains to whoever is off screen "Ah! I feel so stupid!"

The same voice as before says, "No, c'mon, you're doing great."

Nina gathers herself before looking back at the camera & offering a dazzling smile, "Alright boys - I can promise I'll always look this good! Send me a message if you think you can handle this."

The video ends with a link to a dating website for Supernaturals: CryptoLink.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

New Celebrity Couple in Seattle?/Liam Holloway Statement

New Celebrity Couple in Seattle?

Over the past weeks, Emily Miller, poster girl for Gen-Wyld, has been sighted traveling around with an individual identified as Liam Holloway, most well known for his appearance in Serbia and his benevolent acts as a volunteer firefighter, on the streets of Seattle.

Recently, we have received confirmation that the two are currently dating and living together. The pair seem to possess a strong and healthy relationship if what the everyday citizen encountering them are to be believed.

There has been notable backlash announced by individuals close to Mr. Holloway though, particularly from his father who has made it very public about his strong dissatisfaction regarding the choices his son has made and his support for the Sons of Salem.

No comment has been made in response to the above statement from either as of yet.


Liam Holloway Statement Regarding Serbia

This following statement was recorded by the journalist Jeremy Wayne.

"Now, Mr. Holloway, I understand that many people are quite curious about your involvement in the events that occurred in Belgrade, Serbia. Would it be alright if you enlightened us on your side of the story?"

"Yeah, I was in Serbia - just on vacation in the general region, eh? Was nothing special about it until those hosiers started shooting up the crowd. ISIS? I mean no, I have no opinion on all that beyond you have to be a special kind of @$$%*=&^ to shoot up innocent people. I was just there, you know. Did what I had to do. The Ghosts? Well, I don't know a lot about all that, but sure, why not: if I'd been killed by a hosier I'd probably have something to say about it after too, eh? I don't blame those people one bit for not taking death lying down - they're the victims after all."

"The other two? Yeah, I saw the guy with the guns, probably was security or something. Yeah, I worked on the Fox Girl. She was injured, & that's my job. Where did she come from? Do I look like a Furry expert? Werepeople are people too, just with a unique medical condition - we train for BSI so we don't get infected, but refusing to work on them in a Medical Emergency is just as backward as Doctors refusing to work on AIDS patients back in the day. I'll help ANYBODY who needs help, eh? If they're a werefox, or a ghost, or anything else - if they're in trouble, I'm going in. Which is what I did in Serbia. The gun? Yeah, I found that in the scuffle, seemed like a good idea at the time, right? I dumped it on the scene after, didn't want anyone thinking I was a combatant. No idea where it went after. I saw the video, yeah - the shimmer could be heat shimmer? Come to think of it, it was real shiny, chrome-like you know? Really stood out in the stall when the shooting started. It's probably still there."

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Huron Manistee National Forest BURNS!!!

Panic ensues as flames consume the forests of Michigan, causing unrelenting destruction through the woodlands.

Fire Teams respond to what is clearly a malicious act of arson with little hope of containing the raging inferno - whole towns are consumed by the wildfire, the number of missing are largely presumed to be dead. Thousands of acres are burning & the fires spread yet unchecked.

Investigation teams have not yet discovered who was behind the blaze, though forensics have not been able to get to the heart of the forest fire.

The National Guard has been dispatched to help evacuate threatened villages. Even so, the situation is grim.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

[AWFUL] Terrible Monster Captured on Video!

The Cyptoleak video starts.  It's showing a man with a big beard, gesturing energetically.  He's speaking brazilian, but there's auto-generated subtitles along the bottom.


The video changes.  It's showing what's obviously a camera feed of a hotel lobby.  There's a timestamp on.  It looks pretty normal for a few moments before a man runs across the video screaming. Then, there's a blur.  A red circle moves across the screen.


The video plays again.  This time, the red circle follows what's obviously a humanoid blur. Looking closely, there.. does seem to be a ...grid line? Or.. was that skin? It was some kind of horrible monster, obviously, made of cut up cubes of flesh, almost invisible.


The video cuts back to the man, who leans in.


Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

A haunted Bazaar, confirmation of what happens after death?!

RTS2 special news

The broadcast begins with an aerial view of several people being cared for in ambulances, photographs of people nursing bandaged wounds in hospital beds, and a video of a mostly empty bazaar. Primarily vacant, except for the spectral figures that flit between the stalls. Many of them are trying and failing to find some way to interact with the world around them. More confused than vengeful specters, for the most part, some wail in despair, and others. Other reactions can be seen from the overweight ghost of a man who rushes toward the video taker before the feed cuts back to a newsroom. A middle-aged man with a bushy mustache, the anchor of the day, as was the first to break the news once cellular and satellite signal service was returned to civilians in Belgrade, Serbia. During the downtime, it seems as though ISIS did make good on its promise to execute an attack on the capital of Serbia. Still, while the Serbian military managed to keep most of the forces and the battle itself from reaching the capital, a small squad of insurgents had managed to infiltrate the world-famous bazaar at the foot of the fortress at the city's edge. Reports state that a strange man, an as-of-yet unidentified man, and an unidentified woman who turned into a cartoon fox were responsible for preventing this attack. We cut now to a video feed taken from one of the undamaged security cameras of a nearby store showcasing the unidentified man who had participated in ending the attack and the wayward hero who, in the chaos of it all, saw fit to ensure that Serbian lives were preserved even as this incredible phenomenon began to happen around him. These are indeed strange times we live in." 


This was every contractor's nightmare, a feature on live TV. It showcases Liam's incredible medical skill as he operates on as many patients as he can physically reach once, each movement deftly traceable and mundane but done with precision that world-class surgeons would be envious of. Meanwhile, the unidentified man would watch, assault rifles sprouting from his jacket as if wary that there may be more terrorists nearby just as the cartoon fox in full tactical gear would return, now with a smashed snoot that was practically dented inward, the video cutting out just as he'd do his best to tend to the wounded snout of the creature and specters would begin to rise from the dead.


"As of yet, it is unknown why or how the spirits of the dead have risen from the corpses of those unjustly killed by the violent extremist group, but some suppose that the hero surgeon identified as Liam Holloway, an EMS in Canada, may be connected. These claims are as of yet unsubstantiated, but what is known is that a foreign man saved the lives of over two dozen Serbians on that day. While the government continues to puzzle over this new haunted bazaar, we honor the man who stood up to terror."

The channel then cuts away from the close-up to observe a moment of silence, which is shortly followed by a cut to the Serbian National Anthem being played in front of propaganda imagery before it cuts back, a new anchor behind the desk, who swiftly begins to discuss the results of the latest FIFA match. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

The Pillars of Heaven will Tremble

Across the entire width & breadth of the Maelstrom, strange events occur.

Some events are minor, innocuous - milk curdles, wine glasses ring subtly to an unheard tone.

In other cases, the effects are dramatic - long dead volcanoes erupt, the sun emits violent solar storms & dims ever so slightly.

For those sensitive to such things, it is as if a great bell was rung. As if one of the Seven Seals of Armageddon was opened, & that the end has in fact begun. For most, life goes on as if nothing happened - the sun sets & rises, our fragile world turns on it's axis as it ever has & will continue to do so.

For the Wise, they may learn the truth. The signs & portents show that someone has walked paths no Mortal was ever meant to tread.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Gen-Wyld Giveaway? Or A New Competitor?

-And onto our next story.  A heartwarming one today.  Today, we're speaking with Jean Amers, a recipient of one of the 'mystery' organs.  Over the last couple of weeks, people on transplant waiting lists have been receiving early Christmas presents - much needed organs.

"Hi Jean.  You're looking well."

"Yeah.  I was... I was sure I was going to die, and then.. just, on the doorstep.  A cooler!  My wife was confused - thought it was a misdelivered thing.  But we looked inside, and it was a heart!  We thought it was a cruel joke for a bit, but it was a real one.  We looked it up online, and apparently some good seminarian is sending organs to people!  The hospital says they won't put it it - something about not putting random organs with no chain of knowledge or such, and-  Yeah.  I'm in Mexico now.  But it's great!  My new heart is working great."

"Thank you, Jean.  We're all glad to see you with your new heart.  So yes.  Questions abound about who is sending these organs out.  Is it a Gen-Wyld publicity stunt? Is it some competitor trying to drum up talking about themselves before revealing themselves?  Is it just some true good seminarian in a garage lab saving lives?  We truly don't know.  But one thing we can say for certain - the people whos lives these organs have saved are thankful.

Next up - urban foxes - actually kitsune?  We speak to a Japanese priest who says that 'killing stones' need to be brought to America's shores...'

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Steve Darwin Fired/Thomas Murphy Jr.'s Funeral

----------------Steve Darwin Fired----------------

Steve Darwin was fired from his occupation eight days after he was hired by a hospital in Toronto, Canada. The reason for this being his unacceptable outburst regarding 'co-worker ghosts' as a reason to abandon his position. Steve states that they suspect the recently deceased Thomas Murphy Jr. to be the cause. Famous internet 'exorcist' and suspected charlatan, Renato Bohdan, reveals that he surveyed the area and there were "no hauntings to be seen from my third eye."

