Caspian Seaver's Journal

Jack and the Beanstalk

Got hired to act in a play?

Today, I got hired to act in a panto. The play itself was certainly somewhat strange, there was something up with the previous play so we needed to improvise Jack and the Beanstalk. That wasn't exactly what about it was weird though. It was more so that the person who came to ask me about it was inhumanly tall and had four arms. After agreeing (not really fully sure why, it may have been due to the promise of supernatural power that could help with the whole thing with that trident), I was teleported to that one theatre in Blackburn. On getting there I met a talking Octopus called Otto, a talking shrimp called Cadbury and some dude named Haley. These guys were the people I needed to perform the play with, although I don't really get why the audience didn't really react to Otto or Cadbury. Oh well, it doesn't really matter to me. I know the weird things happening constantly seem to be rolling over me but I've really learned to roll with the punches since the whole thing of catching a trident in the sea accidentally happened. Going on these jobs I will most likely see and do things that are much more strange than that (in fact it is probably an eventuality), but for now that has at least set me up for the idea of experiencing weird and supernatural things like talking animals. Anyway, I ended up calling some people from the drama department at uni to help with the panto. Not to skimp out on the details of what actually happened though but the play was fucking stupid, that's about it.

The Sons Crash Somnus

Expo gone awry

I have been hired for one of these odd jobs again. Not doing anything similar to last time or even hired by the same person but he identified to me that he worked for the same agency. Not only that, but he identified himself as Midas. Most likely THAT Midas. Before this when his co-worker identified himself as Eros I assumed it was only a shared name but maybe not. So Midas briefed me on the contract and it involved an Expo we needed to go to that had been infiltrated by a group known as the Sons of Ahab. The name wasn't exactly familiar to me but it did spark some quite negative feelings for the voice in my head, mostly an urge to kill. Speaking of, in this time the voice identified itself as the Kraken. I don't exactly know how I keep stumbling upon mythological figures but oh well. When Midas teleported me to this Expo, I met who I would be working with. A posh looking Russian man named Haley, a Japanese businessman named Tachibana and a young girl named Boe. At least this group seemed like they'd have an easier time blending in like normal people compared to the last group. We surveyed the are and I found a large amount of SoA members around the expo, talking to and vaguely threatening some while also finding people others had replaced on the security team. While I was doing this, of course the rest of the group were doing their own things of course. most notable was Tachibana who had ended up killing someone in the bathroom. If time wasn't of the essence I probably would've helped him out but that wasn't much of an option. From here I left to go on the VIP tour to check if there was any more to gleam on what exactly was happening here and how to stop it. I snuck off into another room where they were doing experiments on some mutated sea creatures, with a scientist named Baxter following me in. While this happened Boe helped out with keeping attention off me. I freed the creature, with something in my mind telling me that was the right call, and ended up fighting the scientists there. The last thing I remember is Baxter turning out to betray me, despite pretending to not know about what was going on in there. I ended up passing out from him shocking me with a taser, after which I woke up on Blackpool pier, needing to get back to Bolton somehow.

The Last Stand of David Jones

Sons of Ahab, again.

It seems as if Midas chose me for this one as well for a reason. Not only because of my experience with the Sons but also all of the other contactors were sea creatures, and I do have a tenuous link to that world being linked to a remnant of the Kraken. Speaking of, I should introduce my co-workers for the job. There was David Jones, a pirate who was also an anthropomorphic squid as well as Cadbury, a human sized mantis shrimp and crab who was just a regular crab (the Kraken didn't particularly enjoy me referring to him that way though). We started off on the ship of David Jones, a little while off the boat we were supposed to board as it had been taken over by the Sons, seemingly due to the wealth of magical artefacts on board. It seemed as if David and Cadbury were taking their time to deliberate once introductions were over so I decided to take action by throwing Crab as far as I could and swimming up to the ship as well myself. This meant, once we got to the boat, we started picking off people while waiting for David and Cadbury. Once they arrived the boat seemed to be on high alert so it seems that they took a lot of damage since me and crab were being especially cautious. Once everyone on the top was dealt with, we started making our way through the ship and had a look round, along with giving rudimentary first aid to David. Once we had a look round, more people started coming down so we had to deal with those before continuing on. Because more people kept coming though, I urged the others to keep going while I held the rest off. I expected to die then and there but I guess I was just lucky. Once the eight men were dealt with, I kept going further down, finding a room with some kind of weird bottles and later finding where the rest of the group had gone. I got grabbed by someone but I didn't take my chances in this life or death situation and immediately stabbed him. It was only after this that I had realised I had stumbled onto where the captain was with 15 or more people with her. Even that bastard Baxter was with her. The subsequent fight was life threatening. If it wasn't for each of the group formulating plans in their head that all came together well as well as the intervention of Midas, we would all be dead. Sadly not everyone could be saved though, in the end David still ended up dying. Not only that but now due to the deal with Midas I mentioned, the Kraken now has some level of control over me. That can't be good, I don't think an angry primordial entity will want much good from me. Either way, We still killed all the SoA members and most of the hired guns on the ship in the end.


Crab on the doorstep

Since the last time I went on one of these jobs, I've been mostly trying to readjust to my daily schedule now that I've experienced someone dying while on one of these. One day, one which was similar to the rest at first, I heard a tap at the door to open it and realise it was that Crab from the last job I was on. And the weirder part of this is that it seems as if I could understand him? He said something about being bored of the Philippines and wanting a new place to stay. As well as this he briefly mentioned being invited by the Kraken over the internet. I don't know how but this must be something to do with that app he keeps trying to get me to download, blubber. So now I have a crab as a roommate along with already having the disembodied voice of the Kraken in trident form.  

Connections of Life
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