Patent #42 Tell me, how do you feel?

This Artifact allows you to heal lingering disfigurements and scars.
Used by Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky, Created by Epic123.
On Legendary Artifact Nanite Medi-Tool.
(When activating this Effect, it is obvious you are treating the target. You must use this Artifact obviously when activating this Effect.)

Slowly sweep Nanite distribution tubes (on face of Tool) over effected area well programming nanites for appropriate biological area. Used nanites are re-energized inside tool, to be reused again.

There is a glow and swarming black dots from one barrel of the gun to the injured area and shooting back into the other barrel.

The nanites remove dead tissue. once the dead tissue is removed, the fresh bleeding tissue then has the blood restructured into the appropriate biological material to fill the wound.

Patient #1: "Numb, a little blurry" "Like a weird tingle, but also it was super cold"
{NOTE}: Patient is a dog. Within 10 seconds of completion, Sample #42A started leaking from the reconstructed area.

Patient #1, Session 2: "Still a little cold, but not as bad." "Tingles, but I expect that's all the bitty robots and stuff."
{NOTE}: Patient is a dog, Same eye reconstructed as last time. Within 10 seconds of completion, Sample #42A started leaking from the reconstructed area.

Patient #2:"A lot of burning"
{NOTE}: No Sample #42A.

Patient #3: "Tingling under the skins" "Intense tickling" "bugs under the skin"
{NOTE}: No Sample #42A. lead poisoning, removed through sliced finger incision.

Patient #4: "Weird, like bugs crawling through my skin"
{NOTE}: No Sample #42A. Stomach problem.

Patient #5: "Like a warm feeling inside my chest"
{NOTE}: No Sample #42A. Chronic pain.

Patient #6: "Like stepping in a big old ant hill and getting swarmed"
{NOTE}: No Sample #42A. Leg Re-attached

Expend a point of Battery and spend a minute. Select a Living target within arm's reach. Select a Battle Scar on your target to treat.

The treated Battle Scar heals as you finish activating this Effect.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Community Legendary Artifact Gifts

This Artifact can be used as a bow. It is roughly the same size as a bow but can be collapsed into Bracelet Charm and concealed. Collapsing or expanding it costs a Quick Action.

Attack by rolling Dexterity + Athletics, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +3 Weapon Damage. Attacks do not require a successful called shot to do damage.

Possession of this Artifact causes the following Battle Scar to manifest over the course of a day: disfiguring. If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Battle Scar heals over the course of the next day.

This item is a living thing. When targeted, it counts as a Living Creature in addition to its other target types. If destroyed or abandoned for more than two days, it dies and becomes unusable.

Anyone who touches this Artifact will notice it warping their mind and may drop it. If they choose to hold or use it, they immediately receive the following Trauma: Defender of Natural order - Whenever a predatory species that doesn't belong to this enviroment is discovered, roll self control to not seek to kill said creature. If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Trauma heals over the course of the next day.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Bane: Injuries dealt to Man Eater's are increased by 2 Severity levels.
  • Not Quite Flying: You may Exert your Mind and use up your Movement to “follow” any attack using this weapon, traveling right next to its point of impact.
  • Ultra-Shot: Spend one Action preparing an attack. This does not count as Aiming. Next Round you may make an attack as though the range of this weapon was 1200 feet

  • If there is not enough free space to expand the object, it cannot be expanded. You cannot expand this Object as an attack.
  • The attack must be the primary form of attack for this weapon.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

Your Body and Mind Penalties are reduced to 0.

If you are Stunned, you may Exert your Mind to instead still take actions, but at a -2 penalty, for the duration of the Stun. If you are knocked out, drugged, or otherwise made unconscious, you may Exert your Mind to wake up.

Any dice penalty from being stunned, diseased, cold, hot, dizzy, sick, distracted, or similar circumstances is reduced to zero. Does not affect penalties from Effects you activated.

Grabbed from a dystopian cereal box

This Artifact can be used as a handgun. It is roughly the same size as a handgun and just as difficult to conceal.

Attack by rolling Dexterity + Firearms, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal 3 Weapon Damage. The target's Armor is fully effective against this damage.

