Isabella "Izzy" Murphey's Journal


This black journal has a silver pentagram in the middle of the cover surrounded by pink hearts.

Stoned in Kampong Som
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Entry 1.1

Dear Diary:

  So it's been like a few days since I got back from Cambodia. My leg still really hurts, but it's getting better thanks to Liam fixin' me up. I really hope I get to see him again, he's so nice and cute! Maybe if I ever go to Canada I'll look him up (a couple drawn hearts). I feel really bad for Jami getting his foot shot off. I hope he's doing ok. Maybe I should call him and check up on him? It sucks though! Cause of my leg I can't hike the trails like I normally do ( :( ). 

  I've been sitting in my cabin for like two weeks now (UGH)! I think I finally walk without the cructhes now. I got a package in the mail the other day too, no return address. It was a black choker with a pentegram pendant. Tots my style! It had a note that just said "trace the sigil". Not weird at all, right? I put it on and did like the note said... I turned into a kitty cat! I'm just as adorable as a cat as I am a person ( ;) ). I totally had to see what the forest was like as a cat!

  I've spent the last few days wandering the woods as a cat, it's super cool! Scared some of the critters though. I've been messing around with it and I can totally change into other stuff too! I turned into a baby deer one day and just spent the afternoon running. It was amazeballs! If these are the kinda things I can start doing because of these fucked up jobs... maybe it's worth the risks.

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Entry 2.1

Dear Diary:

  Some time has passed since I've been back from Trona. I can't stop thinking about Dr. Jake. He was a nice guy, but fuck!, was he useless. He did die though and that makes me tots sad. I think he was trying to save us. He's with the Goddess now. I've made him a memorial shrine in the woods and I find myself going there most days. I know that this new line of work is dangerous, but I don't think losing my team mates will get any easier.

  Hopefully I won't end up like Dr. Jake. I hope that, but there's no promises. Do I want to keep doing these jobs knowing that any one of them could be the last thing I do? What would happen if I died? Would Liam know? (hearts are drawn around his name). I guess it's better to not think about that. I wonder what Liam's doing right now? I wonder if he thinks about me ever? He's Soooo dreamy. (more hearts). Back on topic Isabella!

  This last job showed me I don't have very good inestigative skills. I should tots work on that! I had my friend, Nancy, come up with some mock scenerios for me to investigate. She really came up with some zingers, but I think I figured out most of them. I'm, like, a total detective now! She's really good at this kinda stuff! Maybe she should be my next partner in crime! ( ;) ). 

  I can feel that the Goddess' blessing is starting to manifest. I should go to woods to release her will. After a few hours of just sittin' around trying to figure out what the Goddess gifted my this time, I heard a voice ask "Watcha' doin'?". When I turned to look there was a bunny staring at me. I stared back, like tots confused.

"I asked watcha' doin'"

"OMG, did you just talk to me?"

"Yep, I see you a lot. Just thought I'd see watcha' were up too."

We talked for a bit longer before he hopped off. I can tots talk to my critters now! Greatest thing ever!

Truck Stop
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Entry 3.1

Dear Diary:

   I just got back from California. It's only been a couple days and Courtney called me cause there's a protest in Portland. Those asshats are STILL trying to get an oil pipeline into Alaska. Of course I have to go! I just wish I had some more time to rest from my last job. Guess you don't get what you want when you're trying to save the world! (drawn hearts).

   The protest didn't take long, just a couple days, and I'm home again. I've found myself visting Dr. Jake's shrine everyday lately. My team got pretty beat up on that last job, but thankfully no one died. Not like Dr. Jake. I really wish that I could help more. I'm not a fighter. I wanted to help the totally adorable squriell people, but I just like tots froze! 

   I did meet some really cool peeps though! Zak was kinda weird, but in a kinda cute way. Isabel seems like we could be friends. Henry is a stick in the mud at best. He tries to order everybody around, like whoe does he think he is!? ( :( ) Sally is, like, always high. We could could probably hang out though. I wonder what Isabel would be like if she hung out? Maybe we could be friends? She's, like, my age and is in college. Who knows?

   I wonder what Liam's doing right now... (drawn hearts around his name). Maybe I should save some money to go to Canada. Should I learn French? Like, don't they speak French up there? I bet he'd be soooo psyched if I knew French. (more drawn hearts)

   That aside, I think that the Goddess is watching more than I relize. After this last job I've noticed that my strawberry patch has received her blessing. The berries grow much quicker and healthier than before. I think they are meant for something more than sustinance...

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Entry 4.1

Dear Diary:

   So I'm home again. Back to the same ole, same ole. I was doing some gardening and noticed my elderberry plants were growing like crazy too. The Goddess has belssed me again! Now I have healing strawberries AND elderberries! I remebered talking to my Foxgirl (that's what I call Minerva). Minerva just sounds to grown up for such an awesome little girl. She's like the little sister I never had. (Drawn hearts) Back on track Isabella! Anywho, she had mentioned she lost a hand on one of her past jobs. That is tots not cool! She's way to young and adorable to not have a hand!

   With that in mind I sent her a little care package. The elderberries will fix her hand right up! I sent her some of my special strawberries too. You never know when a little healing will come in handy doing the things we do on these jobs. ( ;) ) It took a few days to get all the way to east coast, but she got 'em. She texted me to let me know she got the berries I sent her. She seemed super stoked about getting her hand back and said she owed me. I don't need anything in return, just trying to help. I get the idea though. I told her I could come visit her at her school too, if she wanted. She said she'd have to check with the principal but was tots down.

   Foxgirl can turn into like a human/animal combo, so I thought it would be SUPER fun to go running through the woods. A couple of foxes (literally and figuratively) running in the wild. How fucking fun is that!? (More drawn hearts) When she gets back to me that it's cool with the school staff, I'm booking a flight and heading to that Faraday School! Me and my new BFF are going to have SOOO much fun!

Animal Farm
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Entry 5.1

Dear Diary:

   I'm back home after the slaughter at the farm. I've just been tending my garden and going for hikes to try to unwind from the last job. I've made a couple trips to visit Dr. Jake too. I haven't been to going to his shrine much of late. That just feels kinda wrong, ya know?

   After the last job I reaized how underprepared I am when dealing with guns. I hate guns, but after fighting that Skinwalker my little knife and baton aren't really much use. sigh I've decided to take some classes! I need to be able to defend myself so I don't end up like Dr. Jake. Who would take care of my plants, watch over nature or braid Foxy's hair?

   I headed to Portland and signed up for some classes and getting a license. It was way easier than I thought it would be. It only took, like, a week and I had my license to carry. I went and bought the cutest little handgun, I think the guy that sold it me called it a Smith & Wesson CSX. It's just the right size for lil' ole me.

   I've been texting Foxy too. She's doing well in school. Seems like she's making some new friends, which is good. I can't wait to go see her and meet her roommates. It'll be the best sleepover ever! I can change into a wolf again and we can go running in the woods, it'll be tots a blast! (Drawn Hearts)

   I've also been practicing my powers lately. I've found that I can commune with the air spirits. I can summon super strong winds that surround my body and keep things at bay. That should be tots helpful if I get attacked again! Off to tend the garden! Byyeeee!

Halloween 2024

Here Lies Isabella "Izzy" Murphey

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