JPM (Jackson Pierce Morgan)'s Journal

Money Moves

The Enigmatic "Big Boss" Himself, Jackson Pierce Morgan, heir-to-the-Founder and Head of the Board of Directors at Pierce Prospects, is a character larger than life.

Born in affluent-LA, sometime in the late 90s, JPM was just a wee boy when the Y2K crisis hit, a young teen when the housing bubble burst, and an young adult when unemployment in California began to spike... and his father passed.

JPM was always a big man, a big boy, he went to school privately in LA and even then he was a goliath... star-linebacker he was. JPM's always had an inflated ego, and a mean streak, he doesn't really tolerate dissent or back-talking in his words.

"To lend a hand down, you've got to be the bigger fookin' person! And ain't nobody, in this fookin' state, bigger than ME!"

Some might call it narcissism, some might call it self-confidence, regardless of whatever it was: JPM was never officially diagnosed for it. JPM grew up constantly beating kids up for minor slights, and getting bailed-out by his pops, though as the years flew by... his pops cancer developed, and developed until poor JPM was all alone. JPM always thought of his father a weak man, but he really only ever knew the guy as a decaying shell of what he was.

In a way, JPM's true father was money itself: born into it, raised into it, and born to raise it, when his father died and he inherited all his shares and positions: he took to it with zeal. He didn't pass it onto savvy-investors, or wall-street wolves, he took it apon himself to build a company, and a bigger fortune... and by god he did.

Pierce Prospects, one of the first agencies of it's kind, singlehandedly led the movement of corporations which drove California's unemployment from unmanaged, to mischief managed. JPM was mining for gold but gold dries up quickly, and everyone knows that after a gold rush... any one place quickly becomes a ghost town. The walls were closing in on JPM.

He was too rich to be wealthy, but not rich enough to be considered wealthy by those who were truly rich... he was no Bezos, he was no Gates, and noone really knew his name outside of the firm-world... despite being a man so larger than life.

"So when a hand reached down from something much, much larger, than myself... I grabbed it, and by god did I start pullin' myself up."

Monster Hunter: Island
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"So I was thinking eh? Those fookin' hunters, they was some pussies! Im not no pussy bitch though, so im gonna fookin' call the motherfucker who organized the event and Im gonna come on! Wouldn't that be fookin' sensational right?"

JPM thinks that the act of being a hunter on Monster Hunter Island is like some secret-society Illuminati bullshit, and he's more than down to hunt poor people, so he's secretively called up the host for the event and organized a "Call-Up" where in the next Monster Hunter Island running... he will be replacing one of the fallen hunters who he has slain as what's likely the first ever instance in which a former contestant has killed most of the hunters, and come back as a hunter, while also having won.

JPM also made rapport and contacts with the Sniper woman from "Great ol' Britain, the homeland!... full of fookin' cunts." as a professional "Photographer" who'll carry out equipment and skills to perform "Headshots" for him... he's hired her as an assassin off of a burner. He's also organized the whole thing off of a burner and through careful planning... a burner which he's broken since then. 

JPM's gonna plan to go on Monster Hunter Island again, and establish rapport with the woman, before brutally strangling her and the other hunter, making him the defacto-winner by default. He won't touch the contestants unless they get wise with him, but he may decide to kill all of them too just to prove a point. He's gonna become the #1 hunter, #1 contestant, biggest winner and biggest boss. 

Beware the Assassin!
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Beat Back Cancer Bout : JPM enters the ring!

"So, there I was right? Sittin' in my armchair, thinkin... Shit, I been boxing all this big game against my fookin' house maids so why don't I start boxing people? Im no bitch though, so I ain't gonna box just anybody... I want Mcgregor, I want Buakaw, I want KSI, I want Paul, and I want that fookin' Tate prick to.

Unfortunately, JPM was only able to get Logan Paul onboard, in short notice, as Logan Paul also lives in California and is down to box with him for "Kids with Cancer". JPM's eager and energetic nature and demenaor, as well as the fact that he's scrooge-mc-duck rich and owns a company, let him organize this quickly and easily with minimal effort. So, JP pulled up to the event, organizing it at some indoor event-hall in LA as a 0-5 Round-Robin style gauntlet bout... to represent the plight of a child fighting Cancer, something they would be new to, and an underdog in.

JPM's a newbie to the boxing game who, though possessing raw potential, likely shouldn't be able to beat up 5 consecutive tried-true boxers. JPM used a bit of Contractor suave to do so, exerting mind a bunch and even stealthily-suggesting that one guy "Runaway like a little bitch!" which no-doubt is going to ruin that guy's entire career... as he spent hours doing just that. The poor guy even thinks it was his idea, to... how sad.

JPM aced through the first four, minus 1 "fight" which was described prior, before unfortunately losing to Logan Paul, due to what he calls "Fuckin' pussy cheating!" , though he also used powers as well. Logan Paul did pass out a second later though... but JPM still technically lost, though he impressively went 4-1 against actual pro-boxers, got one guy to runaway in fear, and raised over 600,000$ for local hospitals and "Kids with Cancer".

In reality the whole thing was a tax-writeup event to be used by hospitals for tax-writeoffs, for JPM as a tax writeoff, and for public persona's sake only. JPM's going to use the event later to springboard a political career, and connection-building... JPM's ego though is pushing him progressively towards a rematch against Logan Paul though, in which he will announce his bid for California Governer.

