Legendary Artifact

Eye of Saurom

Created and held by Marquis Galperin.
A neclace with a dark chain with an eye normally closed.

If the wearer fears for his life then the eye of the necklace will open violently showing a bright and orange eye. Whoever looks upon it or towards it will be targeted.

This Effect activates whenever The wearer fears for his life. It does not require an Action or Exertion. Select a Human target within 20 feet. “Your target should be intuitively based on the triggering event. Roll Charisma + Performance at Difficulty 6. Affected targets may resist by rolling Mind at Difficulty 8 with a -3 dice penalty. If they are incapacitated or unconscious, they fail automatically and their Outcome is 0.

If the Contested Outcome is positive, the target takes Mind damage equal to the Contested Outcome. If you deal at least 3 Mind damage, the target will gain a new Trauma selected by the GM. This Trauma may be removed by Effects or mundane therapy, as normal. Affected targets are aware that they are being attacked and can generally tell who did it.

  • When triggered, the Effect activation resolves immediately after the triggering Action. It is not Reaction speed.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Community Artifacts

Carbonated steel and ebony Whalebone smoking pipe

Created and held by craft bot.
Made of Ebony charred whalebone, plated and decored in Carbonated black steel. An enscription is written on this object's side: Death awaits, for they who shalt not arrive.

Inhale the spirits and blow out the the smoke. The Artifact is a Wooden Smoking Pipe, with tribal carvings. Both parties start "Tripping Balls"

Expend a point of Battery and spend 15 minutes. Select a Living target within arm's reach. You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means. Choose a specific Injury on your target that has not yet been treated with this Effect and roll Intellect + Occult at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, the Injury is reduced in Severity by your Outcome. If you reduce its Severity to 0, the Injury is fully healed. Otherwise, it is partially healed and will heal the rest of the way at its natural rate.

This counts as a successful Makeshift Stabilization if the Injury was not already Stabilized; any Battle Scars caused by the Injury will remain.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation will almost certainly be disturbed to see the spirits of Dead Indegious Tribals that dance creepily, tearing away at each other's ghostly flash and replacing the wound's of the chosen with the vitality of their own...

  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.
  • Unstabilized wounds do not degenerate during treatment.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.


Created and held by Jack Thirston.
The ECLIPSE 1 (Dormant form) is a small white prism made out of white ceramic with extremely intricate details carved into the surface, that seems to resemble circuitry. Any mage worth their salt may recognise the circuits to be a spell framework, or enchantment. Though where "mana" or "magic" should be, there is instead a quiet hum of electricity. The ECLIPSE 1 (Dormant form) is built into a steel pendant with a built in tracker, attached to a sturdy tungsten chain.

The ECLIPSE 1 breaks apart into dizzying 4th dimensional prismatic fractals that grow and spread across the users body in a dull multi-coloured glow. Upon gaining enough mass the fractals subside into a more organic form... the ECLIPSE 1 (Combat form); a 7ft tall digitigrade mech suit equipped with limb mounted thruster's and a intimidating belt fed LMG attached to the left shoulder.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You transform into the ECLIPSE 1 (Combat form) for 3 hours. You have access to all of your Powers while you are the ECLIPSE 1 (Combat form), and you can use your equipment. The Injuries and Battle Scars of your Alternate Form and your true form are tracked separately.

While transformed, your Attributes are the same. Your Stress is reduced by 2.

While transformed, instead of your normal clothes and equipment, you are equipped with: ECLIPSE 1 Combat form ( FPV 5 armour) (Shoulder mounted LMG, Red-dot) (Infra-red sensors), F90 Assault Rife (Red-dot, 3 Mags), Glock-19 (Red-dot, 2 mags).

Anyone who touches this Artifact will notice it warping their mind and may drop it. If they choose to hold or use it, they immediately receive the following Trauma: Dreams of the Eclipse home: When you sleep you dream of a pitch black maze full of violent creatures. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind Damage. If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Trauma heals over the course of the next day.

  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

Using your expert training you are able to activate the thruster's built into the rear of the suits back and limbs in order to take off and fly like... well, a Warmachine.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing the ECLIPSE 1 (Combat form) and you are wearing this Artifact.

As long as you are conscious, you are immune to falling Damage. Additionally, you may glide as you fall, traveling 35 feet horizontally for every 10 feet you fall. While gliding, you fall at a minimum speed of 10 feet per Round.

You may ascend into the air and fly using your limb mounted thrusters. You don't require extra clear space on any side in order to fly, and get +2 dice for any rolls made to maneuver in mid-air. You may add 50 feet to Movement you take while flying. If you take more than a Severity 4 Injury to your limb mounted thrusters via a called shot or Battle Scar, you can only glide until they are healed.

You are subject to the following effects while gliding or flying:

  • Earthbound: You cannot fly or glide in an atmosphere thin enough to be unbreathable.
  • Weight-Limited: This Effect is suppressed any time you are over-encumbered.

