Paimons familiars; Night gaunts The pale king gifts great familiars to the magician

The power to summon a minion which can fight and act on your behalf.
Used by Kind, Created by MrSinn.
(Anyone who witnesses you activate this Effect or for its duration is very likely to be disturbed to see Creatures of void substance like smoke and fire becomes visible, plus they fucking tickle you, which is weird.. You must actively and obviously be using The seal of Paimon.)

As Mr. Kind invoked his powers, sigils glowed with a faint, pulsating light. Flanked by two of King Paimon's familiars, his eyes gleamed with anticipation. With a subtle gesture, he beckoned them forth, and they responded, their forms coalescing from the surrounding shadows. Like wraiths materializing from the darkness, they took shape, their eerie visages reflecting the eldritch power that coursed through them.

The familiars appeared as crouching, bent shadowy, cat-like in their movements, creatures. The impish long limbed forms, pulsing with eldritch light. Seemingly made of coalescing smoke, thick like burnt scentless rubber vapors, and void-like spaces. That bore glowing embers floating among the motes of starlight in the not entirely real substance. Chain-like tails, claws, and spines, the winged Gaunts stalked forward, their more shadow than substance forms, gaining substance.

Thin, and black, with bat-like wings and a long, spiny tail. They have no facial features, and their skin is smooth and rubbery.. With a final word, Mr. Kind stood as a master of the creatures forming around him, his ambitions soon to be realized with the aid of King Paimon's familiars.

"He can bestow dignitaries and provide familiars against enemies while binding anyone resisting him in his own chains." Daily kind smiles as he speaks.

The first King of Hell that Mr. Kind bargains with is Paimon. Paimon is known as a powerful entity who holds vast knowledge and abilities. He teaches all arts, philosophy, and sciences, unveiling secret truths and mysteries of the Earth, wind, and water. Paimon can reveal the depths of the mind and answer any inquiry the conjurer desires. Furthermore, he grants good familiars, bestows dignities, and binds individuals to the conjurer's will.

In the Abramelin tradition, Paimon's powers are extensive. They include foreknowledge of past and future events, dispelling doubts, summoning spirits, inducing visions, summoning and dismissing servant spirits, temporarily reanimating the deceased, flying, enduring underwater indefinitely, and the general ability to manifest various objects and people, even armor, as commanded by the magician.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. You must actively and obviously use The seal of Paimon to activate this Effect.

Summon a single Daemon at your location. They will last for two hours, or until they are destroyed. They are controlled by the GM but will follow any commands you give. You may have at most 2 minions active at a time.

  • Attacking: Minions can make melee range attacks with 5 dice to attack and +1 Damage.
  • Body: Minions have 4 Body.
  • Movement: Minions can move 20 feet per Round as Free Movement, and double that when performing an all-out Sprint. Your minions can fly at their normal movement speed.
  • Intelligence: Minions have dog-level intelligence, and cannot communicate back to you. They cannot actively use Equipment.
  • Actions: Minions cannot dodge or Defend. Any Perception checks they make are rolled with 8 dice.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation or for its duration will almost certainly be disturbed to see Creatures of void substance like smoke and fire becomes visible, plus they fucking tickle you, which is weird..

  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.

Community Activated Gifts

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. This Effect cannot be used unless the user is in the dark.

You gain an additional limb that functions as a standard human arm and hand. Lasts two hours.

Each additional limb you posses can take one Quick Action per Round without incurring a -2 dice penalty to your main Action. Any Battle Scars that affect or remove your additional limb will heal in a single week.

Your extra appendage can be used to attack in exactly the same manner as a Sword.

Your appendage is selectively incorporeal, allowing you to reach through walls or ignore grapples on it.

Your extra appendage is not connected to your nervous or circulatory systems, and you will not take damage if it is hit by an attack or destroyed.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation or for its duration will almost certainly be disturbed to see the user's shadow seemingly come to life and take the form of a black tendril that writhes and wriggles violently as if it is a trapped creature, anything this tendril touches while corporeal will leave a dark wet stain on the surface touched.

  • Your limb's incorporeal-ness doesn't enhance your attacks in any way.
  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action or Reaction to activate. Make a Trauma roll when you activate this Effect.

You can interact with things that are within 75 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them. Lasts for the next hour. Any rolls made for Actions taken in this way use a Mental Strength of 4 in place of your Brawn rating, a Mental Agility of 1 in place of your Dexterity, and otherwise use your own Attributes and Abilities.

Telekinetic actions have the following restrictions and behaviors:

  • Reactions: You may use a Reaction telekinetically.
  • Multiple Items: You can only interact with one thing or take one action at a time.
  • Line of Sight: You must be able to visually observe anything you interact with, and any actions that you are taking will end if their target moves out of sight.
  • Unarmed Combat: You are able to deal damage through unarmed attacks, grapples, and thrown objects.
  • Weapons: You cannot wield weapons effectively in combat.
  • Fine Tools: You are otherwise limited to actions that a normal human could do with their bare hands.
  • Maintaining Focus: You must maintain Concentration while taking Actions in this way. If you are Injured or interrupted, you must roll Mind at Difficulty 9 to maintain Concentration. If you fail, you cannot engage in telekinetic actions for the next 6 - Intellect rounds.

