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Snow Red Destiny

A Newbie Contractor played by NecromancerOfTheSnow as a Free Agent

Snow Red Destiny is a Reader who will risk her life to become the ultimate Necromancer and imortality.

She is 23 years old, lives in House, and often appears as Later.

Her Questionnaire has 5 answers.













2 Alertness

1 Animals

0 Athletics

0 Brawl

1 Crafts

0 Culture

0 Drive

0 Firearms

2 Influence

2 Investigation

2 Medicine

0 Melee

3 Occult

1 Performance

3 Science

1 Stealth

0 Survival

3 Technology

1 Thievery

3 Dead Language

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Snow Red Destiny is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Snow Red Destiny has no Battle Scars)

Body 6


7 Mind



Soul Death


(Snow Red Destiny has no Traumas)

Life Energy


Circumstances describe your situation.

Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.

Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

Database: Goverment
From Assets and Liabilities
You have access to a specific database of non-public information. As long as you have internet access or cell service, you may search for relevant information in your database. GMs may require you to make a roll and/or spend a significant amount of time for particularly complex or nuanced information requests, at their discretion.
Finances: Average
From Assets and Liabilities
You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
Famous: Necromancey
From Assets and Liabilities
You are well-known and generally well-liked by the general public. You may easily communicate a message via the media during a Downtime, and you may receive preferential treatment from NPCs at the GM's discretion.
Respected Expert: thanatology
From Assets and Liabilities
You are highly respected and influential within a given field or industry. Just about anyone in _____ will know of you and respect your status and ability within that field. Social rolls made against anyone in your chosen field receive +2 dice.


Conditions describe your state of being.

Examples of Conditions include curses, diseases, and impactful personality quirks.

Conditions are granted by Assets and Liabilities or by GMs based on the events of Contracts and Downtime activities like Moves, and Loose Ends.

Because Conditions may have GM-created systems, they also record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

From Assets and Liabilities
Nimble Fingers Your fingers are particularly long and slender. You receive a +2 dice bonus to any action that requires fine manual dexterity.
Short You are very short, 4’6” at most.-4'2" You have difficulty reaching or manipulating objects designed for normal adults, and your move speed is reduced by half.
Cat-Eyes Your eyes catch the light in the dark like a cat or dog's, granting low-light vision. You suffer no penalty to rolls in low-light situations. You cannot see in pitch blackness.
Pathetic You are so pathetic, no one takes you seriously as a threat. As long as your Brawn rating is 1, opponents must roll Mind and achieve an Outcome of 4 or higher to attack you instead of other targets in Combat.
Disorder You have a mental or emotional disorder which is chronic and hard to treat. Autism
Clear Conscience You have a special knack for shrugging off traumatic experiences. All Trauma rolls you make are -1 Difficulty, and Stress does not apply.
Iron Will When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can sway you from your goals. You receive +2 dice to all Mind rolls.
Vengeful An insult to or an attack on your person simply cannot be tolerated. Each time someone wrongs you or disrespects you in a major way, you must succeed a Self-Control roll to resist taking revenge.
Supernatural Condition You have some unique supernatural affliction or curse due to your heritage or background. Spiritic divination (Knows when happens in the futre but other controle)
Mute You cannot speak. You may communicate with the GM and describe your actions, but cannot talk to a player character or an NPC unless everyone concerned uses sign language or you write things down.
Sensitive You're emotionally fragile, and very likely to be mentally and emotionally scarred by your experiences. You have four Limits, instead of the usual three.

Loose Ends

Loose Ends will cause problems for you if you don't tie them up.

Examples of Loose Ends include enemies, debts, evidence, and promises.

All Loose Ends have a Cutoff that counts down each time you attend a Contract. When it hits zero, the Threat of your Loose End manifests, causing issues for your Contractor.

You cannot see the current values of your Loose Ends' Cutoffs, but you can take initiative and make Moves on your Downtimes to deal with them before time runs out.



0 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 0
(Earned: 156 - Spent: 156)
An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more

Snow Red Destiny has not written in her journal yet.


Snow Red Destiny has made 0 Moves.
Contractors must have participated in at least one Contract before they can make Moves.

Assets And Liabilities


-15 Iron Will
-15 Gifted
-0 Finances: Average
-3 Pathetic
-3 Cat-Eyes
-6 Clear Conscience
-3 Respected Expert
Field: thanatology
-6 Famous
Claim to Fame: Necromancey
-3 Nimble Fingers
-6 Database
Access to: Goverment


+9 Sensitive
+6 Short
+6 Mute
+6 Vengeful
+9 Supernatural Condition
+6 Disorder
Permanent Trauma: Autism