Father Jarrod's Journal

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God Deliver Us!

*Jarrod kneels on the top of the cliff, gazing out over what was once a sparkling lake, and is now a roiling cesspool of blood and fire, and prays.*

Dear God, forgive me my trespasses. I know not how to understand what is happening. Why have you brought me this far only to allow the world to end now? And in such a horrific manner. Did I fail at something? Should I have prevented this somehow? *sigh* I am your servant, My Lord, and I have faith that things have happened for a reason, and that I am still here because you are not done with me. I shall continue on in your name, My Lord. I will save who I can and follow your guidance into what I should do next. 

*sighs again, gazing out over the lake* 

I just pray that the innocent do not have to suffer long. May your merciful heart please watch over those that do not deserve such an end and let them pace quickly into your loving arms.

In your name I pray, Amen. 

*Jarrod gets up, dusting off his pants, and gets back into his car, driving away from his burning church, through a burning forest, into a burning world, simply following his impulses, which to him, is the gentle guidance of his loving God.*

Safe House
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Unity Bible: Exodus

In the time of Moses, they did not have to worry about things like Social Security numbers, Birth certificates, and Driver's Licenses. How do we prove we exist when they only look at the paperwork and numbers, which do not match up. Luckily, some things are Multiversal. Dorris and I can make money with simple work. The generosity of the church has allowed us access to the internet, which lets me get homeschooling material for Macie, and allowed me to start religious blogs and videos to hopefully bring in more money. Dorris is an amazingly strong woman, and I'm grateful to her conversion to God, not just for the obvious reasons, but because it means I have a partner in this rebuilding without the awkwardness of religion in the way. Luckily the church in this world still holds true to the generosity of Christ. I worry and pray for Macie. That's a lot for a young child to go through. I know Dorris wants to brow beat her into Christianity, because she has been helped by it so much, but that's not healthy, in my opinion. I try to keep God out of my discussions with Macie, beyond answering her questions, because I do not want to make her feel pressured into it, but I don't try to hide Dorris and my paths through our walk with God in this new world. Bear, ever the good boi, has taken well to the new life. There's a lot more open spaces for him to roam, and new smells to explore, and every Sunday he has a field day with all the new people. Many of the congregation come over just to give him love and pets. 


Ultimately, right now, I'm just trying to build some stability for this family and myself in this new world. Hopefully we will be able to get established here, and they family will be able to live their lives. I say this as if they were separate from be. Dorris and Macie have become like my own... it is hard for me to imagine just continuing without them. 

The Chilly Downs

Here Lies Father Jarrod

Cause of Death: Tents
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