----------------Thomas Murphy Jr.'s Funeral----------------

Cherished husband, father, and co-worker, Thomas Murphy Jr. passes away after his condition worsened in a hospital. His death was caused by the several gun shot and stab wounds inflicted upon him while he was on duty.

Thomas' wife, Rebecca Murphy and daughter, Rebecca Murphy Jr., as well as several of his co-workers and friends attended his funeral. One of these co-workers, Officer David Arce spoke extremely highly of his deceased friend. "God damn best cop I've ever had 'he pleasure of working with. Real shame he died from those bastards, we'll get 'em though, if not for the people then for him. Watch over us, Tom."

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Protestor Castrated Outside Controversial Funeral

A Sons of Salem protestor had his genitals severed with a Pepsi can at a protest earlier today. The Pepsi can was thrown by GenWyld spokeswoman Emily Miller. The GenWyld legal team claims the can was deflected in self defense, any damages cause are allegedly accidental. The Sons of Salem group has refuted these claims, the anti-monster group asserts the can was thrown unprovoked by the werewolfess in a violation of the groups right to peaceful protest.

A few shaky videos of the incident have surfaced but none of them clearly show the source of the can. Arguments rage in online forums of who should be held responsible for the can.

The scuffle occurred just outside of Greenwich Village Funeral Homes. The Sons of Salem posted up in the are to protest the funeral of Dr. Rhea McAlister an alleged supernatural figure in her own right. The Son's claim that she using demonic ritual and commit occultic crimes in order to pervert the form of others away from their godly image. They claim her soul now rests where it should in hell and that her life should not be celebrated as it was by the funerary attendants.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

CNN News special, An Interview with Dr.Julie Barre on the legacy of now recognized Prosthetic Genius Dr.Rhea Allister


The iconic news blast sounds, the infotainment cycle that continuously repeats day in and day out, a cycle built to dose the viewer with as much dopamine as possible to keep them complacent more than to inform. Each of the more forgettable than the last leads to nothing but an attempt to placate people into accepting the mundanity of their lives. Today, however, at least one news broadcast was different.

The screen pans to show a pair of women, dressed in somber tones, and with none of the flair and bombastic music that normally accompanies the cycle. Instead, there is merely silence as the interviewer waits for the expert to become comfortable, and then once sure that the opposite side is ready she speaks

"Today, we've come to talk about a problem that seems inescapable for humanity. That genius is never recognized in its time, and we seem to have done it again with Dr.Rhea W. Allister. With me today to talk about the accomplishments of Dr.Rhea's life and the impact her prosthesis research has beyond it is Dr. Julie G Barre. An orthopedic surgeon specializing in reconstructive surgery from Sarasota Florida."

She pauses for a moment to allow the interviewee to wave to the camera and nods before continuing her first prepared question

"In life, Dr.Rhea was never a doctor of much repute, her theories discredited by right-wing extremists who believed and continue to believe that anything even somewhat beyond natural is an affront to their religion, but in her passing and the research on the continued impact of her surgical enhancements and treatments on the children of St.Jude's Children's Research Hospital in New York. Which is why we've called you here today Dr.Barre, I believe you and your associates were in charge of this research is that correct?" 

The woman sits up straighter now having been asked a direct question, and she gazes back at her interviewer with the beaming confidence that accompanies a lifetime of earned accomplishment as she responds with

"Yes, I and my associates at my practice were called in to do follow-ups on Dr.Rhea's work after her passing. There we saw something incredible, minimal rates of rejection, an incredible infection rate of 0% from the surgery itself once we corrected for hospital-borne infections in our figures, and her prosthetics while lacking in aesthetic appeal to some answered many other problems like bone density and nerve connection that we'll be using in even the most advanced prosthesis for decades to come. I'd even go as far as to say that if Dr.Rhea had been able to live long enough after her development of this technique a Nobel prize for her advancements in this field would not have been out of the question. Unfortunately, thanks to the influence of those in the sons of Salem, at least according to their public claims, we will be denied such genius in our time."

The interviewer's expression drops as she pauses for a moment, before continuing with 

"A tragic loss for America indeed it sounds like, despite being on the Sons of Salem's most wanted list her genius seems to outshine their outcry against her controversial appearance in her passing. Which, speaking of, I believe you had an announcement regarding the final proceedings for Dr.Alister?" 

Dr.Burre will nod, and reach into her bag producing a prepared poster with several locations on it and some information she'd read aloud

"Indeed, we are preparing several memorial services for Dr.Alister, where those with her prosthesis or those who knew her in life may come to pay her respects. There will be several smaller showings open to the public of course on the dates that CNN has told me they will play across the screen after this interview, and then we will be having a final private funeral where those of medical status, and those with her implants or prosthesis may attend to see her to her final rest as per Dr.Alister's last will. We've already been in talks with the NYPD as well in regards to providing security for the occasion so those who attend may do so without fear of reprisal by the Sons of Salem." 

The tone in her voice sounds almost hopeful at the end of it, in stark contrast to the somber and somewhat depressed tone the rest of the interview has held but the interviewer will turn and cut this all off as she says

"Thank you, and thank you all for watching as that's our time. Next up, 7 fantastic ways you can improve your quality of life with social media."

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

A Fox News Interview Special: Ted Grundy Speaks on the death of "Dr".Rhea Allister.

A Fox News Main Event on this week's issue of The Ingraham Angle: 

Ted Grundy Speaks:

An American Hero's view on the death of the groomer doctor.

This headline screams across the screen in bold red, white, and blue with a billowing flag behind it and the iconic scream of a bald eagle announcing it to the many who look to the Alternative Facts channel for guidance around the country. A nation gripped by the struggle the sons pushed to the forefront in these turbulent and uncertain political times. Pundits, internet talk show hosts, and podcasts like Joe Rogan poured over this for a week as attention swirled around Ted Grundy's first major appearance on a stage this large. Their involvement in the imprisonment of Ky Matranaga was something they had crowed about for weeks despite the rejection of all associations by national hero Tom Snart, with some even claiming that they had brought the devil out to drag Ky back to hell with a prison exorcism fueled by holy oil and the fervent faith of their order. 

The buzz around this is willingly or not, drilled in the skull of anyone with any active media account over this period, until the day of the fateful interview.

The screen will open to a small, but tidy, room with two chairs facing opposite each other. The intense lighting that came with being on any set cast a glare off the metallic cowboy hat and ivory bolo tie making him look almost like an old west oil baron in some ways. Yet the near face splitting grin on his face painted the image of a child in a candy store as the woman across from him, the host of the show and a middle aged blonde woman wearing a painfully intense pink dress would ask him a question


"So, Ted. Is it okay if I call you Ted? You came on this show today to talk about the doctor that has been pushing our children to embrace the monstrous parts of themselves in addition to embracing the darkness of the trans agenda today, but I have one question that's been on everyone's minds. In these turbulent times, with supernatural threats on every horizon, we understand that drastic measures are sometimes needed to protect American futures. So, we have to know, did you and the sons have a hand in striking down this known supernatural menance?" 

Ted's grin, impossible, seems to widen at this the man's chest puffing with all the pride of a middle aged man having bought his first muscle car as he'll respond with a deep, and booming reply of;

"of course! Though that's not to say that we had any direct hand in killing her, rather, that our prayers were answered by the almighty on high. For though we are but simple servants, the lord almighty understands that when he hears his people cry as he did in Egypt he must strike down with righteous fury to eradicate the great evils of these lands. Just as our prayers too, did eradicate Ky Matranaga from this world condemning him to the eternal hellfire that he had once thought his source of power, so too have we in our ardent faith helped the Almighty to see where wickedness and corruption was seeping into the heart of humanity itself!" 

Ms. Ingraham writes a few notes down on a clipboard as she takes in this response, her plastered news reel smile never leaving her face as she'd continue her questioning with


"So you're saying that the deaths of these groomers, and devils, is the result of true faith returning to the world? Would you say that if we had more Christians, more true believers and republicans like yourself that God would continue to strike down evil in response to prayers?"

Ted nods, and will pull a mini bible out of his chest pocket reciting scripture 

"Of course. The lord is vengeful and wrathful towards sinners. It is even said in Deuteronomy 32:35 "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.

Now many people interpret this differently, but here in the sons of salem we interpret it as thus. Those idolaters, groomers, and sinners who reject the lord's light will not be safe merely because they hide in the darkness from us, but instead, that the lord shall visit HIS vengeance upon them and they will quake with fear for in their last moments shall know his name!"


Ms. Ingraham laughs and nods along as she nods enthusiastically, emboldened by this statement as she'll say

"Of course, and this is a perfect example of where a godless life leads you. Those who live in his light may know mercy, but those without will know his wrath. Well, Ted, that's our time. Thank you for showing up to be with us today, and we look forward to having The Sons of Salem on our show again."

