Shield of the Holy Spirit “Protect your mind from sins and temptation”

Requires Seasoned
You possess resistance to mental attacks.
Used by Johnny Fontante, Created by Lord_of_Clueless.
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Johnny notices some one trying to have an effect on his mind. His willpower and trust in the big guy in the sky makes it so that he can transfer it to another person to shield themselves from temptation by pointing in their direction.

It doesn’t matter how he points.

“In times like these we are forced to shield our bodies as well as our minds from straying off the path of righteousness.

The same way Jesus wandered the desert for 30 days without succumbing to temptation, do we have to do our best to follow his lead.

Can a motivation be a good one if we don’t even know it to be true? What if it were all just a farce to spite me? I’ll think about the problem once I get there I suppose.”

You gain the following benefits at all times.

You get +0 dice to any Mind resistance rolls you make. You also gain the following effects:

  • Instant Karma: If you successfully resist an Effect with your Mind, you may reflect it back to another target as though you had cast it.

  • When reflecting an Effect, its Activation Outcome is equal to your resistance Outcome. If you reflect it back at the target who cast it originally, they do not receive a resistance roll.
  • These bonuses apply only to Mind rolls made to resist Effects and other supernatural phenomena. They do not apply to Trauma rolls or self-control rolls.

Community Power Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Any Injury you receive from a source other than Electricity heals quickly, reducing its Severity by one level every 6 hours. Any Injuries you receive while this Effect is active do not deteriorate over time. However, any Battle Scars caused by such an Injury will remain unless it is Properly Stabilized as normal.

You may Exert your Mind and spend an Action to reduce the Severity of one of your Injuries by 2. Does not affect Injuries suffered as an activation cost for Effects.

Injuries you receive from Electricity are increased in Severity by 1.

  • The increase in Injury Severity stacks with any similar effects, such as the Vulnerable drawback on Inhuman Physiology.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action to activate.

You phase out of reality for 3 Rounds. During this time, you cannot perceive or affect the outside world but may take mental and self-targeting Actions. Nothing can interact with you in any way.

You leave An imprint of black mist in the shape of Arthur behind at your location in the real world when you use this effect.

  • You may use your Free Movement on the Round you phase back in, but you cannot take an Action.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action to activate. Select a Location no further than 50 feet from you and in your line of sight. This Effect cannot be used unless it is used in open environments. The area within 20 feet of the chosen Location immediately and obviously becomes imminently dangerous. Roll Brawn + Alertness at Difficulty 6. Targets inside the radius may attempt an appropriate Reaction at GM’s discretion. Finding a physical barrier to use as cover will cut total damage taken in half (applies after Reaction roll but before Armor).

If the Outcome is positive, your blast hits everything within 20 feet of the chosen Location with Damage equal to your Outcome + 2. Armor is fully effective against this damage.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your senses are enhanced in the following way.

  • Sight: You can see perfectly in dark and even pitch-black environments. You suffer no dice penalty due to darkness.
  • Sight: You can see things that are up to a mile away as though you were only standing twenty feet away, provided your view is unobstructed.
  • Sight: You can see things that are normally invisible to the naked eye, such as fingerprints and bacteria.

  • Your microscopic vision requires a close look at a very small, specific area to use. It does not grant increased distance vision, it simply provides a higher resolution, allowing you to see finer and finer detail.

Jimmy does not realise it, but everytime he shoots, a faint glowing figure would always flash, standing alongside him, guiding his gunfire. The figure is completely invisible to any nomal person, and barely visible for the supernaturally inclined.

You gain the following benefits as long as engaged in combat with firearms.

+2 dice to all firearms rolls.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Quick Fingers: Drawing your weapon is a Free Action as long as it is on your person. You may reload or swap ammo as a Free Action.

Stock Power Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your senses are enhanced in the following way.

  • Sight: You can see things that are normally invisible to the naked eye, such as fingerprints and bacteria.

  • Your microscopic vision requires a close look at a very small, specific area to use. It does not grant increased distance vision, it simply provides a higher resolution, allowing you to see finer and finer detail.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are engaged in combat with melee ninja weapons.

+2 dice to all rolls with melee ninja weapons. You may Defend against firearm attacks from any range using melee ninja weapons.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Assassin: If your attack Injures your target, they cannot make a sound, even incidentally, for a single Round. Even the sound of their body and equipment dropping to the ground is silenced.
  • Falling Crane Strike: If you move and then make a successful attack against a target closer than the full distance you could have moved, you may choose to travel the excess movement in a straight line beyond the target.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You automatically detect all illegal materials within 50 feet of you for the next hour. You have a clear sense of both the distance and direction towards any detected items. You do not learn any details about the detected items.

  • This includes any objects that come into range during activation.

You gain the following benefits as long as Must be driving a rugged vehicle such as an SUV truck or armored car. and you are piloting any vehicle.

You receive +2 dice to any rolls to pilot a vehicle.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Drive-By: You may drive or pilot your vehicle as a Free Action, without taking any penalty on other Actions.
  • Steady As She Goes: The motion of your vehicle never causes your passengers dice penalties, and you do not suffer dice penalties from the unsteadiness of any vehicle you are riding in.

Spend 30 minutes. You may only target yourself. The target can easily Resist.

You may add one augmentation to your target. Each augmentation counts as a Battle Scar and can have exactly one of the following Effects:

  • Specialized: You receive +2 dice to a particular non-combat Action.
  • Environmental Adaptation: You do not suffer harm from heat, cold, pressure, or lack of oxygen in a particular environment, provided that challenge normally exists in that environment.
  • Implanted Tool: You have access to the functionality of some common Device at all times. The selected Device can be no larger than a motorcycle helmet.
  • Armor: You have 2 Armor at all times. As always, Armor from multiple sources does not stack.
  • Pouch: Part of your body functions as a hidden pocket. It can hold no more than a briefcase (15 liters).
  • Zippy: Your Free Movement is increased by 10 feet.
  • Maws and Claws: Your unarmed attacks do +2 Weapon Damage instead of -1.

This Gift's Cost is capped at 2 and cannot be increased further.

Your alteration "heals" over the course of the next month, after which it is fully cured.

  • Remember: A Contractor’s Body rating is reduced by 1 for each Battle Scar after their fourth.
  • You may not augment targets with pouches or implanted devices that are larger than they are.
  • Targets without Body ratings may have a maximum of 4 augmentations.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.