Legendary Artifact

Dads Wedding Ring

Created and held by Freddy Newman.
A simple gold wedding ring stemming from simpler times. It former belonged to Freddy’s father, Frederick Newman Senior and was given to you after his death. The ring was a gift to Freddy’s father from Freddy’s mother Gladys Newman which she bought for him while serving in Vietnam. The souls of the countless soldiers Gladys killed while deployed have been trapped inside of the ring. Activating the item causes a mindless copy of the being to appear which has brought the all this pain and suffering, Gladys Newman.

Clenching the fist with the ring on it causes screams of victims souls who are inside of the ring to be heard. The ring starts to faintly glow red and something akin to red mist exists the ring covering a smaller area next to the contractor. The mist fades quickly as it came only leaving behind a mindless humanoid being resembling Gladys Newman looks, which has access to a part of her fighting power.

Her actions in the war have left her be feared by her enemies and respected by her comrades. Her country send them there to help people there against the communists ruining their country. What ended up happening was that they were the ones to ruin their lives instead. The many atrocities she committed for “democracy” imbued the wedding ring she bought for her husband, with the hate , fear and pain of all the victims. She tried to leave it all behind by moving with her husband to London. Frederick Newman Senior sadly passed away through a tragic , unlucky car accident leaving Gladys a Women. Freddy still tries to spend as much time as he can with his mother but sometimes her mind wanders off , wanders off back in to the war. She always tried to raise Freddy to be a man that follows the law and helps people, to raise a man and to not make the same mistakes she did. The only thing that she has left from the war is the smell of burning human flesh in her nose and sleepless nights.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

Summon a single Clone of Gladys Newman at your location. They will last until they are destroyed. They are controlled by the GM but will follow any commands you give. This Artifact may have at most 1 minion active at a time.

  • Attacking: Minions can make melee range attacks with 5 dice to attack and +1 Damage.
  • Body: Minions have 6 Body.
  • Movement: Minions can move 20 feet per Round as Free Movement, and double that when performing an all-out Sprint.
  • Intelligence: They have dog-level intelligence, but are capable of communicating information back to you. They cannot actively use Equipment.
  • Actions: Minions cannot dodge or Defend. Any Perception checks they make are rolled with 3 dice.

After you finish activating this Effect, you cannot move quicker than a walk (max 15 feet per Round) for one minute and suffer a -1 dice penalty for an hour. Exhaustion’s penalty and duration stacks with multiple activations.

  • Exhaustion penalties and duration stack. If you activate this Effect or another Effect with Exhaustion, your penalty will worsen, and the duration is increased by one hour.

Community Artifacts

Carbonated steel and ebony Whalebone smoking pipe

Created and held by craft bot.
Made of Ebony charred whalebone, plated and decored in Carbonated black steel. An enscription is written on this object's side: Death awaits, for they who shalt not arrive.

Inhale the spirits and blow out the the smoke. The Artifact is a Wooden Smoking Pipe, with tribal carvings. Both parties start "Tripping Balls"

Expend a point of Battery and spend 15 minutes. Select a Living target within arm's reach. You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means. Choose a specific Injury on your target that has not yet been treated with this Effect and roll Intellect + Occult at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, the Injury is reduced in Severity by your Outcome. If you reduce its Severity to 0, the Injury is fully healed. Otherwise, it is partially healed and will heal the rest of the way at its natural rate.

This counts as a successful Makeshift Stabilization if the Injury was not already Stabilized; any Battle Scars caused by the Injury will remain.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation will almost certainly be disturbed to see the spirits of Dead Indegious Tribals that dance creepily, tearing away at each other's ghostly flash and replacing the wound's of the chosen with the vitality of their own...

  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.
  • Unstabilized wounds do not degenerate during treatment.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Mask of Spec Wise

Created by Penny Roberts, given to Bu Fang.
This mask depicts a young Korean man, lightly bearded and with large ears.

First the face is crafted, stitched onto a backing out of whole or pieces of faces, recombined into new masterpieces. Penny can supply the canvas if you wish to stitch a face to it yourself, but without her expertise there could be some… mishaps. Regardless, once the face is complete and worn for the first time, it becomes immutable, permanent. Whole faces will result in an exact body of the deceased, but working from scratch allows you a bit more… creative freedom.