Ted will nod and stand, tipping his cowboy hat as he finishes with

"It was my pleasure, and don't you worry, the Sons of Salem aren't going anywhere for a long, long, time." 

Then, the exit music plays, and the next segment's title blasts across the screen as the last had. The 24/7 news entertainment cycle marched on as the world was left to process what had been said. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

The return of the mother of dragons!

Anderson Cooper 360


Hello, America. This is Anderson Cooper. Today I'm joined by a very special guest, Iryna Vorobyova. We all know Iryna as a humanitarian, a scientist, a celebrity, and a hero. But last year she suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet for several months without a trace. Her closest friends and family were unable to get into contact with her. During this time, the world assumed she was dead.

However last week Iryna returned, extinguishing a high rise fire in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. She is credited with saving dozens of lives for that event, but it is only the most recent in a string of daring rescues and amazing feats. 

Some conspiracy theorists claim that this Iryna is only an imposter. Is she the real deal? Let's speak to her and find out. 

Thank you so much for meeting with me today, Iryna. 

"Thank you, Anderson. The pleasure is mine." 


Now I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is how did you die, and how did you come back to life?

“Who said anything about dying? Can’t a woman drop off the map for a few months without everyone assuming she’s bones in a ditch somewhere?” She gives a hearty chuckle. “But no, I didn’t die. I was severely injured by a hail of gunfire, alongside several explosions which tried to finish me off. I can shrug off a lot, but that all rendered me in a state where I had to retreat deep underground, to heal and rebuild my strength. They seemed content with not finding a body.”


Well we are all glad that you’re back. Tell me, what’s next for the Mother of Dragons?

“Well I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I can’t give you all the details right this, lest I make promises I can’t keep. But leaving this interview I’ll be making a couple calls, to Green Peace and O.W.L. That should tell you about the work I have planned.”


Awesome. One last question: do you still have the dragon?

“Vuhlynka. He is in the care of one of my very capable friends every time I leave the boat, and the first thing I did after returning was ensure he was in good health.”


Well there you have it. Three cheers for the mother of dragons' triumphant return!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Kung Fu Husky: A potential cult classic?

While it is not a big enough film to draw serious critics, a few minor film podcasts pick it up:

"Asher Keaton's directorial debut is clearly inspired by his old school love of Hollywood action thrillers. A well known stunt man in the industry, "Kung Fu Husky brings solid FX, fights, thrills, & impressive stunts to the table. While all of this is good, it is clearly out of touch with modern audiences, with dialogue & pacing seeming rushed to make way for the next big scene - new actress Rose Vuulpin as Adeline brings notable charm to her role, but can't quite give life to the hackneyed script - this is particularly notable when the villain (Igor Russovich? Come on...) delivers his stilted lines in a way that can only be called "so bad it's funny."

All that being said, the role of jack, played by best boy Duke is by far the highlight of what would otherwise be a mediocre action flick: Jack steals the show with such uncanny charm that you would think he's a CG insert. Some insist that Duke must be an augmented wonder dog from Gen-Wyld, ironically mirroring the plot - whatever the case, the heartwarming chemistry between Adeline & Jack is what pushes "Kung Fu Husky" to a 4/5 stars for anyone who likes tongue in cheek action films like "Shaolin Soccer" or "Kung Fu Hustle."

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

New York Times Best Seller “ The Chronicles of Charles Landwick: Ghoul Galleria” by Luna Fairfox

The room is dark; dust hovers in slow motions, like the waves of a calm ocean while rain peppers the single window at the back. Shades and shadows of expensive clothing and ornate jewelry are strewn about the room in disarray, as if the work of an angry feline with a temper tantrum tore through like a natural disaster. A single dim lamp illuminates the room- though, the faint glitters emanating from the background are overshadowed by the two figures centered upon the spotlight.

Charles Landwick is seated upon a lounging chair made of Nappa Lambskin Leather- a gourd calabash pipe in one hand and a cracked glass filled with whiskey in the other. Attired in his brown trousers, wrinkled from work and unzipped halfway down the front, packs all manner of mysteries and surprises while his white unbuttoned dress shirt remains open- leaving nothing to the imagination. Chiseled abs glisten with sweat against the light- softly caressed by the scantily red dressed blonde with a pale blue and purple, almost ghostly, discoloration in her skin, like a corpse's casket bouquet. She traces a finger down Charles' sternum and peers up into his violet eyes with amber irises of her own that emit a faded glow. If the cover of the book is tilted, both of their eyes glimmer.

Her other hand is in the process of softly caressing his Dapper Pomp styled brunette hair. The sinister reality of her ghoulish veil, seemingly unrealized to Landwick, is revealed in their shadow, cast from the lone light. A curled claw aimed down at his head like a looming threat shrouded by mystique- an enigma to inevitably be solved by Charles' ever vigilant gaze, yet momentarily a veiled conundrum. 
The cover of The Chronicles of Charles Landwick: Ghoul Galleria

Reviews for this book denote the love and admiration for the world that Luna Fairfox has crafted, becoming an instant cult hit in circles ranging from your mother’s book club to even modern literature groups, highlighting the appeal of how even the most trope filled concepts can be done well when you have an excellent aithor at the helm.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

#FungalFeedingFrenzy goes viral!

Channel 7 NBC News with a Special on The Latest Trend Affecting Your Children!


This month has seen the rise of the latest, and perhaps strangest, of the viral challenge trends that have been sweeping through the American Youth today. Starting in Nevada after a video of a half-clothed Gen-Wyld enthusiast known as "Emily Miller" after the woman in question had stopped a strange, and some believe supernatural, hijacking attempt on the much loved "Porcine Porter" that had been transporting alien enthusiasts through the region for the past 20 years before taking a seat and asking a passenger for any anti-fungal medication they had. The video then goes on to show the woman drinking the entire tube while sobbing uncontrollably. Some have likened this to the behavior of a depressed alcoholic, others have claimed that it was an attempt to treat some unknown medical condition.

What is known is that tens of thousands have attempted to emulate this already in the form of a "Challenge". The so-called "Fungal Feeding Frenzy" challenge or as some are calling it "Mushroom Mukbang"' ing, the context of the strange challenge involves eating a large amount of mushroom spore powder and then consuming as much anti-fungal foot cream as possible to kill the previously consumed spores.

Popular streamers have found themselves inundated with requests to undertake the challenge, and there have already been 10 hospitalizations regarding the challenge as many fame-seeking hopefuls attempt to emulate the famous face of Gen-Wyld's "Furry" augmentation line, and despite warnings from news centers and health professionals, it seems like this "Feeding Frenzy" isn't going away anytime soon. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Slick AI goes live!

Various news sites, tech insiders, and reporters the world over have been baffled by a new player in the emergent AI warzone that is modern tech. With no major players like Meta, Apple, Microsoft, or Open AI behind this new model, many of them are baffled as to where such an advanced model would have come from given it would need billions of dollars in network infrastructure to deploy and maintain the level of users that it has seen. Yet, with inquiries into AWS, Azure, and other hosting services not producing any actionable information the world can only scratch their heads at the origin of this incredible new AI's features! 


Elon Musk has been cited stating that the services it provides border on the dangers, with no legal restrictions, and no distinction on whether or not NSFW or even illegal content can be created with the service he believes that it presents a real and present danger to society as a whole. When questioned as to whether or not this statement was at odds with his current investments in other large AI players, Musk refused to comment. 

These concerns were put to rest as well when Government Agencies confirmed they received a large anonymous tip from what they can only presume is the force behind Slick AI detailing everyone who had been requesting illegal services or information from the platform. Providing complete histories, IP addresses, and even physical addresses for the dangerous individuals in question. 

After this battery of arrests around the globe of confirmed dangerous individuals the public's opinion is now split. Is this all merely a morally motivated AI sting set up by some government agency and now you risk your data and digital privacy by using the service with users having to merely content themselves with the idea that they live and die on the enigmatic creator's moralistic whims, or is the service safe to use and you should only be concerned if you have something to hide? 

The world waits with bated breath to see. 

(Any PC or NPC that uses it receives +2 dice to technology rolls used in the process of research.) 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

"Breaking News: Puerto Rican Town of Weaver's Hollow Disappears; Noted Superpowered Activist Iryna Also Missing"

In an unprecedented mystery that has left authorities baffled, the small Puerto Rican town of Weaver's Hollow has disappeared without a trace, taking all of its residents along with it. Adding to the perplexity, renowned superpowered activist Iryna, who had been visiting the area for undisclosed reasons, is also missing.

Community pillars like the enigmatic innkeeper Tom Weaver and the reclusive blacksmith Sarah O'Brien have vanished, leaving an eerie emptiness where the once bustling town stood. "This is utterly inexplicable," said Officer Ana Morales, visibly shaken. "It's like the whole place has been wiped from the face of the Earth."

Strangely, the surrounding environment has experienced an unexplained revival. The once-depleting flora and fauna are now thriving, leading scientists to scratch their heads in disbelief.