  • Any telekinetic actions which interact with Animate targets may require contested rolls at GMs discretion.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) and spend an Action. You must actively and obviously use Grimoire/Book to activate this Effect. Roll Intellect + Occult at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, you create a barrier around yourself, which absorbs the next Outcome + 4 Damage. The Damage reduction from the barrier is applied before Armor. You may only have 1 active barrier at a time.

The barrier will fall after two hours, or if it absorbs the full amount of Damage. When a barrier falls, you cannot use this Effect again for a minimum of 2 Rounds.

54 4F 20 53 4C 45 45 50 20 50 45 52 43 48 41 4E 43 45 20 54 4F 20 44 52 45 41 4D

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You automatically detect all objects with Alien properties and humanoid remains within 300 feet of you for the next hour. You have a clear sense of both the distance and direction towards any detected items. When you detect objects, instead of learning nothing about them, you may observe each object with all of your senses.

  • This includes any objects that come into range during activation.

(Due to the nature of this power being a combination of alt form and creature transformation, Sora doesn't benefit from any of the stat changes, however they still suffer from the increased falling damage as well as size/weight penalties)

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. This Effect cannot be used unless Only gain these benefits Sora: Unbeatable is active.

You transform into Jet Dragon until you transform into something else or choose to return to your original form. See the Extended System text for stats.

While transformed, you cannot use any equipment (including Artifacts and Consumables), and you cannot use your Active, Direct, or Trap Powers. However, you can use your Passive Powers. Any equipment you are wearing transforms with you.

Injuries and Wound Level are carried over between forms. However, transforming can never kill you; you merely remain Incapacitated until your Injuries are sufficiently healed.

While transformed, you are obviously unusual, unnatural, or alien, and the average person will take a special interest in you.

  • Creature Stats
    • Large (larger than human, smaller than elephant) Body: 8. Brawn 6. Dexterity 2. Fall damage increased by 2. Armor: 1
    All creatures get +3 dice to any non-combat Action that they are naturally adapted for. All creatures Medium and larger may attack by rolling Body, dealing +0 Damage (+1 for “predators”). Gms and Playgroup leaders can apply other bonuses and effects to specific animals.
  • Animals that are quicker than humans (like dogs) have 50 feet of Free Movement. Animals that are very slow (like turtles) have 0 feet of Free Movement.
  • You cannot transform if there is not enough room to do so.

Stock Activated Gifts

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

Summon a single roadie at your location. They will last for two hours, or until they are destroyed. They are controlled by the GM but will follow any commands you give. You may have at most 1 minion active at a time.

  • Attacking: Minions can make melee range attacks with 4 dice to attack.
  • Body: Minions have 6 Body.
  • Movement: Minions can move 20 feet per Round as Free Movement, and double that when performing an all-out Sprint.
  • Intelligence: Minions have dog-level intelligence, and cannot communicate back to you. They may use equipment.
  • Actions: Minions cannot dodge or Defend. Any Perception checks they make are rolled with 3 dice. Your minion is able to lift and haul equipment with a 7-dice pool.

You may only use this Effect once per day.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) and spend 1 minute. This Effect cannot be used unless you drink blood directly from a human until it injures them. Choose a specific Injury on yourself that has not yet been treated with this Effect and roll Brawn + Occult at Difficulty 6.

If you succeed, the Injury is reduced in Severity by your Outcome. If you reduce its Severity to 0, the Injury is fully healed. Otherwise, it is partially healed and will heal the rest of the way at its natural rate.

This counts as a successful Makeshift Stabilization if the Injury was not already Stabilized; any Battle Scars caused by the Injury will remain.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation or for its duration will almost certainly be disturbed to see you drink blood directly from the vein.

  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.
  • Unstabilized wounds do not degenerate during treatment.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You may move easily and without a roll in any of the following situations. Lasts 2 hours.

  • Spider Climber: You are able to climb on and cling to any surface without regard for the ordinary rules of gravity. You climb at your normal movespeed.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. You must use up a container of fine powder in order to activate this Effect.

You automatically detect all object that are designed to detect people, including tripwires, security cameras, detection lasers, heat sensors, etc within 50 feet of you for the next hour. You have a clear sense of both the distance and direction towards any detected items. When you detect objects, instead of learning nothing about them, you may observe each object with all of your senses.

  • This includes any objects that come into range during activation.

Exert your Mind and spend a minute.

You become disguised in a manner of your choosing. The disguise lasts for two hours, or you may end it early at will.

The new appearance must have a similar sex, age, and race to your own. You cannot significantly change your height and weight. Your disguise cannot directly mimic an existing person. You may change the appearance of your outfit. A disguise cannot affect your Attributes or other stats.

You cannot alter the appearance of your flesh and blood.

  • While you may alter your outfit's appearance, this does not grant or store equipment.