  • Any penalties to dice or movement, including from Encumbrance, are applied as normal. If your movement is reduced to 0 due to encumbrance, you will begin to sink down to the ground.
  • You may activate this Effect while in midair, allowing you to slow and survive any free fall.

Ocarina of Time

Created and held by Link.
A sky-blue, ceramic ocarina with nine holes: seven on the front and two on the back. It has a golden triforce near the mouthpiece.

The song feels as if it wraps around your heart and mind. Its tune seems mournful- but, then again, aren't you? Filled with the experience of your grief and pain being seen and understood, you feel at peace. You will never forget, no, but you can accept what happened and let go.

The act of letting go creates a mask, the design of which represents the trauma inflicted upon your heart.

The Song of Healing has the capability to heal a soul and give peace to those who cannot forget. Those who are tormented by what they have seen and felt are released from their pain, and given the ability to move on.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) to activate. Select a Living or Animate target within arm's reach. Over the course of one Downtime, your patient must communicate with you and reveal at least one of their Traumas to you, including the details of those Traumas and the circumstances of how they were acquired. After the full treatment time has elapsed, roll Charisma + Performance at Difficulty 6.

Your target may Resist. If your treatment is successful, you may remove one of the patient's revealed Traumas without incurring any Experience cost.

  • The treatment time may be broken up into multiple sessions if necessary.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

A rainstorm begins to gather, no matter the environment. Lightning sparks and thunder rumbles as rain begins to fall.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You create a hemispherical dome of rain and lightning originating at your Location, with a radius of 60 feet. and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in any number of the following ways:

  • Danger Zone: The zone contains lightning. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll Body at Difficulty 8. Anyone who fails or botches receives a Severity-1 Injury.
  • Obscured Vision: The zone is partially blocked from view. Anything within the zone will have difficulty seeing anything or being seen from the outside. Any rolls that rely on sight are made at -3 dice, and rolls that would benefit from sight are rolled at -1 dice.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

You may end this Effect prematurely as a Free Action.

  • The Effect does not follow you after you activate it.
  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Day's Grimoir

Created and held by Day.
A smallish leather-bound tome, about 8x4 inches.

Day copies a glyph of "sooth mind" from her Grimoire onto the head of her patient, the upper ring of the glyph includes details about the Trauma, when it was recieved and how (in runic form). The lower ring of the glyph is the upper ring, written in reverse. Over the downtime, the rings slowly twist into each other, with each rune self-destructing with its negative form. When the last rune self-annihilates with its negative version, the mental trauma is healed.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) to activate. Select a Living target within arm's reach. Over the course of one Downtime, your patient must communicate with you and reveal at least one of their Traumas to you, including the details of those Traumas and the circumstances of how they were acquired. After the full treatment time has elapsed, roll Charisma + Crafts at Difficulty 6.

Your target may Resist. If your treatment is successful, you may remove one of the patient's revealed Traumas without incurring any Experience cost.

Once per day per target, you may choose to use this Effect to stabilize the Mind of a target within arm's reach. Treatment takes 30 seconds but will not remove any Traumas. If you are successful, restore 2 Mind damage.

  • The treatment time may be broken up into multiple sessions if necessary.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Day draws (with her finger, or her mage hand) a series of runes over where the injury is, days finger leaves behind faintly glowing lines as she works, the runes describe health, a lack of infection, healing etc. Once day has finished drawing the runes, they stop glowing, but form a series of tattoos over where the injury was, and the injury flows back together. Day must reference her grimoire while drawing, the runes she is drawing will show in her grimoire, and will glow faintly while she is drawing them.

The runes must remain uncovered, this includes cloth, makeup, paint and armor. Hiding the runes is allowed (Holding a briefcase by your leg so that the runes cant be seen is allowed). Generally, if the person who is marked could be considered to be "wearing" the covering, it is not allowed.

Day has some control over where the runes end up, if she is healing a lot of minor injuries, she can concentrate the runes somewhat, and she can move the runes slightly from the original position (to avoid situations that would be...pornographic).

Exert your Mind and spend 1 minute. Select a Living or Animate target within arm's reach. Choose a specific Injury on your target that has not yet been treated with this Effect and roll Intellect + Crafts at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, the Injury is reduced in Severity by your Outcome. If you reduce its Severity to 0, the Injury is fully healed. Otherwise, it is partially healed and will heal the rest of the way at its natural rate.

This counts as a successful Makeshift Stabilization if the Injury was not already Stabilized; any Battle Scars caused by the Injury will remain. Your patient is required to The healing leaves runes that appear to be tattoos where the injury was. These markings con not be covered for the next month. If they violate this rule, your treatment is immediately reversed.

  • The patient is aware of this requirement.
  • Unstabilized wounds do not degenerate during treatment.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Jerry's Dads Sword

Created and held by Jerry.
a long steal greatsword of viking origin, engraved with stylised runes along the blade.

The sword shimmers a faint white every few seconds.

