A 8-Victory Novice Contractor played by Polymorph in The New West
She is 14 years old, lives in a caravan heading west, and often appears as A young girl in a long leather duster, a shotgun on her back.
Ally Kingston lives in The New West, a setting Where The West Has Returned To Its Primal Form. Her journal has 13 entries. Her Questionnaire has 19 answers.
3 Alertness
1 Animals
3 Athletics
1 Crafts
1 Culture
0 Drive
5 Firearms
3 Influence
3 Investigation
1 Medicine
5 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
4 Stealth
3 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
1 Horses
Latest 3 of 19 answers
Ally Kingston, born to Alexander and Sarah Kingston in the East.
Alexander was a monster hunter of some renownd, and instilled in his daughter his virtues and skills. He raised her from a young age, instilling in her what she needed to survive in the world, and she took after it well. An accomplished markswoman already by 13, Alexander was pleased that his heir would carry on the family business.
At least, until he discovered the taint in his wife's blood. He never told Ally what happened to her mother, but it wasn't long before, knowing what he was looking for, he found the same taint in his daughter. He stood with his rifle over her bed as she slept, but could not bring himself to do what he knew needed to be done.
So instead, the next morning, he told her she was going away.
He had spoken with a caravan heading out, and she was to be a guard for it. She was saddened to be leaving, but... she was old enough to start protecting people. She knew that. And so she set out on her exile. Her father had ensured the caravan would keep her safe, some, but.. well, outside of the city walls. He didn't know if he'd hear from her again.
He gave her medicine, that he told her to take religiously. And so she does. She doesn't know what will happen when she runs out, but she'll try to find more.