Local religious leaders like Padre Juan suggest the land is now 'Tierra Sagrada' (Holy Ground) and urge against meddling with the mysteries of the divine. "There are things beyond our understanding," he cautioned.

Both federal agencies and the UN are deeply concerned. "Every possible explanation is on the table," commented a spokesperson from the federal investigative team. "The world needs to understand what happened here, especially considering the disappearance of Iryna, who was an influential figure in social justice."

The baffling disappearance of Weaver's Hollow has grabbed global attention, and as more questions than answers pile up, it's clear that this case is shaping up to be one of the most intriguing and unsettling mysteries of our time.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Spirit Halloween Launches "Ghoul Fever!" Costume and People Are Wondering if it's Appropriate

Buzzfeed, user Saturn Holland, 3:36 pm


As summer starts to end, you start to smell those first TJ Maxx pumpkin spice candles on the wind, and back to-school ads haunt children, America's favorite Halloween outlet has begun to move in to the recently vacated shells of strip mall retail stores. Spirit adds new costumes every year, but among the additions this season is something undoubtedly disturbing: "Ghoul Fever!", including arm covers made to look like rashes and lesions, vampire-esque plastic fangs, and dirty looking street clothes. The models wear makeup that gives them a generic wasted, sunken appearance. Perhaps most worrying is that this costume comes in sizes for adults, teens, children, and even babies. The costumes can be seen here.


Spirit held off on costumes built off of the Covid-19 virus and pandemic, so this really came as a shock. The reactions are mixed:


"This is really in awful taste. Steven Silverstein should 100% come out and explain himself, or fire whoever launched these costumes immediately. They disgust me and millions of other Americans." -Lacey Drewell


"I think people should chill out. I HAD ghoul fever and I thought it was funny. I'll probably get this and freak my friends out." -Elsie Sommers


"I swear to f*ck that grey shirt in the man costume is the same shade of gray Andrew Tate was wearing in his YouTube video on June 23rd. This is targeted towards conservatives and trying to rile us up!" -Ed Turpin 


"I literally don't see the problem. People are being too sensitive either way, it wasn't that big a deal." -Jason Rice


Steven Silverstein, Spirit Halloween CEO and President, has yet to comment or recall these costumes. Some sources say that his niece was one of the many victims of the pandemic, and perhaps this is his way of coping. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

The Ghouls Speak!

Breaking news: for the first time ever, a ghoul has made a public statement to the news media. 

Several media outlets receieved an encrypted communication from wanted-dead-or-alive criminal Connor Inkz to cover a particular ghoul delivery to Gen-Wyld. The ghoul in question was captured by one "Theo Simões," a Brazilian citizen who was in the USA on a tourist's visa. 

"I figured I'd hunt some ghouls while I was visiting," says Theo in a field interview. "I had a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best beer in the back of the truck, and when I saw a ghoul in there, I shut it up and called Gen-Wyld." 

But Theo got more than he bargained for. When he delivered the ghoul, this is what happened. 


Footage of Theo approaching his box truck as a team of Gen-Wyld handlers stand by. He opens the back to find it completely empty save a few crumpled cans of beer and a hole in the bottom. A moment later a voice off-camera says "Hey guys," and the news media scramble like someone dropped a tiger in the middle of them. The camera shakes and pans to show a ghoul standing near the crowd wearing a Steeler's jersey and torn blue jeans. "Sorry, that Milwaukie Beast has me pissin' like a race horse - had to step outside meep."

The Leader of the Gen-Wyld handlers holds a hand up to halt his people and speaks to the ghoul. "My name is Fredrick. Do you have a name?"

The Ghoul responds, "Course I got a name - what kind of yahoo would I be without one?" The twisted muzzle of the beast could be smiling, it's hard to tell, "We all do, since all ghouls were normal folks once. Or didn't you know that?"

"So, are you going to try to hurt us?"

The Ghoul looks at him for a long moment, as if weighing the options..."Nah. Yinz're just doin' your job. Boss lied about things, when is that not the case? I ain't going to the dissection table though." He turns to the rolling cameras, "Next time you want a cure for diabetes or some shit, ask us first before letting these scrubs try and bottle that shit for you! Not that we'll be hard to find soon, since one in a hundred that got Ghoul Fever are gonna turn to Ghouls! Which there ain't no cure for: I should know."

"Anyway; I'm leaving now - those ghouls listening or any werewolves that don't want to get eviscerated so Gen-Wyld can cure baldness in rich people - keep an ear out for the radio, 'Boneyard 101' and I'll try and help out." The Ghoul turns back to look at the police, then the men with their catch poles, "I'm leaving now, meep - if'n yinz want to stop me, nows your chance - I'm just a 'dumb animal' without rights after all. 'Course, if that's true that also means I ain't gotta follow no laws, doesn't it? Those that try & stop me won't be going home tonight."

The ghoul disappears into the forest, and no one moves to stop him. 


Gen-Wyld refused the ghoul delivery and refused to pay, which upset Theo. After yelling at the Gen-Wyld employees as they drove away, he turned around and sold the box truck to Fox News media for an undisclosed amount. He says he is donating 100% of the money to the Connor Inkz defense fund. 

Experts agree that the ghoul's figure that one in a hundred victims of Ghoul Fever will become ghouls themselves is patently untrue. However, the ghoul's statement matches anecdotal rumors that have been circulating on the internet since the cure to ghoul fever was announced. At least 10 cases of Ghoul Fever patients physically transforming into more ghoulish forms after ingesting human flesh have been confirmed, however some claim the numbers are far greater. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Hurricane Sadie Racks Florida: Tragedy at FantasticLand Theme Park

Last month, a hurricane more powerful than any in history fully broadsided the eastern coast of Florida. The effects of the hurricane, dubbed Hurricane Sadie, were felt along the totality of the Florida shoreline. The wind and subsequent flooding destroyed power grids, battered inland businesses, and left hundred of thousands homeless. Local authorities were instantly outmatched. The National Guard was dispatched but we’re in over their heads. The Red Cross could only help so much. Two weeks later, thousands of people had died, not of drowning or the direct effects of the storm, but of neglect, exposure, and a lack of fresh water. Some smaller communities were not contacted until almost a month after the storm, in most cases far too late to do any good. Before the FantasticLand story broke, the phrase "America's Shame" had been attached to the response effort and was gaining traction.

It was only when the situation came under a reasonable amount of control, and billions in federal government aid had been disbursed, that the story of FantasticLand hit with a crash that shattered all other news stories about the disaster. It sounded like an urban legend at first--far too "out there" to be real. Only after the ruins of the once mighty amusement park appear in online video footage did it become clear that the worst stories were true. Shockingly true, unbelievably true, but undeniable.

Of the 326 employees who stayed behind in the park, 207 were eventually evacuated. The fate of the 119 missing souls may never be known, but evidence of death and slaughter was immediately apparent. Photos soon emerged: heads on spikes outside of rides, corpses floating in detention cells, and viscera decaying in the humid Florida sun. FantasticLand, where "Fun Is Guaranteed!", was covered in blood. There were human bones littering the gift shops. It was all the country could talk about. The coverage crossed all media, breaking records for hits, views, likes, clicks, and shares.

The most indelible images, the one most of the public saw first, is among the most haunting photos of the past fifty years. Captured by photojournalist Ophir Bouhouche, the photo shows the seventy-five-foot-tall FantasticLand logo, a bright red Exclamation Point at the center of the 2,200-acre amusement park, shattered into thousands of jagged pieces on the ground. In its place, a crude yardarm stretches between support towers that once held the Exclamation Point in place. Hanging from the plank are five bodies, strung by their necks. Two nooses are empty, the bodies visible on the ground. One has simply fallen. The other has been decapitated. Behind the bodies, a sign boasts in bright red letters, FUN IS GUARANTEED!

Reinforcements were called immediately. By the time employees broke their silence and began telling their stories, the media were scrambling and desperate to get on the scene. Unfortunately for FantasticFun Inc., the legal owner of the park, an uploaded video showed National Guard troops entering the park the very day a press conference downplaying the carnage was held. The footage aired side by side on most networks. Details began to emerge, bringing with them a flood of unanswerable, terrible questions.

How could a group of survivors, mostly children, commit such terrible acts? How could survivors with the best possible circumstances in which to weather the storm and its aftermath produce the worst possible result? What does this say about our children? Ourselves? Is every American teenager just a few short steps away from bloodthirsty savagery? How do we prevent this in the future? Was an American institution that had provided joy to children since the 1970s fatally harmed by this incident, or is redemption possible?

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Gen-Wyld reveals secret to diabetes cure: Ghouls!

The company Gen-Wyld revealed that the secret ingredient to their new diabetes cure is ghouls.

"There is no evidence that this 'ghoul fever' pandmic originated from ghouls, although they can be carriers. But after processing, we can guarantee that the treatment for diabetes we produce is 100% ghoul-fever-free."

The company has posted a public bounty wherein they will buy any live ghoul for $200,000. 

