Kitsune Bloodline Foxy lady, meaning which she is a fox lady.

You possess an augmented or inhuman body.
Used by Kayleigh Jones, Created by Samurai_Yeehaw.
(Your specific augmentation must be physically visible in some way, but it does not need to make you appear outwardly monstrous or socially unacceptable. )

You have a pair of fluffy fox ears and a single equally fluffy fox tail, both matching your hair color. The fox ears replace your original human ears.

Technically not a real kitsune, as traditional Japanese kitsune were portrayed as beautiful women and foxes seperately rather than combined to create a beautiful woman with fox traits. Not that the specifics matter too much, you're still quick and cute. Your ears enhance your hearing and your tail is very cute, and you wont have to worry about growing old ever again.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

You are permanently and visibly transformed: You gain a pair of fox ears and a fox tail. You are considered to be a Sapient, Living being when targeted. Your Charisma is increased by 1.

You no longer age naturally, and supernatural attempts to age you fail.

Possession of this Power grants the following Trauma at all times: Whenever you see something particularly curious and interesting, you must roll self-control to avoid stopping to investigate it closer or take a picture.

  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

Community Passive Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your senses are enhanced in the following way.

  • Hearing: You are capable of perceiving physical shapes via sound. You must produce a ahhhhhhhh to “ping” with your echolocation each Round you wish to use it.
  • Thermal: You are able to "see" heat signatures within your line of sight.

Any heightened senses require you to maintain Concentration to use, and do not apply to any passive Perception checks.

  • Your thermal vision allows you to judge temperatures of surfaces fairly accurately as long as they are within livable temperatures.

You gain the following benefits as long as you have your Heterochromatic processor eye.

Your Intellect rating is increased by 1. You may Exert your Mind to automatically gain an Outcome of 5 on any roll that uses Intellect (Cannot be used on combat rolls or Power activations).

Possession of this Power grants the following Trauma at all times: anti-social.

If you are witnessed actively using this Effect, whoever sees it can make a Perception + Alertness roll at Difficulty 6. A complete success reveals the source of your power.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Never Forget: You have a perfect photographic memory, and can recall or recreate even complex and detailed things. If you forget something you had previously seen or noticed, you may ask the GM and they will remind you.
  • Quick Thinking: Any Intellect rolls other than Power activations are made as Free Actions. You get +2 dice to all Initiative rolls.
  • Remarkably Self-Aware: You may roll Intellect at Difficulty 6 to “scan” yourself for abnormalities. With Outcome 1-3, any outside influences on your thoughts/mind will be detected, as well as Traumas. With Outcome 4+, you may Exert your Mind to cancel the Effect. One attempt per Effect.
  • Insufferable Know-It-All: Any social rolls you make are at +1 difficulty, and if someone else can answer an informational question or solve a puzzle before you do, make a Trauma roll.

  • If your Heterochromatic processor eye is damaged, destroyed, or lost, you lose all benefits from this Effect for the next two months.
  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are not restrained, grappled, imprisoned, or trapped.

You may understand and communicate to Creatures, humans, and Sapient beings as if you are fluent in a relevant language.

Possession of this Power grants the following Battle Scar: Mouth filled with a full set of human teeth.

  • Communing with creatures does not grant them intellect but does allow you to converse with them.
  • The target of "human" refers to any target that speaks a human language.

This was a bit of an odd one. Bluedo went to visit the shaman, as was his custom, and the shaman instead of just teaching him things had him wear a leaf loincloth and go prancing in the woods. This was very strange, but Bluedo followed the instructions with minimal question, and somehow as he did so he felt...freer. When he got back to the shaman after dancing around for a couple hours, the shaman had him focus on a couple things and lo and behold, he found he could lift things with his mind! How all these things connect, he has no idea.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

You can interact with things that are within 75 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them. Any rolls made for Actions taken in this way use a Mental Strength of 4 in place of your Brawn rating, a Mental Agility of 2 in place of your Dexterity, and otherwise use your own Attributes and Abilities.

