Legacy Power: Dematerialization

Always remember to save your work to the cloud.

A 1 Gift Container of Holding Power used by "Red" Nikki Pell, created by LiteraryAdventures.


The transistor scans and processes an object as an energy pattern and then stores it within its digital cloudbank. It first emits a soft blue light as it scans the object, and the object then slowly fades away as it is stored within the Transistor.

The interior resembles a white box with square tiles expanding outward in all directions.


You possess a [[container]] that holds 5x times what it should, given its dimensions. There is no cost to use your container. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your [[container]]. But they will have access to anything else that is inside and may attempt to break free, damaging or destroying the [[container]] in the process.

If your [[container]] is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function, but it can be repaired.


  • Feather (Objects inside are weightless)


  • Supernatural (This Power causes a mutation (passive) or an effect (active) that marks it or its owner as a supernatural being.)


Size Multiplier: 1 ( 5x )

Edit History

- Feb. 20, 2021, 1:33 p.m. - New Cost: 1. Initial power creation

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