Leonardo's Journal

The meteorite from the sky
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Storm in a teacup
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black dog
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On a plane!
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a day in the city

Normal Leo: i finally reached a city after a month of travelling this city is full of people all different and the buildings look different than before and there are tons of them all close to each other and there are cool shops that sell stuff that i have never heard of before and this city has that things called cars but these cars are different from the one i saw i kept on looking around until it was late and the moon is up i was looking for a place where i could sleep and as i was walking a group of scary looking people that came from a dark alley they were saying some weird stuff about why i was here and they asked if i knew who they were i told them that i didn't know who they were and that made them really angry i tried to run but one of them caught me and pulled me into the dark and they also took my back pack and my sword i was scared really scared why were they doing this i didn't do anything to them why were they so mean i really want to go back to my world now i don't want to do this. mother please help me i said that as i put on my warm blanket my protection from this world my head band.

Brave Leo: 'well well well when i came into this world i expected a challenge but this. this is pathetic who do you people think you are and WHY IN THE HELL DO YOU HAVE MY SWORD.' the thugs looked confused then angry but with a swift dash from me i was able to take my stuff back how dare they take my sword as i unsheath my sword i noticed a problem the terrain here is different from my world this place is way to narrow for me to fight effectively so i wasn't able to kill them but 3 of them went uncontious and the other one ran away terrified i took there money and the clothes that didn't have much blood on them but i still needed another weapon for fights like these.

the next day i was able to find a shop that sells swords an i found i really nice sword but it was way too expensive but the old man that was selling them was interesting and i was able to make a deal with him if i was able to cut down a dummy in half with a dull old rusty sword i get the sword i wanted ofr free the old man thought i was gonna back away after hearing this challenge well he doesn't know me so i can't blame him with a smile on my face i agreed which instintly removed the grin on the old man's face and it was replaced with surprised look whihc made me smile even more i walk up to the dummy old sword in hand swords here are really small and light  so it was a weird feeling at first but as i took my stance the old man was tense i could feel it and i slice the dummy and get back to my normal stance and look at the old man who had a confused look he told me 'wait why did you not slash at it did you change your mind after all' and i simply replied with 'nope i always do what i say just look at the dummy it will tell you that much' and as the old man looked at the dummy the surprise look on his face made me smile as he saw the dummy cut straight in half he said 'but i saw you you didn't even move how did you do it' which made me laugh after a few secs the old man's shock finally ended and he smiled and clapped he was impressed by me and after talking with him for a while he gave me the sword. i returned to the streets of this world which have more mysteries for me to discover


Here Lies Leonardo

Cause of Death: gun shots

leonardo was hunter who died at the age of 21 after trying to escape a group of guards. he lived in the hunter's world and then illumination he spent his childhood with his family slaying beast and grew up to become a strong and feared hunter sadly he died before fulfilling his promise to his mother or did he?

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