"One ghoul can cure a thousand patients of type-1 diabetes. These ghouls are not intelligent. They are animals. Animals that are very valuable to those suffering from this disease." 

If the ghould-rush wasn't in full effect before, it is sure to be so now, as anti-ghoul sentiment, driven by misplaced anger over the ghoul fever epidemic, reaches an all time high.

Calls to systematically eradicate ghouls from the united states have not yet been actioned on by any government officials, but many conservative politicians are adopting and pressing the issue as a publicity stunt. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Ghoul Fever: is the cure worse than the disease?

Since Jacksonville high schooler Neil Ashworth discovered the cure to ghoul fever, he has been praised by the entire world and even granted the presidential medal of honor by United States president Joe Biden. As confirmed Ghoul Fever cases rise past the global 15 million mark, scientists believe the spread is starting to slow significantly.

But the facts of the cure are grim: a patient must consume a pound of human flesh at least 30 days deceased in order to be cured, and the psychological symptoms of the disease are not reverted by the cure.

Pew Research polls have found that as many as 80% of uninfected united states citizens and up to 98% of infected people claim they would be willing to eat human meat to cure themselves of Ghoul Fever.


But where is all this human meat coming from? Most world governments have placed a temporary hold on the laws restricting the sale and consumption of human meat, and the price of human meat has risen as high as $1200 per pound.

Several stories have gone viral of people visiting dodgy surgeons in developing countries to remove an arm or even a leg to sell. Meanwhile plastic surgeons in the united states have started paying the morbidly obese to come in for liposuction, provided the surgeon gets to sell the material they remove.

Disappearances are showing a concerning rise as well, and may expect people are being kidnapped and murdered, harvested for their meat.

Thefts of mortuaries and morgues are extremely common. Some have hired increased security, and some are accused of selling remains instead of following the families’ wishes.


The governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, has used emergency executive powers to order the exhumation graves across the state.

“We are ground zero for the Ghoul Fever epidemic. Freshly harvested human meat from organ donors takes a month to prepare, and we don’t have that kind of time. We have a hundred thousand patients that will suffer life-ending psychological trauma if we don’t get them human meat now.”

The governor’s plan is to grind old bones into bonemeal to be baked into bread that will be used to treat the region’s many patients.

"By the end of the week, we will have enough bonemeal to treat our entire population and share with our neighbors. I urge other states and countries to follow our example and put an end to this horrible pandemic. Our lost loved ones would be honored to save our lives from beyond the grave." 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

As Ghoul Fever Hits 5M Victims, a Cure Emerges


The World Health Organization has announced that there are now over 5 million confirmed cases of Ghoul Fever globally. And while China and North Kora claim to have contained the spread through aggressive quarantines, most of the world is not as lucky. The WHO explains that the actual count may be much higher than 5 million.

It’s a pandemic that spreads like wildfire and ruins lives almost as quickly. While it does not kill directly, those affected face a horrifying downward spiral. It starts with a fever, itching, drooling, and horrifying hallucinations including worms under the skin. Within a month, victims are reduced to gibbering, meeping wrecks, incapable of speech or self-care.

“I don’t think there’s anything left of my daughter in that. . . thing she’s become,” says one mourning father. Often times victims’ families are left to care for those who have succumbed to the disease and who remain contagious indefinitely.

Noteworthy victims include Michael Phelps, and Jennifer Hudson. Internet personality Andrew Tate is also believed to be infected, as his podcast has become more and more unhinged, and he raves for his fans to consume worms, feces, and other disgusting substances. He was re-arrested after taking a bite of a woman who was staying with him. Mr. Tate is now held in solitary confinement in Romania.



Neil Ashworth, a high school senior from Jacksonville Florida seems to have found a cure for Ghoul Fever. His discovery was propelled to global notoriety after famous movie star Tom Cruise who trusted the kid’s home-grown evidence.

“I was looking down the barrel of a gun, and I thought, ‘hey, couldn’t hurt to try, right?’” said Mr. Cruise in a statement.

Wunderchild Neil Ashworth gave this statement to a group of reporters at a press conference:

“I discovered the treatment for Ghoul Fever through observation. I saw one of the victims of the disease eat from an open grave - the Ghoul Rush means there’s a lot of those about - and noticed that they stopped degrading over the following days. Further observation lead me to conclude that the consumption of aged raw human flesh is both a compulsion for the Fevers victims, and capable of stabilising those afflicted, and I chose to approach Tom Cruise because he is a great actor, and I believed in his commitment to using his status to help people”

Initial studies have confirmed that those cured in this way are freed from the physical symptoms of the disease, are no longer contagious, and case to suffer continued mental degradation. Unfortunately, any mental trauma they had already experienced remains.

However, now that we know that consuming aged human flesh cures ghoul fever, we must ask ourselves: what’s next? How will world governments get that much human meat to that many people? Already, hints of a disturbing black market are starting to show. . .

The taboo against cannibalism seems poised to evaporate overnight, as human meat becomes medicine.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Governor Wesley comes forward on Ghoul Fever!

Channel 9 live!

Cameras flash, the lighting in the room is bright but everyone present looks haggard and worried. Every reporter present, and the Governor himself looks tired. This has been an incredibly trying month for Tennessee. Questions fly back and forth, but The Governor's aides deflect and give the typical political answers until Jeremy Wesley, the rightly elected governor of the state despite his recent controversies, waves them off and comes forward to make his statement with all the gravitas that such a man of state should wield:

“My Dear Constituents,
It has come to my attention that another Pandemic is sweeping through the world and is probably already affecting those here in a way today. It has come to my attention by a third party that the spread of this disease is caused directly by those hunting ghouls and digging up graves. This “Ghoul Fever” coined by the media has had drastic effects on the world in the form of a crippling pandemic that’s sweeping through the population. I am enacting a state of emergency similar to Covid-19 there will be further directions by the Tennessee Health department in a few days and hopefully the CDC will provide guidelines soon. I will alert my constituents to any new information as soon as I can please stay healthy and stay safe. Good day.”

The Governor then turns and takes his leave, refusing to answer any further questions. Who is this mysterious source the Governor claims provided this information, why has the CDC not come forward to validate his statement if it is true, and what does this mean for Tennessee, nay, America? 

With these questions and more all we are left with, this is Channel 9 Live signing off. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink


There are whispers in the officer lounges and leadership offices of America’s local law enforcement and federal law enforcement communities. The data coming in for the past month (one month after the untimely death of Kevin Sparkles) shows an upward trend in all types of homicides--including murder, voluntary manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter. This trend is nationwide, almost equal in every state. 

Despite the rise in cases requiring investigation, the arresting of suspects has not similarly spiked. This is in part due to insufficient staffing/funding--particularly of local law enforcement--and in part due to a peculiar lack of viable suspects. Investigations have dead-ended quite quickly, even faster than usual.

  • The nondescript car that ran over a pedestrian? It was found at the bottom of the cliffside, burnt out, the next day.
  • The lady with a large dog that killed a passerbyer along a hiking trail? The one person that witnessed the attack couldn’t seem to remember her appearance.
  • The old guy stabbed in the alley at midnight? Both cameras in the alley were broken, and renters in the buildings above heard nothing.

Likewise, there are whispers among coroners, medical examiners, and the funeral home industry. Business has boomed in the past month, not only due to the rise in homicides but also due to a variety of other causes. These deaths have primarily been attributed to suicide or unlucky mishaps--drug overdoses, falling from tall heights, and the like. 

Hardly enough to make the news in the midst of a recent, panic-inducing, ghoul-ish pandemic. 

Nevertheless, whispers.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

A new global pandemic?

They call it “Ghoul Fever,” and this year may prove to be another 2020 unless something is done. 

People are panicking as what appears to be a new illness is sweeping major urban areas around the globe. Those affected experience severe psychological symptoms and horrible hallucinations. 

It all started in Philadelphia where health workers first raised the alarm of a sudden dramatic uptick in individuals suffering severe hallucinations along with mild cold symptoms such as a fever, shivers, itching, and drooling.

Since then, an outbreak has spread to every major urban area, affecting as much as 24% of the population in the most exposed areas. 

It is estimated that between ten thousand and one hundred thousand people are infected. A handful of public figures have been infected, including media personality Andrew Tate. 

Experts believe the disease spreads through close contact, and so affected individuals are urged to isolate, which often worsens their mental symptoms. 

There is currently no known cure or treatment for this disease.  In the meantime, the mental health of those affected continues to worsen until they are incapacitated and frenzied. 

US officials urge anyone with information about this disease to please contact the CDC using the number on your screen. 

In Other News

Are they an expert or a scam artist? The mysterious figure Lao Chi has continued to dominate the second page news in Philidelphia due to their surprising photographs of ghouls, questionable merchandise, and strong takes on the current "ghouldrush" phenomenon.

