Magical Makeup! Every magical girl needs a magical transformation

This Artifact allows you to temporarily transform into an adult magical girl.
Used by Charlotte Lovewell, Created by sketchy.
On Legendary Artifact Makeup Bag.
( While you are an adult magical girl, you are obviously transformed and unusual. You must obviously use this Artifact to activate this Effect. When activating this Effect, this Artifact is obviously Alien and cannot be concealed under your clothes or similar.)

With a swipe of lipstick across her lips, the transformation activates in a shine of white light. Ribbons begin to appear and wrap around Charlotte, vanishing into her magical girl outfit. She flicks at her hair, hair becoming long and tied up in bows, gloves appearing on her hands. Clicking her boots together, the transformation ends.

Magical girl outfit consists of: natural makeup, heart shaped wand, heart earrings, choker and necklace, hair bows, ruffled short sleeve blouse that kind of looks like a heart, a pretty pink stereotypical magical girl dress, pink pumps with charms, lolita style stockings, gloves, and a purse attached with pearls containing pink glittery pepper spray, first aid kit, money, pocketknife, perfume, makeup bag, and candy pouch.

Magical girl outfit also provides 3 armour.

Exert your Mind and spend a Quick Action.

You transform into an adult magical girl for 3 minutes. You have access to all of your Powers while you are an adult magical girl, and you can use your equipment. Your Battle Scars, Injuries, and physical Liabilities are carried over between forms. Reverting from your Alternate Form cannot cause your existing Injuries to kill you. Instead, you remain Incapacitated.

While transformed, your Charisma is increased by 2. Your Stress is reduced by 2.

While transformed, instead of your normal clothes and equipment, you are equipped with: magical girl outfit

  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

Community Alternate Form Gifts

Use up this gram of coke and spend an Action to activate.

You transform into a crackhead version of yourself for 3 minutes. You have access to all of your Powers while you are a crackhead version of yourself, and you can use your equipment. Your Battle Scars, Injuries, and physical Liabilities are carried over between forms. While transformed, your Attributes are the same.

Your alternate form is its own deadly weapon. Unarmed attacks made in your alternate form deal +3 Bonus Damage and Brawn does not act as Armor against them.

You do not suffer wound penalties while in your Alternate Form.

You cannot speak any coherent verbal language and must resort to other means of communication.

  • Reminder: Bonus Damage from multiple sources does not stack. Instead, the highest Bonus is used.
  • This consumable is destroyed when used and cannot be used again.

Exert your Mind and spend 2 Actions. Select a Sapient target within arm's reach. At the end of your investigation, roll Perception + Alertness at Difficulty 6.

You learn all the following information about your target:

  • Determine if this target is Alien in origin or whether it has any Alien energy or outside influences. You receive information about the type of energy, including the name of the relevant Source pool or equivalent.
  • You determine any medical or physiological issues they have, as well as their species and a general overview of their biology.

The quality and specificity of information gained depends on your Outcome.

Any information you gather is Dill yaps about it and made publicly available.

You cannot investigate the same target more than once per day.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Exert your Mind and spend a Quick Action. This Effect cannot be used unless Only grants its benefits when Sora: Chimera Emperor is active.

You transform into Jet Dragon for 3 minutes. You have access to all of your Powers while you are Jet Dragon, and you can use your equipment. Your Battle Scars, Injuries, and physical Liabilities are carried over between forms. Reverting from your Alternate Form cannot cause your existing Injuries to kill you. Instead, you remain Incapacitated.

While transformed, your Dexterity is increased by 2. Your Stress is reduced by 2.

Your alternate form is its own deadly weapon. Unarmed attacks made in your alternate form deal +3 Weapon Damage (instead of the typical -1).

Your alternate form renders you unable to speak any human language and incapable of fine object manipulation. You can only hold or grasp objects in a crude, clumsy way.

  • Reminder: Weapon Damage from multiple sources does not stack. Instead, the highest value is used.
  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

Exert your Mind and spend a Quick Action. You must actively and obviously use Holy Symbol to activate this Effect. You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means.

You transform into Hand of God for 30 minutes. You have access to all of your Powers while you are Hand of God, and you can use your equipment. Your Battle Scars, Injuries, and physical Liabilities are carried over between forms. Reverting from your Alternate Form cannot cause your existing Injuries to kill you. Instead, you remain Incapacitated.

While transformed, your Attributes are the same. You do not suffer any Stress while transformed.

Your alternate form is its own deadly weapon. Unarmed attacks made in your alternate form deal +3 Weapon Damage (instead of the typical -1).

If you become Incapacitated or suffer an Injury Severity 4 or greater, you revert from your Alternate form.

  • Reminder: Weapon Damage from multiple sources does not stack. Instead, the highest value is used.
  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

You have 4, which reduces incoming damage from all sources of physical attack except Holy material. Armor from multiple sources does not stack.

You may spend an Action or Reaction and Exert your Mind to double your Armor rating for one Round.

Your Armor cannot be destroyed, and it always provides a minimum of 2 Armor regardless of any Armor shredding or penetration. It cannot be circumvented with Called Shots. When shredded, it returns to full potency in one hour.

  • This Effect’s Armor rating cannot be increased by any other Effects.

Stock Alternate Form Gifts

Exert your Mind and spend a Quick Action.

You transform into a werewolf for 3 minutes. You have access to all of your Powers while you are a werewolf, and you can use your equipment. Your Battle Scars, Injuries, and physical Liabilities are carried over between forms. Reverting from your Alternate Form cannot cause your existing Injuries to kill you. Instead, you remain Incapacitated.

While transformed, your Brawn is increased by 1 and your Dexterity is increased by 1. You do not suffer any Stress while transformed.

Your alternate form is its own deadly weapon. Unarmed attacks made in your alternate form deal +3 Weapon Damage (instead of the typical -2).

Your alternate form renders you unable to speak any human language and incapable of fine object manipulation. You can only hold or grasp objects in a crude, clumsy way.

After this Effect ends, you cannot move quicker than a walk (15 feet per Round) for one minute and suffer a -1 dice penalty for an hour.

While transformed, you automatically fail any Mind roll to resist an impulse and suffer -3 dice on all other Mind rolls.

Possession of this Power grants the following Trauma at all times: Whenever you are struck by the light of a full or gibbous moon, you must roll Self-Control to resist transforming. Triggers a max of once per night.

  • Reminder: Weapon Damage from multiple sources does not stack. Instead, the highest value is used.
  • Attribute bonuses from multiple sources do not stack. Instead the highest bonus is used.