
Calculating Operative

Lerinyth has played 11 Contractors in a total of 43 Contracts, earning 37 Wins, 2 Failures, and 2 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 5 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors

Just Manager

Lerinyth has run 10 Contracts and 0 Moves in 3 Playgroups for 35 Contractors and 23 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 29 Gifts, failed but survived 1 time, and met with 4 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 2 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Cayde "Six" Thorne The Professional street racer

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Little Timmy The Imaginative Child

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Siodhachan Ó Ceallaigh The Celtic Druid

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Alexei "The Demolitionist" Petrovich The ex-Professional Wrestler

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Aetherwing The Automaton Dragon

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Edward Grimm The Lost Steampunk Renegade

A 14-Victory Seasoned Contractor from The Mythos

The Kingslayer The Reincarnated deity of Death

A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor from Diverwyn

Lerinyth The Shapeshifter street rat

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from Realm of mysteries

Jack Wright The Retired Army Medic

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Mythos

Kane Stolas The Schoolkid with lightning powers

A Newbie Contractor from South River School For The Gifted

Aquila The horse

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

John Morgan The Western Cowboy

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

The Wild Card The self aware Meta commentater

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Deceased Contractors

Auryx The Disease-ridden entity

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor without a home World

Sasha [NoLastNameGiven] The Abandoned Robotic Construct

A Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Contract Record