Several online debunkers are blasting his wares as obvious fakes, but question his access to ghouls to take the photographs he peddles. Despite the online takes, a small group of fans or "true believers" vehemently swear by the old man's advice. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Car Found Crushed Flat in South Philadelphia

Pennsylvania State News: 

Daniel Stratham, 10:09 am

A blue Nissan Altima was discovered early this morning from an anonymous tip near the corner of Daly and South 2nd Street, crushed down to two feet. The victim in the driver's seat has been identified as Nicole Wagner, 23. Nicole's mother gave no commentary, but the people of Philadelphia would be correct to mourn and stay on high alert for a threat as strange as this one.


A picture below the article shows the blue Nissan Altima flattened like a tin can. Yellow police tape and traffic cones has the area blocked off; the car was crushed in the middle of the lane, outside of a parking zone. A large red splotch has been pixelated at the driver's section. Looking closer, you might spot broken glass towards the back with PEACE and COEXIST stickers still intact.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Ghould Rush Begins: Cryptoleak Post Shows REAL GHOULS!

Yikes, and we almost wish it hadn't!

Buzzfeed, user CryptoFreak, 4:01 am


Just two hours ago, a post was discovered under the #ghoul tag on popular supernatural video sharing site Cryptoleak of what our experts say are two creatures that fit the bill for genuine ghouls! And what a mess- these things are nasty! If it weren't for the hooves, you might think it was a hyena or something with a bad skin condition. This is the first time we've seen videos of them, and honestly, we're confused. Who out there is posting their location instead of taking these guys to Andrew Tate- or better yet, Rihanna? It seems like these are creatures shrouded in as much mystery as stink. You can watch the 10 second clip below:


The video is dim, but filmed with a steady hand. Two creatures are backed into the corner of a box truck, hissing and curled in on themselves in apelike positions: knuckles and bent knees to the floor, stomping hooves, scraping large, thick claws. They are seemingly hairless and have batlike facial structures, with large eyes that reflect red and orange respectively. The sound they make is a nervous sort of gibber. No additional figures are seen or heard in the video. It is titled "Ghouls", comes from the username Lalrawtan, and is captioned with just "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania". 


Gives me the creeps! But to each their own, especially with that kind of celebrity incentive- happy hunting, folx, and stay safe out there!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Is it Ghoul Season???

An anime-girl vtuber avatar addresses her following on a popular online streaming service.

“Hey blubbers! It’s me Blue-Blade, your one-stop shop for all things paranormal, conspiratorial, and under-the-radar waves that no one else is talking about.

“The headline topic for today: GHOULS. We’ve all heard of them, but what are they? Turns out they’re a little-known humanoid species that lives under graveyards devouring human bodies. Beyond that, little is known. It’s said that they eat living humans too, and that some humans might even turn into ghouls sometimes? Wild.

“For some reason, everyone seems to be going crazy for ghouls all of a sudden! Several popular media personalities from Joe Rogan to Rhianna have started asking their followers about whether or not anyone’s ever seen one. Andrew Tate has offered $250,000 to anyone who can give him a living ghoul.

“Is it just a passing fad? These big pink eyes see more. It’s not just the media personalities crying ‘ghoul’, it’s the big businesses and secret societies too. People with deep pockets and fancy toys. News articles and police reports from across the USA mentioning graveyards have spiked in the past two weeks. People are combing graveyards, breaking into crypts, and there’s even a report of a group sneaking a subterranean sonar mapping device into New York cemeteries.

“And with so many wealthy businesses and personalities offering rewards, Ghoul Fever is about to go mainstream. I mean, when collecting a fat bounty could be as easy as getting your friends together and visiting a local graveyard, who could blame them?

“Whatever the reason, it seems ghoul fever has taken those who are more ‘in the know’ than the average joe. Who’s pulling the purse strings? What is it about the humble ghoul that’s got everyone grabbing their pickaxes and nets? People like us may never be privy to the full answers. Be careful out there, blubbers!”

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Mysterious biotech startup Gen-Wyld has announced that it has developed a cure to diabetes. Third-party double-blind clinical trials have shown a 95% success rate at eliminating Type 1 diabetes. Treatment takes one week.

Gen-Wyld initially made a splash with its exotic genetic body modifications. But the breakthrough that truly catapulted it to world-class status was BusPlus, a gene therapy treatment to enhance a patient's primary and secondary sex characteristics. 

But the company cautions the public to temper their excitement. “Unfortunately, this cure is extremely difficult to produce. We need investment, and a location to build a new facility that will bring plenty of high-value jobs to whatever city we select. We are reaching out to our contacts and investors, but these things take time. We will bring the cure to market as quick as we can.”

Gen-Wyld keeps the details of how the cure works as trade secrets. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Cases of mysterious "Sleeping Sickness" in Marin County continue to rise...

Bay Area News other news, the 12th person has been diagnosed with the mysterious "sleeping sickness" that plagues the Marin County - Kira Lee reports:


...thanks Dan - 62 year old Rosa Garcia is the lastest victim of this troubling disease, first reporting lethargy & fatigue before being found later that day in what seems to be a coma. Medical experts are baffled by this continued trend, as victims have come from a wide variety of ages & backgrounds. Thus far, no environmental link has been discovered, though Marin County residents are urged to continue drinking bottled water just in case...

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Senseless Killing in a Chicago Suburb

(This report does not make the headline news - it is an all to common event)


One Kevin Sparkles, also known as Kevin Adams, was apparently murdered in front of his own home in the early hours of the morning. Three suspects were caught in the neighborhood, & while we do not have the identities of these individuals, sources say they were armed with weapons that have been linked to the crime.

Kevin Sparkles wife & daughter are currently unaccounted for - if you have any information, please contact the Chicago Police Department. Local police & state troopers have footage of a black mercedes leaving the scene, with the custom plate "BOBRULZ" - it is unknown if this vehicle was involved in the murder.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

A Politcal Firestorm?

A Summary of multiple articles, blogs, & reddits

-Iryna Vorobyova is in the Amazon, using her Metahuman powers to fight fires: Does the American Govt. condone sending Metahumans into other Sovereign nations to meddle in their internal affairs?

-What is her position on the War in Ukraine? Shouldn't she be over there protecting humans from fires & shelling rather than saving Spotted Owls?

-Greenpeace & other environmentalist groups welcome ALL Metahumans of good conscience to assist in saving the planet - Mark Collins is specifically mentioned - what good is fighting crime (Read: the oppression of the lower classes by the wealthy elite) if the planet is unihabitable in 20 years?

-Ousted Brazillian President Bolonsairo delivers a scathing critique of the new Regime: when you let the Metahumans in, you have sold the country to chaos. All Brazillians should mark this day as the beginning of the end.

-Ranchers & farmers who depend on the newly cleared ground are less receptive to Iryna's meddling. Will the Ubermencsh feed their children when the "Green Booted Thugs" take their land away?

-Drug Cartels & Cryptid smugglers are not pleased with the media attention. They ponder what to do about it.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

A Thin Blue Line

Police Unions & Federal agents all over mourn the loss of nigh-legendary Federal Agent Dallas Smith - this wound to justice in America will largely go unknown & unsung in civillian circles, as the investigation of Agent Smith's Supernatural Murder is still very much underway.

Still, to those who knew him, he was the "Southern James Bond" - always with a kind word, at the forefront of investigations, beloved by co-workers & casual accquaintances alike: Texas will miss it's favored son.

The reprecussions of this event will reach far beyond the investigation: Police Unions will exert their political capital in the States they hold sway, DEMANDING they be given the weapons & authority needed to reign in these Supernatural Threats. Political forces taking a stance firmly against the Supernatural will find a strong rallying cry from Law Enforcement:



Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Superhero of LA Tames Wildfire & Flaming Beast: Iryna Vorobyova, “Mother of Dragons”

Numerous videos flood social media coupled with official reports by reputable news outlets. All accounts show a muscular, 6-foot Slavic woman in her mid-twenties with near-glowing green eyes swiftly walking down the sidewalks of suburban Los Angeles. She is half-naked, wearing the rags of a yellow Los Angeles County Fire Department firefighter outfit without the gloves, helmet, and mask. Most of the outfit is visibly charred and disintegrated (some spots still having glowing embers and smoldering). Despite her skin being covered in black soot, the woman appears entirely unharmed. As she walks, she effortlessly holds a two-foot-long lizard that looks something like a salamander, but it’s body glows red hot like an ember. The entire chest area where the lizard is being pressed against the woman’s torso has been burned off.
The woman is being escorted by several police officers and a crowd of firefighters, a group which collectively staves off the general public and a flock of reporters. As they yell out their questions and direct their cameras and microphones in the woman’s direction, she simply repeats with a clear Ukrainian accent: “Please no flash. The drakon does not like it.”
Several videos go viral of this new Los Angeles hero, Iryna Vorobyova, walking up to a wall of forest fire and effortlessly absorbing it--bright flames being supernaturally drawn from where they burn straight into her mouth as she slowly inhales--flames which turn a bright green just inches before vanishing past her lips. Iryna is credited with saving the Angeles National Forest, preventing potentially millions of dollars in damages to homes and infrastructure--as well as preventing loss of life. She is also celebrated by environmentalists for securing the “arsonist” lizard-like creature alive and ensuring its safe containment at local LA County Fire Station 130.
Both the creature, which Iryna named “Vuhlynka,” and Iryna have become informal mascots for the Los Angeles County Fire Department. However, when the Fire Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department was asked if Iryna Vorobyova would become a permanent and hired member of the force, the Fire Chief replied: “We are grateful for Miss Vorobyova's help and welcome her to continue volunteering as a crucial member of the firefighting force.”
Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

My Little Pony: The Story of Sparklestar Swordborn and Friends!

