Editing Gift
Perfect Tracker


Customize System

Customize your Gift's behavior.
When you're satisfied, scroll down to flavor and finish.
Tap this button any time to preview your Gift:
Cost: 2
Mark Appearance
Your Mark is a physical object or marking that can be discovered.
Maximum Active


Gift Cost: +3
Seasoned Enhancements
Veteran Enhancements


Gift Cost: -2

Customize Flavor and Finish

(Optional) Introduce the Gift in a flavorful way.

Visual Description

A concise description of what this Gift looks like when it is used. What do participants and observers experience? This will be referenced by GMs at game-time to help them narrate.
This Effect is not obviously Alien when used. The mark looks like skin oils. The mark The mark can be easily removed if it is discovered..
Extended Description
(Optional) Wax poetic about this Gift's background, metaphysics, etc.