Telekinetic actions have the following restrictions and behaviors:

  • Heavy Lifting: You may Exert your Mind to increase your Mental Strength by 4 for the next non-combat action you take with this Effect.
  • Reactions: You cannot use a Reaction telekinetically.
  • Line of Sight: You may use this Effect on targets which are out of sight, provided you have an understanding of their location.
  • Unarmed Combat: You cannot deal damage through unarmed combat or thrown objects with this Effect, though you may still grapple with targets.
  • Weapons: You cannot wield weapons effectively in combat.
  • Fine Tools: You are otherwise limited to actions that a normal human could do with their bare hands.
  • Maintaining Focus: You must maintain Concentration while taking Actions in this way. If you are Injured or interrupted, you must roll Mind at Difficulty 9 to maintain Concentration. If you fail, you cannot engage in telekinetic actions for the next 6 - Intellect rounds.
  • Levitation: If you are strong enough to lift yourself, you may levitate up to within 75 feet away from the ground. Movement is limited to 5 feet per Round.
  • Multiple Items: You can only interact with one thing or take one Action at a time.

  • Using this Effect on targets which you cannot see will not give you any descriptive information about their location or surroundings, though you will have a sense of whether or not you are “touching” them, or if they bump into something.
  • Any telekinetic actions which interact with Animate targets may require contested rolls at GMs discretion.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are transformed.

Any Injury you receive heals quickly, reducing its Severity by one level every 10 minutes. Any Injuries you receive while this Effect is active do not deteriorate over time. However, any Battle Scars caused by such an Injury will remain unless it is Properly Stabilized as normal.

Once an Injury has been reduced in Severity by two levels, it no longer benefits from this effect and instead heals as normal.

Stock Passive Gifts

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your Dexterity rating is increased by 1. You may Exert your Mind to automatically gain an Outcome of 5 on any roll that uses Dexterity (Cannot be used on combat rolls or Power activations).

  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

All Stabilizations you attempt are considered Proper Stabilizations.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Gifted: You get +3 dice on any rolls related to medical care as long as treating an Injury.

  • All stabilizations being proper stabilizations applies to stabilizations from other Effects such as Heal Wound.

You gain the following benefits at all times. You must actively and obviously be using a sword to gain the benefits of this Effect.

You have 4 Armor, which reduces incoming Damage. Armor from multiple sources does not stack. This Armor cannot be circumvented with Called Shots.

Whenever your Armor reduces incoming Damage, you are immediately made aware of the source of the Damage. You may pinpoint their location for 30 seconds.

Any time your Armor prevents damage, your total Armor rating is temporarily decreased by 1. Whenever you go two Rounds without preventing any damage, it is restored back to its full value.

  • Armor recharging happens automatically and does not require an Action.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are not at all wet and you are wearing this Artifact.

You are obscured in one of the following manners. You may Spend an Action to change the way in which you're concealed.

  • Sight:You are partially obscured from being noticed by sight. All attempts to detect you using sight are rolled at a -3 dice penalty, and all attempts to detect you where sight would assist are rolled at -1 penalty. Anyone who detects you cannot determine any visual details about you beyond your general shape.

While this Effect is active, any Effect that would obscure you from other, additional senses fails automatically. If someone discovers you, this Effect will not help you hide from them for the next minute. This Effect does not end early when you activate an obvious Effect, attack, or receive an Injury.

  • GMs should use their discretion when determining the exact impacts of this Effect, particularly in conjunction with environmental factors. Standing still against a complex background may render you impossible to detect, and footprints in snow may make it easy. A chance to detect you is not guaranteed.

You gain the following benefits at all times.

Your Brawn rating is increased by 1. You may Exert your Mind to automatically gain an Outcome of 5 on any roll that uses Brawn (cannot be used on combat rolls or Effect activations).

Possession of this Power grants the following Battle Scar: You are muscled like a gorilla and have a slight muzzle and animal facial features.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Champion of the Caber Toss: You may lift an additional 1500 pounds per point of Brawn beyond 5, and may throw items up to this weight to a distance of your throwing roll’s Outcome x10 feet. Weapon Damage for a heavy improvised thrown weapon is equal to the Brawn required to lift it minus 2 (minimum 0).
  • Heavy Hitter: Successful attacks made with Brawn will either knock your target back Outcome x 5 feet, or knock them down to the ground. Choose which effect the attack will have prior to rolling for it.
  • Ham-Fisted: You cannot limit yourself when handling delicate objects or physically interacting with people. You may need to roll Dexterity + Athletics to avoid breaking things or causing unintended injury.

  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.