She is 23 years old, lives in an apartment in New Orleans, and often appears as a short woman with black, close cut hair and twinkling grey eyes. Their smile never gives much away.
Vera Serrin lives in The Void, a setting At the beginning of it's end, or the end of it's beginning, depending on your perspective.
3 Alertness
1 Animals
3 Athletics
4 Crafts
1 Culture
1 Drive
0 Firearms
2 Influence
2 Investigation
1 Medicine
2 Melee
1 Occult
0 Performance
1 Science
2 Stealth
0 Survival
1 Technology
1 Thievery
4 Weaving
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Vera is small time weaver and Etsy artist in New Orleans. Though she makes a humble living with her creations…she’s always wanted more than this life. To influence not just the Etsy storefront, but the world beyond it. Thankfully, something might just stir that curse that sits in her veins, the same that claimed many woman of her family before her.
You know, Vera never met her parents….