The Fire God's Smith A rushed river of lava, the metals shed tears of joy for his forge never sleeps.

Requires Seasoned
The power to generate useful mundane items.
Used by Sirai Dang, Created by VietSmiley.
(Anyone who witnesses you activate this Effect or for its duration is very likely to be disturbed to see The uncanny robotic nature of limbs working pristinely. You must actively and obviously be using A metalworking tool (EX: Hammer, Pliers).)

The Craftsman enters a state of focus, showing no emotion as sweat beads down their body. The Craftsman holographically creates an anvil or forge (depending on the size of the object) and starts tinkering with metal. Only the craftsman can hear the sounds of clashing and clanging.

The Craftsman's arms move with uncanny speed, as if robotic limbs scripted to perform.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) and spend 1 minute. You must actively and obviously use A metalworking tool (EX: Hammer, Pliers) to activate this Effect.

Choose an Object which could fit inside a regular backpack (up to 27 liters). It must be Non-Alien and generic. You can create explosives, but they are limited in size to being no larger or more powerful than a satchel charge. You cannot create firearms.

Roll Dexterity + Crafts to fabricate up to 5 copies of your chosen Object. The Difficulty is assigned by the GM and depends on the specificity of your chosen Object. Your created items no longer expire, and will last until they are destroyed.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation or for its duration will almost certainly be disturbed to see The uncanny robotic nature of limbs working pristinely.

Possession of this Power grants the following Battle Scar: burn scars across the arms.

Possession of this Power grants the following Trauma at all times: Compulsive honesty: You cannot lie.

  • You may cause a created item to expire at will as a Free Action, destroying the item.

Community Power Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your Stress from Injuries and Mind Damage is reduced to 0.

Charisma+Cooking if possible

Edit: Rare is going to have a limited duration soon, so this power will be very limited shortly. As YET ANOTHER power that creates food, I would get rid of it, or at least put it on an item like a salt shaker or something.

Exert your Mind and spend 1 minute. You must use up A lb of Ingredients in order to activate this Effect.

Choose a specific type of Food/Sustenance thats been requested of which could fit inside a regular backpack (up to 27 liters). It must be Non-Alien and generic but can include rare or complex materials (such as radium, gold, or drugs). You cannot create explosives. You cannot create firearms.

Roll Charisma + Crafts to fabricate your chosen Object. The Difficulty is assigned by the GM and depends on the specificity of your chosen Object. Your created items no longer expire, and will last until they are destroyed.

  • You may cause a created item to expire at will as a Free Action, destroying the item.

The girls’ forms have joined enough now that Obedience’s gestures no longer stray from Grace’s body. One hand joined at the middle finger, another melded into the Gauntlet- they are nearly locked in place, just how the girls want it to be. They are able to manipulate objects in the first place in the way most ghosts are; through a force of powerful (in this case combined) will, sending ripples through the currents of a half-existing realm which flows erratically adjacent to ours.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

You can interact with things that are within 75 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them. Any rolls made for Actions taken in this way use a Mental Strength of 2 in place of your Brawn rating, a Mental Agility of 2 in place of your Dexterity, and otherwise use your own Attributes and Abilities.

Telekinetic actions have the following restrictions and behaviors:

  • Reactions: You cannot use a Reaction telekinetically.
  • Line of Sight: You must be able to visually observe anything you interact with, and any actions that you are taking will end if their target moves out of sight.
  • Unarmed Combat: You are able to deal damage through unarmed attacks, grapples, and thrown objects. Unarmed Mastery does not apply.
  • Weapons: You cannot wield weapons effectively in combat.
  • Fine Tools: You may use this Effect to simulate fine tools which can manipulate tiny or delicate things, such as a lockpick, forceps, probes, etc.
  • Maintaining Focus: You must maintain Concentration while taking Actions in this way. If you are Injured or interrupted, you must roll Mind at Difficulty 9 to maintain Concentration. If you fail, you cannot engage in telekinetic actions for the next 6 - Intellect rounds.
  • Levitation: If you are strong enough to lift yourself, you may levitate up to within 75 feet away from the ground. Movement is limited to 5 feet per Round.
  • Multiple Items: You can only interact with one thing or take one Action at a time.