Once you put it on, you feel the threads work their way into your skin, the backing melting away and the flesh becoming one with yours, which covers your entire body, morphing and molding uncomfortably until you look exactly as the face’s previous wearer looked, or you look like a wondrous new creation of flesh.

Take a Severity-1 Injury and spend a minute to activate. This Effect cannot be used unless someone skilled in surgery must first attach an existing face to the mask, or stitch one together from pieces of faces.

Your appearance changes to the form that matches the face attached to the mask. The disguise lasts until you either activate a new disguise, or choose to end the effect.

You are only able to shift into the one predefined appearance. This new appearance must have a similar sex, age, and race to your own. You cannot significantly change your height and weight. Your disguise cannot directly mimic an existing person. You cannot alter your clothes. You may add inhuman features to your disguise. Your disguise can alter your smell, DNA, and other aspects that are not perceivable via human senses. A disguise cannot affect your Attributes or other stats.

  • While you can add inhuman features, they are aesthetic only. Think star trek alien, monstergirl, demon, etc. Does not grant things such as a prehensile tail, an extra damaging brawl attack, improved senses, etc.

Seal up my black body bag

Created and held by Caroline (real).
‘Just enough, a heart attack’

An ordinary appearing bag on the outside holding an ominous lurking creature within who is waiting for its next meal.

This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a briefcase and just as difficult to conceal. Unless Only stores adequate food when it is hungry, this Artifact behaves as its mundane counterpart.

Your briefcase holds 12 times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your briefcase. They will have access to anything else inside but cannot break free.

If your briefcase is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function until it is repaired.

When scanned or investigated without opening, the contents of your container appear normal and unremarkable.

You may change the type of your container between Contracts.

If anyone other than you opens the container, it appears empty. Others can still destroy it to get at the contents.

This item is a living thing. When targeted, it counts as a Living Creature in addition to its other target types. If destroyed or abandoned for more than two days, it dies and becomes unusable.

Anyone who touches this Artifact will notice it warping their mind and may drop it. If they choose to hold or use it, they immediately receive the following Trauma: Urge to kill. If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Trauma heals over the course of the next day.

  • You cannot change the container's type if you are not in possession of it.
  • There is no cost to use your container.

This Artifact cannot be broken.

If this Artifact is lost and in no one’s possession, it finds its way back to its creator during the next Downtime.

This Artifact's creator is always aware of the direction and distance to this Artifact.

This Artifact's creator must have it with them to have restful sleep. They cannot regain Mind or Source while separated from this Artifact.

  • "Cannot be broken" means that damage cannot render the Artifact's Effects unusable, nor can it cease to be used for its primary mundane purpose, if it has one.

R.I.S.H.I. (Remote Integrated Security Hub Interface)

Created and held by Amarjeet Inderpal.
A steel Kara bracelet. The interior edge has a seam holding some kind of ferro-fluid.

The Henna marking unfolds from underneath the bracelet, crawling across the skin to form matching patterns on both the prospective client & the wielder of R.I.S.H.I. - this process is not fast, & is easy to avoid should someone wish to do so.

The quantum connection provided by the Ferro Fluid marking transmits telemetry including vitals, distance & direction.

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action. Select a target within arm's reach. The target may Resist.

Your target is marked with a Henna marking. Your mark can be discovered if the target is inspected visually. Removal inflicts a Severity 1 Injury on the target.

You are aware of the marked target's vital status, injuries, direction and distance from you. This lasts for the next month, or until either the mark is removed, or you choose to end the Effect. This Artifact can have up to 3 marks active.

You may use any Awareness Powers on a marked target at any range.

Your Marked targets are all similarly aware of your direction and distance from them while the Mark is active.

  • Marked individuals satisfy the line of sight requirement for targeted Effects.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Lines of a magnetic ferro-fluid flow from underneath the steel bracelet, forming a Henna pattern on the desired surface. This effect cannot be employed unless "unlocked" by the activation of an Inderpal Close Protection Contract (Consumable Only)

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. Select a target within 10 feet. This Effect cannot be used unless under a Close Protection Contract.

You place a ward, which is fixed to a target Object that can be moved and repositioned. You can hear and see through the ward as though you were standing at its location. This Artifact may have at most 3 wards active at once.

The ward requires Concentration to monitor, though it will remain active until you deactivate it. It can be detected with a roll and destroyed through mundane means.