Infernal Wings
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Death & Taxes

"Right so, I decided today that I was going to pay my god damn' taxes cause' if im going to be running for any type of Office... I cannot have that on my hands, I mean... Look at Trump! Shit's categorical"

JPM spent most of his month, after riding a Dragon and making that thing his little kitten, JPM decided that he'd practice boxing and wrestling a bit more as he's grown quite fond of emasculating other men in the ring... before deciding that he'd check wtih his Accountant to see how much tax he actually owes, as he hasn't paid in a long time... about 5 years time... so when he found out he owes about 7-8 Million USD... which he does not have at-hand to spare in a way that's not annoying and tedious... decided to do something.

He started a marketing campaign for his "JPM Suits" which are quite literally Americanized Japanese Recruit Suits, for Pierce Prospects Employees, Agents, Benefitaries, all kinds of things... and he also launched his "Big Boss" suits ad, showing himself shooting himself at multiple angles on Live Television, as well as extensive proof and documentation that his suit is legit, and legit bullet-proof... prompting a fuck load of people to send offers, and a fuck load more to look his way.

He sold the suit to the Wells Fargo CEO who upon realizing he couldn't actually reproduce or replicate it... went crazy, mad, got sued a shit load by the Federals and whoever he sold it to, and ended up actually killing himself... a tragic end for a pathetic man. 

Save the girl, Save the world.
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"Right so, I've decided that I'm going to seriously go ahead with my plan to purchase a Helicopter for "Business" reasons... namely flying around LA in style... as well as maybe investing in some rather interesting Tech startups and businesses for my ever-growing Empire!"

During the first week of his downtime, JPM goes about purchasing a Helicopter for about 1.5 Million $, as well as having it delivered and parked on top of the Penthouse which sits at the very top of the Pierce Tower, where his head office is also located at. JPM reasons that this helicopter will serve as an emergency get-away in situations of dire distress, as well as a sick ass ride.

JPM's also been thinking a lot and doing alot of research into businesses, startups, and other stuff he can invest in and put his money too... natural or otherwise. The supernatural's a big game big boom market and he really really wants a piece of the pie: meaning that when he meets and witnesses savvy-Investors doing shit like shooting actual bonafide Rayguns: he pays attention, and he remembers their name, no matter how fucking poor they are.

Regardless JPM has a bigger priority though... his pride. He remembers the 4-1, Logan ending his streak, and he's going to go about returning the favor to Logan as Logan's 1-up boxing bout on him edges closer... This time though, JPM's leveled the odds, and he's absolutely sure, that Logan will be bested by him. It is not merely enough for JPM to best Logan though... he's got to emasculate him, make him look like a fool, take him for all he's worth... crush, his spirit.


What Drive?

"Right so how much does a Helicopter cost is what one might think but a Helicopter's cost is very subjective... and whether or not it's legal is also subjective.. you see a Helicopter usually runs 0.5 - 2 million depending on the model, year, and make... but that doesn't include a pilot and a crew which you need as to be frank, I've no fookin idea how to drive a Helicopter, or even drive."

JPM doesn't really actually know how to drive as using a car's not really too much an option for him at this point as he's so excessively large that to step into the wheel of a vehicle would quite literally be counter-intuitive... he's a passenger princ-no a passenger King by nature alone.

JPM, as a passenger king, needs subjects though, he needs a crew, he needs people who'll take him places and make sure he gets there and be back to pick him up... though these are his paid subordinates, often on his bankroll, truthfully their something of babysitters that just happen to be getting paid a lot of money by him to follow him around and make sure he's able to get from place to place. 

While JPM is the big boss, the big man, this still does not exclude him from the trials and hardships of being a man in Californian LA: the problem of transportation is constant. Such a thing is likely why among the list of vehicles he requires, he requires especially large-ones such as Helicopters, Cars, ETC, in order to comfortably travel. 

Careless Whisper
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Taking Home The Gold

"So, That son of a bitch had the balls to try and disqualify me from HIS bout after I beat the shit outta him' on live TV, what a pussy... I should've broken his other fookin' arm when I had the chance!"

JPM is a serial hater, he is a massive narcissist, and he absolutely cannot stand it when people attempt to emasculate him or one-up him: especially bullshit baby-bitch scammers like Logan Paul who he feels personally cheated him in their bout: yet despite the cheating, still only barely won.

JPM pulled up to the FBI agency, requested an off-the-record no-mic session and tip, and basically opened up collaborations with them... he never actually put anything down in writing or swore to anything though and it was more like an impromptu-snitchery appointment... like a white Karen mom calling up the cops cause someone who wasn't white pulled into their neighborhood.

Regardless JPM showed up over there, beat the absolute fuck out of everyone, and then strangled Logan and attempted to force him to admit to his bullshit... he then broke his arm during a tense grappling match on purpose... though most of the crowd bought it, and only one out of three judges noticed the fluke. That same judge also caught his power and realized something was up.

Regardless JPM pulled the "It was part of the show" act, and then released footage he captured earlier that it was indeed apart of the show as Logan had agreed that when he goes up there he is to "Do Superhero Shit". JPM gets away practically scot-free, though banned from every major boxing event as this was a major violation of sportsmanship: he did take home the Gold though so he doesn't give a fuck. He's done with Logan Paul, he's got his get back, but if that fuckin' twat comes back to haunt him he'll be put in the ground under self-defense. 

In other news, JPM's bought and acquired and fully integrated a shit ton of businesses he's gotten from Corp-money and weird patent loopholes which he's been abusing... loopholes which had gotten a dude to kill himself... people seem to kill themself whenever he emasculates them which is strange... he also acquired a Secretary recently who'se got a knack for telling people, people who listen, to kill themself... funny how the world works. 

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