  • Any telekinetic actions which interact with Animate targets may require contested rolls at GMs discretion.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your Body and Mind Penalties are reduced to 0.

Spend a Quick Action.

You may withdraw an item from your stash, or add an item that is within arm’s reach to your stash. You may only stash targets which are in your possession, grappled, or otherwise controlled by you.

You may store Objects in your stash, each no larger than something which could fit inside a briefcase (15 liters), and you may store up to 3 things at a time.

You may choose to equip any equipment you withdraw at no additional cost.

Whenever you withdraw an Object from your Stash, you must immediately Stash another object to replace it. You may only stash objects you are attuned to. Attuning an object requires one minute of physical contact.

  • "Equip" refers to drawing a gun, putting on a piece of armor, etc.
  • Containers which hold multiple things may count as a single item so long as the things within are generally packaged together. For instance, you may stash a clip full of bullets, a medical kit full of medical supplies, or a box of crackers, but you cannot stash a backpack full of miscellaneous equipment.
  • You may only attempt to store Objects which are free-standing and disconnected from other things. The use of this Effect will not allow you to sever any connections holding an Object in place.
  • The Maximum Object Size parameter is intended to roughly capture the weight / size restriction of items and isn’t intended to restrict shape. GM discretion is advised. A human being is level 4 in the Maximum Object Size parameter.

Stock Power Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times. You must actively and obviously be using clothes or a uniform that displays the flag of your country to gain the benefits of this Effect.

You have 4 Armor, which reduces incoming Damage. Armor from multiple sources does not stack. This Armor cannot be circumvented with Called Shots.

Spend one minute. Select a Sapient target or a Creature within arm's reach. You must actively converse with the individual in question for one minute in order to gather any information. At the end of your investigation, roll Perception + Medicine at Difficulty 6. The target may Resist.

You learn all the following information about your target:

  • You determine any medical or physiological issues they have, as well as their species and a general overview of their biology.
  • You learn a full medical history, including past injuries and illnesses as well as the healing process involved.

The quality and specificity of information gained depends on your Outcome.

This Gift's Cost is capped at 2 and cannot be increased further.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Exert your Mind and spend 2 Actions. Select a Location within your line of sight , and which is directly adjacent to water. You must be within arm's reach of water to activate this Effect.

You are transported directly to the chosen Location. You must wait an hour before activating this effect again.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Any Injury you receive from a source other than silver or fire. heals quickly, reducing its Severity by one level every day. Any Injuries you receive while this Effect is active automatically count as a successful Proper Stabilization and do not deteriorate further. Any Battle Scars caused by such an Injury will heal with the Injury.

You may Exert your Mind and spend an Action to reduce the Severity of one of your Injuries by 1. Does not affect Injuries suffered as an activation cost for Effects.

Injuries you receive from silver or fire. are increased in Severity by 1.

  • The increase in Injury Severity stacks with any similar effects, such as the Vulnerable drawback on Inhuman Physiology.

Exert your Mind and Spend an Action.

You transform into your own corpse for one minute. While transformed, you may control the functioning of the object you have transformed into. You can perceive your surroundings as normal. You can be targeted as a Non-Living, Sapient Object.

If you are damaged while transformed, the damage is realized when you return to normal. If you are damaged before you transform, your inanimate form will appear partially damaged.

You may end this Effect prematurely as a Free Action.

  • If a character is inside of you when you revert to your original form, you take a Severity-5 Injury when they burst from your innards as you shrink.
  • You cannot move in any way the object wouldn't normally be able to move. If you are a feather duster, you cannot float around, etc.