A surprise release of a full My Little Pony TV show has been leaked online, but there are more than a few oddities to accompany it. For starters, questions about its quality. The more niche side of the internet is in a bit of a positive uproar, but most others are met with confusion. Hasbro has come forward to announce that they were not the creators of the show, cementing this as an assumed fan-made creation. The YouTube community caught wind and some are starting to report on it,

"Dude, I don't understand how they even did this! It looks way too real! Like, look at that edge line and compare it to every other movie that's been released in the last decade. I guarantee you, you will never find one so consistent. The budget on this had to be insane!"

"The pores stretch! The pores stretch!"

"It really is a wonder. Just looking at it- you can usually tell what studio or person made this, but it has a completely unique style we don't see anywhere else."

“Yo, Pixar and Disney better watch the fuck out! There’s a new kid on the block!”

The show depicts the adventures of Sparklestar Swordborn and his band of friends defending the public from monsters, and the greedy and selfish villains wielding superhuman abilities. Specifically, the story takes great care in fleshing out the main characters and their motivation for gaining their own abilities and powerful game changing equipment and armor. While not all are entirely noble, the characters are however sympathetic and many online have expressed their love for them in the way Tumblr and 4chan tend to. Art shows up on various forums of some prominent main characters:

Platinum Moon

Onyx Armor

Brisk Spirit

Cookie Dough


However, that is not where the oddities end. There are 12 episodes in total- or well, there are supposed to be. The 11th episode is noticeably absent- the episodes skip from 10 and move straight to 12 as if it were just plucked out of the pile. In any case, all 11 episodes are titled and while the actual episodes themselves are played straight, after the ending theme, some people have noticed that a set of numbers flash on the screen for the final frame of every episode that was released. A list has already been compiled:

Episode Names | Numbers/Letters

  1. A new adventure awaits for us | adf
  2. What a wonderful wonder friendship brings | 9f5
  3. Kindness is never in short supply | 4d
  4. For honesty, no pony can deny | 2d3
  5. When danger makes you wanna hide | 829
  6. A heart that shines so beautiful | 89
  7. We'll make it special every time | 232
  8. Do you know you're all my very best Friends! | e4
  9. Our friendship's magic and it's growing every day | c60
  10. What is friendship all about | 314
  11. (Absent)
  12. Friendship is magic! | bf5

Furthermore, alongside each episode, still images were also uploaded- 12 in total. The file names of the still images correspond directly with the episode names they released with. Most of it is poses or action shots of the characters fighting against evil and even though there is no 11th episode, there is an 11th image. However, instead of an action shot, it's about 2000 lines of gray text in tiny size ten font on a pure black background that reads:

"Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me! Do not open me!

There is more to this Pandora’s box than where I come from…”


So far, nobody has been able to figure out what this means.

GM’s Note: DM Riley on discord to verify if your Contractor would have information related to this World Event or would want more information related to this world event.

Appendix (Full My Little Pony Intro Theme):

My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
What is friendship all about?
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Friendship is magic!

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

When I was young I was too busy to make any friends.
Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends.
But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes
And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies.
And it's such a wonderful surprise.

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side,
Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy.
For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye,
A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by
And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie!

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time.
A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine.
We'll make it special every time!
We'll make it special every time!

(My Little Pony)
What a wonderful wonder friendship brings
(My Little Pony)
Do you know you're all my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

WVU Hospital, West Virginia 176 people inexplicably dead, 14 survivors

At 6pm Tuesday, everyone inside WVU Hospital, Rosewood vanished. For 3 entire hours, the hospital was empty of all biological material. Even biological samples and meat in the kitchen went missing.


As abruptly as the Event occured, it was undone:

176 cadavers in various states of mutilation have been been identified, and the number may rise as DNA tests come in.

Of the 14 survivors, 5 are in critical condition, 6 are stable. All exhibit extreme psychological distress and trauma, and have been transferred to local hospitals.


The board of directors of WVU have vowed to rebuild and reopen, though the ensueing FBI investigation is expected to take some time.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

850NEWS.COM - Pensacola, Florida - Police station protest devolves into a massacre. 


The newest article on the website includes the T.V. report attached as a video file followed by a content warning below that reads 


The following footage may be disturbing to many, viewer descression is advised.”  


Alice Williams was able to get a hold of an active protestor, they wished to remain anonymous however they have agreed to give us their side of events 


The following is a transcript of the interview, a full length vide of the interview is due to be released tomorrow. 


It all started because of that fucking snake I tell you, that snake who lied corrupting the minds of men, a monster who shed his ugly disguise to reveal what was beneath - THE DEVIL, DEVIL INCARNATE I TELL YOU! AND THEN I HEARD THE VOICE OF GOD, GO FORTH HE TOLD ME, BRING ME THE SNAKE’S HEAD BEFORE IT ESCAPES!"


"Oh but I wasn’t the only one who heard it, I'm not crazy, no no no no, my brothers in arms also heard every word loud and clear, and it is then when we took action!"


"The pigs you see, they’re in league with the devil, they tried hiding the serpent of Eden, escape with it BUT DIVINE PROVIDENCE WAS ON OUR SIDE, THE LORD CAME DOWN FROM HEAVENS AND HE IMMOBILISED THE DEVIL’S CARRIAGE, it is then when the servants of the devil dropped their act and opened fire, thinking they could mow us – righteous god-fearing pure-blooded Americans down like we were cattle, but we fought back and won, we reminded the devil of the second amendment yes ma'am so we did!"


"And the... first deceiver, what came of it?"


"OH, THAT BAG OF SIN AND SCALES? I did the Lord’s work myself, with these two hands, I tore its head clean off and hung it up on one of the street lights to send Satan a message, don’t fuck with the U to the S of the motherfucking A! 


Attached is a photo of a mutilated torso with the lower half of a snake hanging from a street light, its head is missing, a giant gaping hole is present where the individual’s heart would be and the word SNITCH is carved into what’s left of their body in large blocky letters, the individual seems to have sustained countless stab wounds to the abdomen among the already described injuries. 

The backdrop framing the body is that of a police station aflame as the first responders perform their active duty. 


Our reporters were able to get their hands on unedited footage of the riot.


Attached below is grainy footage of the riot captured by the street cameras, it depicts a crowd of around fifty protestors throwing Molotov cocktails at the police line in front of the Pensacola police station before all as one charging towards the back parking lot seemingly unphased by tear-gas,  


The protestors break the police line and trample several officers underfoot  


Sounds semi-automatic sidearms being discharged can be heard shortly after as an armoured SWAT truck peels out of the parking lot only to be followed by the sounds of two fully automatic rifle being discharged into the crowd as the protestors collapse one after another. 


The firefight is short lived and the sounds of automatic fire soon die down though the protestors proceed to tear into each-other, using anything from firearms to their bare hands as in-fighting begins to take place. 


In the midst of the bloodshed a vaguely masculine figure can be seen fleeing the parking lot, weaving through smoke and tear gas as if trying to conceal their presence, their left hand halfway tucked under their shirt – it appears larger than the other and is severely deformed, though the exact nature of the deformity is impossible to tell due to the quality of the footage. 


A police riot, a possible cryptid and a dead monster’s rights activist, follow us at 850NEWS and be the first to get updated on the most recent events in Pensacola Florida. 

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Pensacola, Florida - Police station protest devolves into a massacre.



A young woman in a slick grey suit stands in front of the camera, at her back what was just a few hours ago the local Pensacola police station. 


The building is ablaze as firefighters actively combat the raging fire while medical personnel carry people away on stretchers and pack bodies away into black bags. 


850 NEWS, Alice Williams, live from 1301 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL 32501 where just a few hours ago a horrible riot took place claiming the lives of protestors and police officers alike."


The woman gestures at the remains of the police station at her back in a smooth, practiced motion.


Witnesses report the local law enforcement opening fire into the crowd of protestors after several hours of escalating tensions which arose in relation to the individual known only as “Conner” - A monster rights activist who was found deceased on the scene less than twenty-four hours after giving their heart-breaking interview. 


 The reporter takes a second to produce a notepad and proceeds.


The estimated casualties are currently as follows  - Eight officers deceased, Two gravely injured, civilian casualties are currently estimated to be in the double digits.


The woman's voice remains cold as ice, collected, proffesional and her expression is completely unchanged dispite the disturbing numbers she lists off, she continues without misisng a beat.


"For more information, live updates and information too sensitive for T.V. follow the official 850NEWS website, Allice Williams, 850NEWS."


