Tabatha Elisabeta Charlotte Van Sterling II's Power value does not match their spent Gifts! Power Value: 3 Spent Rewards: 2
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by August in Harmonia Tenebrae
She is 578 (2000 years old of memories) years old, lives in Wyngate Manor, Pennsylvania, and often appears as a tall pale redhead with glimmering red eyes, glittery skin and bears a Romanian heritage and loves to overdress.
Tabatha Elisabeta Charlotte Van Sterling II lives in Harmonia Tenebrae, a setting where the strange and supernatural hides under a veil of normalcy.
2 Alertness
0 Animals
2 Athletics
0 Crafts
2 Culture
1 Drive
0 Firearms
2 Influence
2 Investigation
1 Medicine
2 Melee
3 Occult
2 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
0 Survival
1 Technology
0 Thievery
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A slothful coward, waking up only to indulge in her vices, in her greed, before ruining it for someone else, then huddling back to her castle to slumber once more... This time however, she awakens to a changed world, one where she cannot be as blatantly vain as before... She must be subtle, she must plan, she must kill all these monsters that ruined her fucking nap this time around.