Talon's Journal

Deathrace 3000
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🔞 Downtime
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After Math of Hostage

After rhis contract I took my time in returning home I took a Jet back home . I headed home covering up as much as posiple so to keep my gunshoot wound unnoticed. after I get home I just head to bed to get some much need sleep. 

     The next night . I wake up go for my nightly feed check in (if their is a concule) Head home and work on his lapyop looking for at least upper body armor to get. Mental not getting shoot still hurts, After that I work on cleaning my gun and look for a place to get a secon 9mm  and some spare clips as well as two boxes of ammo. I should really work on my physcial fighting abilty some times a gun draws way to much attention. I need to find a blacksmith to forge me a sword cane or something I can use. I should ask around and take up sword fighting or candy combat . 

     Healing sucks I should maybe look into seeing a docter. anyway this last contract was well fucked up. I think sometimes no witness are better that leaving witness. I think the whole job was messed up from the beging no real information just hunches and cukes if you know where to look. but it did teach me lessons never the less. 

One never leave home with out a pocket knife 

Two never trust merics or an area where the guards out number the staff or the team you are working with 

Three some times humans are more of a monster than us 

Four  In a hotel try to avoid a gun fight it draws to much attention. 

Six if you should ever get in a gun fight in a hotel bring a silcer for the gun. 



The Championship
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Championship. aftermath

wow Just wow. Some times the contracs are mentely draing more than physical ones. that aside I glad I back home where I can relax some more to recover from the gun shoot from almost two months ago. but that is not the issue it should be fing just have to take it easy. 

This prievious job was well unique to say it was more of a team and mentay type of job, I was taken back on my team members with the way they attacked, It almost reminds me of some of the Mages in this world in how they fight with sling what I can only describe as black tenderals attack for them either in an area or in a stright line. Man compared to that I might be out of the leage. 

Anyway it is time to hone my skilles even futher and get stronger. Who know what will happen next. That said I contuine on working on my gun play and my soward play as well work on building up my network while I am home. I think I might look in to getting a mode of transportation just not sure what type yet. 

I been so working so much I have almost forget I still need to see if any member of my family has survied. I should start looking in to that while I am not working.  

I have noticed somrthing when traing with my pistols. I got th quick draw down pat and now when I fire them It seams I can make some silent but it hurts a little when I do so. I might have to talk to some higher ups to figer out what is going on.

From the Depths of Hell
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Aftermath of from the depths of hell

what can I say this one really hurt my brain. after the job was over I found my way back home.  I swere some of these contracts are odd or weird,  but that said some seame normal. 

after a day and muche need rest I think I manged to get ride of the minor headach I got from the mission. I contiune with my traing for both my firearms  and my melee combat. and might start learning russian it might be helpflu later.  

after recovering from the contract and traing  I start looking to see if any member of my family is alive  as well start up a small account to help them out if they need it. I put Five hundred aside in this account and will make future deposit in the account 

I think I need to find a way to become stronger . Their should to grow stronger and start to build something in this city I started with the Russian mob but I should work on expanding just not sure where I should go from hear .  untill I decide where I should expand I will work with the russian mob more and work on my traing . 

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