A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by eski in The Torrent
They are 47 years old, live in the attic of the pizza joint they work in secretly, and often appears as in stereotypical Italian chef garb, always with a large red and white checked chef's hat.
Marcelio Marinara lives in The Torrent, a setting where there’s an ongoing torrent of the paranatural.
2 Alertness
2 Animals
2 Athletics
5 Crafts
4 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
2 Influence
0 Investigation
0 Medicine
5 Melee
0 Occult
1 Performance
2 Science
3 Stealth
2 Survival
0 Technology
2 Thievery
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Marcelio Marinara hails from the beautiful city of Florence, Italy. They are a small-time chef working out of a pizza joint owned by their family. Abrenounced to any health and safety inspectors, he lives out of the attic of the restaurant. Their life was completely normal, up until they took a trip to New York. While in NY, a distant cousin introduced them to the poor excuses for pizza America has. Marcelio was particularly disgusted by the one chain claiming to be the best, the Hut of Pizza. So moved by the pathetic excuse for carboard paraded around as authentic pizza pies, Marcelio vowed to take his family's small restaurant business and build it high enough to sufficiently out pizza this Hut menace.