The 850NEWS jingle plays, the camera pivots away from the reporter and towards the burning police station as words start fading onto the screen.


For more information, live updates and information too sensitive for T.V. follow us at 



Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Prison Riot in Kosovo ended by one man!

Radio Free Europe Reporting


A prison riot outside of Kosovo was ended by one Agent Dallas Smith, a Federal Agent working as an attache to the CIA - while details are thin, we know that Agent Smith managed to negotiate a peaceful end after a four day siege. While Agent Smith has not yet become available for comment, we at Radio Free Europe would like to commend him on a job well done!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

850 NEWS LIVE from the city of Pensacola, Forida.



A young woman in a slick grey suit stands in front of the camera, her expression is a mix of concern and pity, she appears to be standing in a weather broadcast room though at her back is a gruesome sight – a seemingly disabled man in a wheelchair, his legs covered by a thick wool blanked which is stained in a dark red substance, an enormous gash open in his chest – four deep, fresh and still bleeding gashes spanning from the man’s collarbone to his lower ribcage, the wound is not unlike something one would sustain from surviving a bear mauling. 

By his side an athletic twenty something kid in a dark red bomber jacket. 

The woman speaks, her voice soft, calm, collected 

"850 NEWS, Alice Williams - In studio with us today are two witnesses alleged abuse, violation of human rights and illegal cartel dealings, talking about their harrowing experiences - they are wounded bleeding but unbroken, here to share with us for the first time on 850 NEWS 


The woman backs away from the camera, approaching the man in the wheelchair and extends the microphone towards him without another word 

Despite the man being severely injured and obviously exhausted he speaks firmly, with all the conviction of an experienced orator, each word appearing heartfelt and genuine.

The speech is about Caucasian male in their sixties with white hair and a beard who allegedly goes by “Jules” and the people under their command, some reportedly willing and others forced into servitude under duress. 

Jules” is said to have dragged the speaker and countless others into this reality from a parallel one against their will, the speaker is said to have been kept in a “cage” like a wild animal to guard a “hoard of treasure” for two months before making his daring escape from the mansion at Devil’s Point – a location where “Jules” commits art fraud and coerces other "monsters" into working with them all with the backing of multiple criminal organization all of which they are allegedly double crossing. 

Jules” is said to be a supernatural being able to alter their appearance at will, choosing at one point to appear as a woman for an extended period of time. 

The reporter shifts her attention to the younger man present in the studio 

Would you like to share your side of the story or perhaps affirm any of the points that have been made thus far? 

The young man steps up to the microphone, rolling his shoulders before speaking – his voice deep, his conduct slightly nervous be it out of fear, excitement or something else entirely is impossible to say. 

Yeah uh, this guy tried assaulting me and some of my friends, he had his gang of two goons together with him, they put their hands on us and we had to defend ourselves, it was scary man, I have a picture as proof. 


The young man is ushered towards the camera where he produces a picture matching the description of “Jules” from earlier with a young, short woman standing by his side, seemingly exchanging words. 

The interviewer shifts her attention back to the man in the wheelchair who proceeds to give the descriptions of two more individuals, the first one matches the woman from the picture 

She is said to be an android who goes by Mary Alice and is said to possess supernatural healing abilities, able to cure the most severe of wounds and ailments with a mere touch, though Jules is allegedly keeping her “all to himself” 

The speaker also describes a middle-aged Asian male who goes by “Bu Fang” and is alleged to be able to create exquisite magically imbued dishes. 

The man finishes his thought, takes a beat to breathe in then continues in a solemn tone 


As a warning to anyone else who might not be what they appear, Jules changes people, breaks them and makes them into monsters, he enslaves us, treats us like animals - he did this to me"  



The speaker breaths out once again, yanking his wool blanket away to reveal a snake tail starting at his hips and snaking all the way up wrapping around his own torso. 

The tail uncoils and gently lowers itself onto the ground, it’s tip swaying passivley like that of a rattlesnake.
The young man recoils back shuffling out of the view of the camera, followed by a surprised shout" 



The reporter looks momentarily stunned, almost at a loss for words when the thing in the wheelchair continues. 


 "I would like to end my statement with this - Monsters lives matter just like any other type of human - we're still human on the inside, i just hope that this world can understand that a monster is only a monster if they act like one, and some of us just wanna be safe so uh you know, monsters lives matter, right Kyle?"  

The speaker looks away from the camera for the first time, looking somewhere behind it.
From behind the camera, slightly off to the right a voice resounds, apprehensive, and muffled . 

"Uh yeah sure dude" 

 The speaker smiles warmly.


"Thanks Kyle"  


Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink



The site presents a dark red heading on a solid black background, a single audio file is attached followed shortly below by a video file.





The voice is that of an older man, hoarse and gravely, clearly unhinged though he speaks with the fiery reverence of a pastor preaching to their flock.


"They walk among us brothers and sisters, disguised as normal everyday people! Firefighters, police officers, private eyes..."


The man lingers on the last part, practically hissing it out not unlike a reptile himself.


"...anyone one of the people you know and cherish might just be a cold blooded freak, harboring countless scales under their fleshy exterior, and they dream of getting you the second you give them a chance, the second you blink or drop your guard, stay vigilant humanity, stay ready!"




...not all there... not all there... not all there...


The man mutters under his breath, repeating it over and over again sounding almost hurt.




His tone suddenly turns warm and remorseful.


But for those who don't... oh you poor sods i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry... it might just be too late to save you... the brain wave redactors have gotten to you, melted your gray matter while you slept yes they did... you didn't heed old Pete when he told you that tin foil blocks their primitive tech, but you laughed at him and pointed fingers, mocked him yes you did... But I forgive you for I love you, may god have mercy on your souls.



The low quality video below depicts a chaotic scene unraveling in what looks to be a bar of some kind, the cameraman's hands are shaking violently as he gibbers something incomprehensive from behind the camera in an equally terrified and excited tone, this appears to be the same man from the audio file above.

The video appears to be shot from the corner of the room, encompassing the entirety of the scene with ease due to the cameraman's placement

An altercation appears to be taking place by the entrance, a mousy and lanky man wearing a black jacket is backpedaling towards the exit, very apparently ready to draw his sidearm whilst locked in what appears to be a verbal confrontation with a one armed man in a trench coat, all the while the bartender shoulders a double barrel shotgun, confusedly looking between the two.

As the three exchange words the situation seems to be slowly deescalating though the exact nature of what's being said is largely unintelligible due to a horrendous racket - the sounds of someone obnoxiously revving a vehicle of some kind just outside while "Proud to be an American" plays, loud enough to vibrate the windows of the bar, accompanied by less than pleasant off pitch yelling of the lyrics.

As the man in the black jacket nears the exit another aggressor enters the scene, a large tattooed dark skinned man easily recognizable as Icarus Lockheart, a famous actor.

Icarus places the retreating man in a choke hold without any visible physical provocation from the side of the latter, followed by a subdued gunshot and a muzzle flash right by the man's ear.

The man in the black jacket proceeds to slip out of Icaruse's grip and drawing his sidearm at lightning speed places it up against his assailant's gut and lets off four muffled shots, followed by a spray of blood across the room.

Chaos and pandemonium erupts shortly after, people start screaming and flipping over tables, some drawing sidearms of their own.

Before the man in the black jacket can do anything else the one armed man wearing a trench coat dashes past him towards the exit, though as he pushes past his eyes flash briefly and an arch of lightning shoots out of his forehead, frying the man in the black coat, locking his muscles and sending him clattering to the ground as he convulses.

Another man wearing a Kevlar vest enters the scene yelling about needing to help the poor sod on the ground and drags the paralyzed man away.

The cameraman continues filming, and just before the group makes their exit the trench coat man shoots the camera one hard gaze before disappearing outside.

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Adolescent Sasquatch Steals ATV from Gas Station

A recent viral YouTube video shows a fuzzy humanoid creature jumping on a ATV parked at a gas station and driving off before the ATV's owner could stop them. The creature believed to be an adolescent Sasquatch was about average height and covered in light brown hair. Why did this young big foot steal the vehicle and what could he possibly be planning with it?

Posted by Strazhari, 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Archbishop Vasquez of San Francisco nominates Sister Mary Catherine to Sainthood

Flying in the face of tradition, Archibishop Vasquez has defied the typical five-year posthumous waiting period and nominated recently-deceased Sister Mary Catherine for sainthood. 


Sister Mary Catherine was recently found dead inside an abandoned pet store, her body partially consumed by what officials suspect were rabid animals. 


Archbishop Vasquez has posted several videos of Sister Mary Catherine performing healing miracles to CryptoLeak. In the videos, she can be seen experiencing stigmata and performing a laying of hands that is credited with curing chronic illnesses such as cancer. These cases were documented, and doctors have confirmed that their patients seem to have been cured, although no scientists witnessed these miracles. 


A massive populist following has formed for Sister Mary Catherine, especially in the Catholic communities worldwide. Her canonicalization seems very likely. 

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