He is 34 years old, lives in New York, and often appears as A lanky, bony, angular-limbed man of average height, average weight and average build. His eyes remind one of coal or weirdly coloured beans, his hair is matted and long, tied into a flowing braid. His clothes are mildly tattered, and are held together firmly by obvious stitches, each article is worn loosely on his body. His darker skin is freckled, and stare is harsh.
Frazier O’Neal lives in GA5-1921, a setting where the paranormal work for the government. His journal has 12 entries. His Questionnaire has 17 answers.
4 Alertness
4 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Crafts
0 Culture
2 Drive
4 Firearms
3 Influence
5 Investigation
2 Medicine
2 Melee
2 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
2 Stealth
2 Survival
2 Technology
2 Thievery
Latest 3 of 17 answers
Frazier O’Neal’s early childhood was bittersweet, with a family that seemed nice enough on the outside and an average (at first) upbringing things seemed positive. However, Frazier had seemed to inherit a strange curse placed upon his family that his mother, the bearer of the genes, hadn’t. This, alongside the growing difficulties the family were facing lead to neglect for young Frazier, and as he realised his needs weren’t being met, he’d often confront his parents which inevitably led to yet more neglect and even occasional anger and abuse. As he grew older, he developed compulsions to deal with his situation, and his curse developed with him. Initially he had turned into a vague metal shaped cylinder as an infant, but over time this had changed shape into a soup can. A can of organic lentil soup. His goals and ambitions changed too as Frazier soon became obsessed with crime and crime solving media, soon absorbing his every free moment. From then onwards, Frazier vowed he would become a detective, the best one he possibly could, in order to solve the most difficult problems and help bring peace to others lives that he had never had.