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Iris Kuzonoha
The kid with a gun

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Ino in Monday's Home Games

Iris Kuzonoha is a Japanese school girl from the future who will risk her life to become the ultimate person capable of protecting her loved ones and To go back and save her best friend before he died.

She is 16 years old, lives in Montana, and often appears as a girl with short white silver hair and brown eyes. Usually wears a black and blue Letterman jacket with the insignia of "R" on it with some leggings and some undershirt.

Iris Kuzonoha lives in Monday's Home Games, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. Her journal has 2 entries.













3 Alertness

0 Animals

4 Athletics

0 Brawl

0 Crafts

0 Culture

0 Drive

4 Firearms

0 Influence

3 Investigation

2 Medicine

1 Melee

0 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

3 Stealth

2 Survival

2 Technology

2 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress
  • Soft Spot (Stomach) (A specific spot on your body was previously injured and is now extremely vulnerable to further attacks. Called shots against your soft spot do +2 damage. If an attack hits you which could conceivably hit your soft spot, roll 1d10 at Difficulty 6. If you fail, the attack hits your soft spot and does +2 damage.)
  • Body 7


    5 Mind





  • Phobia of Vehicles When you encounter the subject of your phobia, you must roll Self-Control to avoid entering a fight-or-flight response. If you fail, you may Exert your Mind to face your fear.

  • Willpower


    From Assets and Liabilities
    You are not an accepted member of society. You have no citizenship in any country or nation, and have no legally recognized forms of identification or licenses, making many elements of modern life impossible for you to attain. Making Moves to gain new Circumstances is significantly hampered by your outsider status, and in some cases may be completely impossible. Your Outsider status may occasionally cause GMs to give you new Loose Ends, at their discretion.
    Finances: Poor
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You are completely incapable of holding onto money. You start each Contract with 1d10 x10 dollars in cash.
    Confidant: Troy
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You have a trusted person– a lover, close friend, or family member– whom you can confide in without fear of them revealing your secrets. You may use your confidant in place of a therapist to treat your Traumas.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Nightmares: Seeing a close friend die Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
    Anti-Social You struggle with engaging in social interaction. In order to start a conversation with someone you have known for less than an hour, you must succeed a Self-Control roll. If you become the center of attention in a large group, you must succeed a Self-Control roll or Exert your Mind to avoid fleeing or shutting down.
    Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.
    Additional Language: Japanese You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.
    Focused You’re cool under pressure. Stress from Mind Damage is reduced by 2.
    Trained Reflexes Your life has been filled with tight situations and violent encounters, so when the fighting starts, you act quickly. You get +3 dice to all Initiative rolls.
    Avoidance You are so off-putting, that most people just avoid you. As long as your Charisma rating is 1, you may Exert your Mind to cause someone to ignore or avoid you in a social situation. Any Stealth rolls you make as a part of that attempt get +2 to their Outcome.
    From Monday's Home Games
    "Thou Shall Not" (Lilith's Strict Regimen) Iris's dominant arm has been restored thanks to Lilith's miracle work. However, they must obey by their commandment. Iris must not willingly put themselves in immediate risk of death, or else this treatment will reverse. Lilith may choose to call off this regimen if they wish.

    Loose Ends

    Wanted by the Police

    Imminent Dangerous Given by Monday
    You have committed some offense - or are at least suspected of doing so, you may be innocent - and law enforcement is hunting you to bring you to justice.


    Contractor Timeline

    2 Victories - 0 Failures
    Remaining Exp: 4 (Earned: 162 - Spent: 158)
    An itemized record of every Contract, Reward, Experience change, Condition, Circumstance, and Move
    Latest 1 of 2 entries


    Latest 0 of 0 answers


    Iris Kuzonoha has made 0 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Monday's Home Games can post Moves for Iris Kuzonoha.


    Short bio because its too late for me rn: TLDR; She's 16, survived traumatic event but will not live down seeing her friend get mortally injured. (This was like in 21st century so she has basic knowledge of that era but is still clueless) Transported into a dystopian society afterwards (Like cyberpunk-wise) and was forced into an agency. Found a family there. Now forcefully transported into another world and forced to do the same thing again.

    Assets And Liabilities


    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Japanese
    -3 Confidant
    Confidant name: Troy
    -9 Trained Reflexes
    -6 Focused
    -0 Imbued
    -3 Avoidance


    +6 Finances: Poor
    +3 Nightmares
    Subject: Seeing a close friend die
    +9 Outsider
    +6 Anti-Social