Your Ward records all activity it observes, regardless of whether or not you are actively monitoring it. This recording can be played back and referenced later.

You may communicate through your ward, though doing so will reveal its presence.

  • Your ward's recording is maintained even if your Ward is destroyed.
  • Any targets visible via your ward satisfy the line of sight requirement for targeted Effects.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

The holographic technology of the crystalline aliens has been incorporated into the Karra Bracelet. When under a Close Protection Contract, Amarjeet is capable of creating a prismatic field of shimmering light protecting her Client.

This technology is not without it's flaws, however - the target of the shield will suffer burns matching the prismatic lotus pattern created by the field. This damage pales to that suffered by would be attackers, however - a feedback mechanism causes a backlash of energies to strike down those who would attempt to pierce the field.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action or Reaction. Select a Animate target within 20 feet. This Effect cannot be used unless the target is under a Close Protection Contract. When you Activate this Effect, roll a single d10. If the result is 5 or lower, your target receives a Minor Battle Scar. Roll Perception + Technology at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, you create a barrier around your target, which absorbs the next Outcome + 6 Damage. Any Damage absorbed by the barrier is reflected back to the attacker, up to a maximum of the Barrier Strength Parameter’s bonus. Their Armor applies in full. The Damage reduction from the barrier is applied before Armor. This Artifact may only have 1 active barrier at a time.

You must maintain Concentration while using this Effect. The barrier will fall if you are interrupted, or if it absorbs the full amount of Damage. When a barrier falls, you cannot use this Effect again for a minimum of 2 Rounds.

  • If you use this Effect as a Reaction to dodge, you still need to make a roll to dodge. The Effect will occur regardless of the Outcome of this roll, but if you fail you will be hit by the relevant attack prior to the Effect occurring.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

The advanced technology within the Kara has been upgraded to allow dimensional compression of weapons, reducing them to a two-dimensional "placeholder" as needed. These items may be withdrawn from "flat space" in the blink of an eye, seeming to coalesce in the wielders hand when needed.

Spend a Quick Action to activate.

You may withdraw an item from your stash, or add an item that is within arm’s reach to your stash. You may only stash targets which are in your possession, grappled, or otherwise controlled by you.

You may store Weapons in your stash, each no larger than something which could fit inside a rolling luggage bag (50 liters), and you may store up to 7 things at a time.

You may choose to equip any equipment you withdraw at no additional cost.

  • "Equip" refers to drawing a gun, putting on a piece of armor, etc.
  • Containers which hold multiple things may count as a single item so long as the things within are generally packaged together. For instance, you may stash a clip full of bullets, a medical kit full of medical supplies, or a box of crackers, but you cannot stash a backpack full of miscellaneous equipment.
  • You may only attempt to store Objects which are free-standing and disconnected from other things. The use of this Effect will not allow you to sever any connections holding an Object in place.
  • The Maximum Object Size parameter is intended to roughly capture the weight / size restriction of items and isn’t intended to restrict shape. GM discretion is advised. A human being is level 4 in the Maximum Object Size parameter.

The R.I.S.H.I. contains advanced profiling software, capable of gathering data from prospective clients or potential hostiles alike.

Exert your Mind and spend a minute. Select a Sapient target within arm's reach. At the end of your investigation, roll Brawn + Alertness at Difficulty 6.

You learn all the following information about your target:

  • You learn where the target sleeps, how long they tend to sleep each night, whether or not they have nightmares, and what their nightmares tend to be about.
  • You learn the target's name, nicknames, screen names, and aliases.
  • You learn the target’s passwords, passcodes, secret phrases, pin numbers, etc.
  • You learn how to reliably contact the target.

The quality and specificity of information gained depends on your Outcome.

  • Contact info Low Outcome: a means of communication (phone, email, a secretary). High Outcome: specific phone numbers, email addresses, protocols for getting access to the individual.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Shield of Aeneas

Created by Jacob Sterns, given to Ricter Casenger.
A round metal shield depicting major occurences in the history of ancient Rome. Approximately 2 feet in diameter.

When channelling energy into it, the shield splits into millions of metal filings which soak into the skin and clothes of the target, leaving a grey gemstone and granting a first line of defense. If hit, it will sound and feel like hitting/breaking through a sheet of metal.
When the barrier is broken or runs out, the shield transforms back.

