A 4-Victory Novice Contractor played by EYECLONE in The New West
He is 30 years old, lives in somewhere?, and often appears as a tall man, wearing a leather duster, and jeans, has a sledgehammer and a backpack on his back.
Russ lives in The New West, a setting Where The West Has Returned To Its Primal Form.
3 Alertness
1 Animals
3 Athletics
3 Crafts
2 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
1 Influence
0 Investigation
0 Medicine
3 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
3 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
4 Blacksmithing
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Backstory: Russ left for the new west from the UCAN because he is lured by the idea that he can get access to old world tech that is still hidden so that he can then study it to attempt to bring humanity back to a point equal to what it was before the crash. He spent a few months preparing by making as much of what he could by hand using his skill as a blacksmith and buying or trading with others for what he couldn't make.
When Russ was exploring and trying to find old tech to learn from, he managed to find an old-world ruin within the ruins was a number of documents. These documents detailed how to augment and improve the standard human body into something greater. These papers and all of the information that was contained within them has been burned into Russ's memory, but there are many holes, and it has too much missing information for a complete conversion into a machine. Meaning that he will have to delve into more old-world ruins too help fill in the missing gaps in the documents.