Completed Contract

Somnium ran Excavation

This Contract took place in Still Waters on Mar 04, 2022 at 1:36PM

Still Waters House Rules

Applies to everyone:

• No Child-Contractors

• Side-Games and Out-of-Contract-Roleplay will only be avaialable to world members. Foreign Contractors will return after the contract is over.

Applies to contractors with Still Waters as their home:

• All restricted assets must be approved.

• A contractor may start with gifted or a chairon coin but not both.

• No defective sense smell unless it is closely linked to your backstory.

• Passing of time and Downtime-Healing is enforced. Consult date for the current month.


Kana Yasuda - Declined Harbinger Invite
Jason Valent - Victory
Played by loroman1211

Jason Valent has not yet spent their Gift for this Contract.

Kill all the stones!

Mina Anderson - Declined Harbinger Invite
Played by Lemmy
Colin Turner - Victory
Played by Tibbsy

Colin Turner has not yet spent their Gift for this Contract.

Always prepared

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