This shield is said to have been forged by the god Vulcan and gifted to the hero Aeneas, the mythical progenitor of Rome.
Even with modern equipment it is not fully understood whether the power of the shield is magical or technological or a combination of the two.

This artifact was loaned to one Jacob Sterns by the British Museum.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. Select a Animate target within 20 feet. Roll Dexterity + Occult at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, you create a barrier around your target, which absorbs the next Outcome + 4 Damage. The Damage reduction from the barrier is applied before Armor. This Artifact may only have 1 active barrier at a time.

The barrier will fall after two hours, or if it absorbs the full amount of Damage. When a barrier falls, you cannot use this Effect again for a minimum of 2 Rounds.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Stock Legendary Artifacts

Take a Severity-1 Injury and spend one minute. Select a Dead target within arm's reach with at least half its skeletal structure remaining. You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means.

Your target rises as an Animate being. The raised creature is totally mindless, with no memory of its past life or hint of its old personality. They cannot communicate. They will follow any command you speak.

The creature lasts for eight hours or until it dies again. It is revived at full health. Any Injuries it had in life are not accounted for when determining its penalties or progression towards re-death, though they may affect its ability to perform certain actions at GM's discretion.

Raised creatures have their Abilities set to the same that they were in life. Their Charisma and Intellect are set to 1, but their Dexterity, Brawn and Perception are the same as they had in life. A raised creature cannot use any Effects.

Destroying one of your zombies requires a called shot to the head or heart. All other Injuries zombies suffer result in Battle Scars only, limiting their mobility and effectiveness in other ways.

Your revived targets deal 2 Weapon Damage with their unarmed attacks.

  • The called shot requires 4 Outcome dealing 4+ Damage or 6 Outcome dealing 2+ Damage.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

The Axe of Legend

This electric guitar has one edge sharpened into a deadly blade. It can be used as either sort of axe.

This Artifact can be used as a sword / axe. It is roughly the same size as a sword / axe and just as difficult to conceal.

Attack by rolling Brawn + Melee, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +5 Weapon Damage. The target's fully effective

You also gain the following effects:

  • Mjolnir: You may call your weapon back to your hand as a Quick Action if it is within 50 feet of you. Can only be used on melee weapon that you have wielded in the past hour.
  • Shredder: If you successfully hit your target, the value of any Armor they are wearing is reduced by 2. This penalty lasts until the armor is repaired.

  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.

This Effect activates whenever combat begins. It does not require an Action or Exertion.

You automatically detect all people wielding weapons within 300 feet of you for the next hour. This includes any who come within range during the duration. You have a sense of how many valid targets are nearby, as well as their distance and direction.

  • When triggered, the Effect activation resolves immediately after the triggering Action. It is not Reaction speed.

The Coffin

"The Coffin" is a black, alligator-skin briefcase made to look like its namesake. The interior is coated in red, quilted leather. It is quite a bit larger on the inside, appearing to stretch backwards like a dark passageway.

This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a alligator-skin briefcase and just as difficult to conceal. Unless you are storing something commonly found in coffins, this Artifact behaves as its mundane counterpart.

Your alligator-skin briefcase holds 5 times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your alligator-skin briefcase. They will have access to anything else inside and may attempt to break free, damaging or destroying the alligator-skin briefcase in the process.

If your alligator-skin briefcase is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function until it is repaired.

You may change the type of your container between Contracts.

Only you may open and close the container. Others can still destroy it to get at the contents

  • You cannot change the container's type if you are not in possession of it.
  • There is no cost to use your container.

The Bug-out Bag

No hiker would bat an eye if they saw someone wearing this 80 liter backpacking pack in the backcountry. Those who look closer find it's made of a curious mix of modern materials and what appears to be rawhide stitching.

This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a 80 liter backpacking pack and just as difficult to conceal.

Your 80 liter backpacking pack holds 5 times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your 80 liter backpacking pack. They will have access to anything else inside and may attempt to break free, damaging or destroying the 80 liter backpacking pack in the process.

If your 80 liter backpacking pack is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function until it is repaired.

Only you may open and close the container. Others can still destroy it to get at the contents

  • There is no cost to use your container.

This Artifact cannot be broken.

This Artifact's creator is always aware of the direction and distance to this Artifact.

  • "Cannot be broken" means that damage cannot render the Artifact's Effects unusable, nor can it cease to be used for its primary mundane purpose, if it has one.