Sora Reese does not have a home Playgroup. They cannot interact with Contractors on their Downtimes. They must choose a Playgroup before their fourth Contract.
A Newbie Contractor played by genesisprobe as a Free Agent
She is 22 years old, and often appears as red-eyed, light skin, thick dark hair and approximately 5' 5", and is typically wearing a white T-shirt with some worn jeans.
3 Alertness
0 Animals
2 Athletics
0 Crafts
0 Culture
2 Drive
0 Firearms
0 Influence
1 Investigation
5 Medicine
0 Melee
3 Occult
0 Performance
5 Science
1 Stealth
0 Survival
2 Technology
0 Thievery
Circumstances describe your situation.
Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.
Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.
Conditions describe your state of being.
Examples of Conditions include curses, diseases, and impactful personality quirks.
Conditions are granted by Assets and Liabilities or by GMs based on the events of Contracts and Downtime activities like Moves, and Loose Ends.
Because Conditions may have GM-created systems, they also record the Playgroup they were acquired in.
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Sora was born into a family that has been prone to Void Rot. Despite the low chance of being affected due to the mixing of blood, both her mother and grandmotherhave passed from the disease. Due to the early passing of her father due to a car accident, her older sister, Sarah, raised her for the majority of her life, As her sister continues to age, she gets closer and closer towards the same age as her mother when she contracted Void Rot. Sora is going to medical school to save her sister from what she perceives to be a curse on her family, hoping that she can prevent it from happening to the most important family member to her.