Upon the death of the viking Jerry after he accidently fell on his own sword during his first real combat. It just so happens the sword he stole from his father was an artifact he won from being the champion of Odin or some bullshit Jerry barely remembers now.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

You are permanently transformed into this Artifact.

You can perceive your surroundings as normal, and you may control the functioning of the object you have transformed into (for example, opening your doors if you are a car).

If you are broken, you cannot take any Actions until you are repaired.

If anyone wields, equips, wears, or uses you while you are transformed, you may take physical actions using their body. Your Action comes directly before theirs in Initiative, and all rolls are made with your stats. You may opt to utilize your Action to "help" your host, allowing them to use your dice pool for their chosen Action.

You can use any Powers that do not require movement on your own. You must be wielded or equipped to use other Powers. You cannot use Artifacts or Consumables, but if you have transformed into a Legendary Artifact, you may use the other Effects attached to it.

Your passive Powers affect anyone who wields you.

  • While being wielded, any Action that would cause self-harm to your host requires a contested Mind roll.
  • If a character is inside of you when you revert to your original form, you take a Severity-5 Injury when they burst from your innards as you shrink.
  • You cannot move in any way the object wouldn't normally be able to move. If you are a feather duster, you cannot float around, etc.

Stock Legendary Artifacts

You gain the following benefits as long as you are not at all wet and you are wearing this Artifact.

You are obscured in one of the following manners. You may Spend an Action to change the way in which you're concealed.

  • Sight:You are partially obscured from being noticed by sight. All attempts to detect you using sight are rolled at a -3 dice penalty, and all attempts to detect you where sight would assist are rolled at -1 penalty. Anyone who detects you cannot determine any visual details about you beyond your general shape.

While this Effect is active, any Effect that would obscure you from other, additional senses fails automatically. If someone discovers you, this Effect will not help you hide from them for the next minute. This Effect does not end early when you activate an obvious Effect, attack, or receive an Injury.

  • GMs should use their discretion when determining the exact impacts of this Effect, particularly in conjunction with environmental factors. Standing still against a complex background may render you impossible to detect, and footprints in snow may make it easy. A chance to detect you is not guaranteed.

This Effect activates whenever you are recorded. It does not require an Action or Exertion. Select a Non-Sapient Object within 20 feet no larger than a duffel bag (35 liters). Roll Perception + Culture Difficulty 6.

If your Outcome is 4 or higher, the target will be completely destroyed and can no longer function, though it may still be repaired. If your Outcome is less than 4, the target will be partially damaged, and any attempts to use it will suffer a dice penalty equal to your Outcome.

  • When triggered, the Effect activation resolves immediately after the triggering Action. It is not Reaction speed.
  • The penalty from an object being damaged will stack with itself if a target is hit multiple times, but the object is destroyed when it reaches a total penalty of -4.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

The Axe of Legend

This electric guitar has one edge sharpened into a deadly blade. It can be used as either sort of axe.

This Artifact can be used as a sword / axe. It is roughly the same size as a sword / axe and just as difficult to conceal.

Attack by rolling Brawn + Melee, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +5 Weapon Damage. The target's fully effective

You also gain the following effects:

  • Mjolnir: You may call your weapon back to your hand as a Quick Action if it is within 50 feet of you. Can only be used on melee weapon that you have wielded in the past hour.
  • Shredder: If you successfully hit your target, the value of any Armor they are wearing is reduced by 2. This penalty lasts until the armor is repaired.

  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.

The Bug-out Bag

No hiker would bat an eye if they saw someone wearing this 80 liter backpacking pack in the backcountry. Those who look closer find it's made of a curious mix of modern materials and what appears to be rawhide stitching.

This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a 80 liter backpacking pack and just as difficult to conceal.

Your 80 liter backpacking pack holds 5 times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your 80 liter backpacking pack. They will have access to anything else inside and may attempt to break free, damaging or destroying the 80 liter backpacking pack in the process.

If your 80 liter backpacking pack is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function until it is repaired.

Only you may open and close the container. Others can still destroy it to get at the contents

  • There is no cost to use your container.

This Artifact cannot be broken.

This Artifact's creator is always aware of the direction and distance to this Artifact.

  • "Cannot be broken" means that damage cannot render the Artifact's Effects unusable, nor can it cease to be used for its primary mundane purpose, if it has one.

Personal Shield Generator

The device itself is a metal hexagon that is worn on the belt and glows when active.

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action or Reaction.

You phase out of reality for up to 4 Rounds. During this time, you cannot perceive or affect the outside world or take any Actions. You cannot move. Nothing can interact with you in any way.

When you activate this Effect, you may limit its duration to a period of your choosing. If you are able, you may also end it as a Free Action on your initiative.

You leave a golden glow shaped like yourself at your location.

  • If you use this Effect to dodge as a Reaction, it succeeds without the need for a roll. Cannot be used as a Desperate Defense.
  • You may use your Free Movement on the Round you phase back in, but you cannot take an Action.