Akira Han's Journal

Personal Notebook

Beware the Assassin!
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"Weird dream I had."

"Ever since I've completed this contract with those 2 men. I've got this.. strange dream. When I went to sleep, I woke up in a forest. I had all of my ranger gear, my phone, and everything. And I just appeared out in what seemed to be the Big Bend. When I walked around to get a feel of this place, I saw a deer that was staring right at me... and it wasn't any deer. This deer was glowing! And it ran off! I didn't know why, but I followed it. It continued to run and gallop, and I continued to run. But strangely enough, I didn't feel tired! I just kept running. When the deer took a sharp turn, I turned to the left. But when I did, the deer was nowhere to be seen. All I could see was... an old map. I picked it up, but when I did... it glowed. All of the sudden, I woke back up. I didn't know what happened, but it was something I've never felt before... I felt.. good!"

🔞 To Russia With Love
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When a G Falls
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An Auction in Austin
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The Lady's Treasure
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The Night The Storm hit
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A Gift for Mother
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Monster Hunter: Island
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Dreams of an insomniac
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Night Terrors
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Revenge of the Brothers of Blood!
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Slaughterhouse Five
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Ignis Mortis
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Silent Water
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Corporate Espionage
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The Hourglass
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The House in Space
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One Great Leap
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