She is 21 years old, lives in the hidden corners of the Mariana Trench, and often appears as 5ft 11", has a squid head and body (including squid arms and legs), wears a purple skirt (which glows up in the dark) and constantly carries a microphone.
Mariana Nautica lives in GA5-1921, a setting where the paranormal work for the government.
0 Alertness
1 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Crafts
0 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
4 Influence
0 Investigation
2 Medicine
5 Melee
0 Occult
3 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
2 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
4 Sea
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Mariana Nautica is the daughter of Amphitrite, the Greek goddess of the seas and the current ruler of a subsection of the Mariana Trench: The Abyssal Depths. When she isn't busy practising her role as future ruler, Mariana loves to go out partying and socialising. She's very well known within the Abyssal Depths.
2 years ago, Mariana dated someone she had met in Triton's Bar: Aquina Bluedrop. She was very pretty in Mariana's eyes and the two of them dated for 6 months. That all changed when one day, while the pair of them were in the bar, Aquina excused herself out of the bar:
"I'll be back soon babes."
Mariana waited many hours for her to come back. At 2AM, having waited 4 hours for Aquina, she decided to go to Aquina's house, thinking she would be there. Mariana did find her in her bed. With another woman.
This hurt Mariana deeply. The two of them haven't talked since but rumours spread around about how Aquina only dated Mariana in order to "gain more followers on her Instacrab account". In present times, Mariana no longer seeks out relationships with other people. Meanwhile, Aquina has gained much popularity and now tours around the land and seas with her band: The Seakers.
Perhaps one day Mariana will be able to finally resolve her conflict with Aquina and maybe even become a famous pop star herself.
Mariana's belief in regards to death:
Most of those in the Mariana Trench believe that when the time comes to move on, the depths of the trench open up and Ran greets them. It first begins with a summary of the life, on how much that individual has helped in regards to helping the ocean life. It then asks the individual what aquatic animal they feel most connected to. The individual feels themselves dissolve into water and their soul and spirit reincarnate into an aquatic animal.