Possession of this Artifact causes the following Trauma to manifest over the course of a day: trigger happy roll self control to stop firing this weapon. If you lose possession of this Artifact, the Trauma heals over the course of the next month.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Infinite Ammo: This weapon never runs out of its standard ammunition.
  • You may spend a Quick Action to change this firearm's base stats into those of any other basic firearm.
  • Silencer: Shots you fire can be made silent at will.

  • Changing this weapon's base type affects its range, Weapon Damage, concealability, and roll. Other mechanics of the chosen base firearm (such as the tripod requirement for sniper rifles) apply.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.
  • Rifles are +1 Difficulty to use in melee range. Sniper Rifles are +3 Difficulty to use without a tripod or in melee range. Setting up a tripod takes an Action.

Spend an Action. Select a target within arm's reach.

For the next 24 hours, your target does not require any food, water, sleep, or air.

Your target is adapted to their current environment for one hour. While adapted, they do not suffer harm from heat, cold, pressure, or lack of oxygen in that environment, provided that challenge normally exists in that environment.

This Gift's Cost is capped at 2 and cannot be increased further.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action. The area within 25 feet of you immediately and obviously becomes imminently dangerous. Roll Charisma + Melee at Difficulty 6. Targets inside the radius may attempt an appropriate Reaction at GM’s discretion. Finding a physical barrier to use as cover will cut total Damage taken in half (applies after Reaction roll but before Armor).

If the Outcome is positive, your blast hits everything within 25 feet of you with Damage equal to your Outcome + 4. Armor is fully effective against this Damage. If you botched the activation roll, you will also take full Damage from the blast, otherwise it will not hurt you.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Stock Legendary Artifact Gifts

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action or Reaction.

You phase out of reality for up to 4 Rounds. During this time, you cannot perceive or affect the outside world or take any Actions. You cannot move. Nothing can interact with you in any way.

When you activate this Effect, you may limit its duration to a period of your choosing. If you are able, you may also end it as a Free Action on your initiative.

You leave a golden glow shaped like yourself at your location.

  • If you use this Effect to dodge as a Reaction, it succeeds without the need for a roll. Cannot be used as a Desperate Defense.
  • You may use your Free Movement on the Round you phase back in, but you cannot take an Action.

This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a alligator-skin briefcase and just as difficult to conceal. Unless you are storing something commonly found in coffins, this Artifact behaves as its mundane counterpart.

Your alligator-skin briefcase holds 5 times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.

Living things can be stored in your alligator-skin briefcase. They will have access to anything else inside and may attempt to break free, damaging or destroying the alligator-skin briefcase in the process.

If your alligator-skin briefcase is destroyed, things inside may get out, and it will cease to function until it is repaired.

You may change the type of your container between Contracts.

Only you may open and close the container. Others can still destroy it to get at the contents

  • You cannot change the container's type if you are not in possession of it.
  • There is no cost to use your container.

Spend an Action.

You may lock, unlock, and/or open any number of doors, locks, or locked targets within arm's reach of you. Cannot be used on Alien technology.

If you successfully operate a lock, you may choose to destroy it, rendering it inoperable.

  • Any door or restraint that is fastened or shut with a mechanism may be considered locked, at the GM's discretion. Can be used on control panels or other electronic locks, but not computer security systems.
  • If you operate a locking mechanism through this Effect which has some other secondary effect (such as the ignition on a car causing the car to start) you may cause that effect as well.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

This Effect activates whenever combat begins. It does not require an Action or Exertion.

You automatically detect all people wielding weapons within 300 feet of you for the next hour. This includes any who come within range during the duration. You have a sense of how many valid targets are nearby, as well as their distance and direction.

  • When triggered, the Effect activation resolves immediately after the triggering Action. It is not Reaction speed.

This Artifact can be used as a rifle. It is roughly the same size as a rifle but can be collapsed into a metallic disk and concealed. Collapsing or expanding it costs a Quick Action.

Attack by rolling Dexterity + Firearms, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +4 Weapon Damage. The target's Armor is fully effective against this Damage.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Silencer: Shots you fire can be made silent at will.

  • If there is not enough free space to expand the object, it cannot be expanded. You cannot expand this Object as an attack.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.
  • Rifles are +1 Difficulty to use in melee range. Sniper Rifles are +3 Difficulty to use without a tripod or in melee range. Setting up a tripod takes an Action.