Chris Charvis does not have a home Playgroup. They cannot interact with Contractors on their Downtimes. They must choose a Playgroup before their fourth Contract.
Chris Charvis has overspent Experience Remaining: -8 Exp. (Earned: 165 - Spent: 173)
A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Rainbowdragon1357 as a Free Agent
He is 46 years old, and often appears as 5'10' white male with scruffy short black hair a red and black scarf, a white dress shirt and black slacks with small white stripes.
His journal has 1 entry.
2 Alertness
0 Animals
2 Athletics
0 Crafts
1 Culture
3 Drive
0 Firearms
3 Influence
2 Investigation
0 Medicine
3 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
0 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
4 Intimidation
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Chris as a child was born in London England on February 14th 1975. Most of his childhood was spent in the tattered and decrepit building where he would escape from his abusive parents ,Mary and James , searching, catching, and torturing rats that made their home there. He loved listening to their squeals of pain and the struggling against his small hands as he preformed many gruesome experiments on them. He then spent some later years after school at university studying phycology which never amounted to anything significant other than fueling his sadistic fantasy's. When he finished university he bought himself his own place and started working as a cab driver hauling people around London.