Zausgul's Journal

The Truth About Necromancy

Necromancy. Such a great thing, seen as evil, as immoral. How is such a thing immoral when the person is dead and gone, do not all humans fear death. What is wrong with giving them a second chance. Let this poor necromancy raise a family in peace wont you.

Mushroom Hunt
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Heavy Lifting

I had to give away my ration sac to the woman because the sample got spores on it, this time Ill be carrying a duffle bag, Ill be keeping a skeleton in it for combat. Although first I had improved my strength in order to carry the skeleton, sadly I dont look so pathetic anymore, but if this is what it takes then Ill take some damage for my skeleton to have another ally. After I got that done I Had to think of how to actually get a fresh corpse and chop it up so its lighter and only a skeleton, This would normally be easy if you know, you werent on the run from a very powerful church who is constantly searching for you. Thats when it happened, a car crash right in front of me and the person seemed to not be wearing a seat belt as he flew right out of the car, i made it seem like i was helping him by dragging him to the side of the road while screaming at people to call 911 and while they were panicing I dragged him off and was able to get to a safe place to start carving off large amount of flesh into a 5 foot hole I dug. Didnt even need to murder the poor bastard as his neck broke on contact with the ground, its a good thing he met me, I will make him better than he used to be and make him have more use in this life. Other than gaining a new faithful minion I did some reading into medicine and investigation, and commanding techniques and was able to understable a little bit more than what I used to be able to. I should study it more but nothing come before studying my necromancy. I also trained my althletics through running and manage to buy a sword which ill start keeping on me instead of the dagger. At this rate the skeleton will be the least of their worries HAHAHA!!!!

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