Lucy (Lucky) Grey's Journal

Stormy Talks
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Moving Day

Well, here goes nothing.

That Depont kid really saved my behind this time, between the absolutely insane amount of tranquilizer he had on the job, and for what he did afterwards. That's what I'm talking about. Cold. Hard. Cash. Tens of thousands of dollars worth. He did something with the dead guys' wallets and bitcoin, but here I am. Moving-in day with Abby. No more having to leave her at the shelter or with people I don't know, instead I have my own safe space to protect my little sister. Now not only do we have a place to live and food to eat (no thanks to Greg Abbot), but we also have resources. Resources to put towards these "extra assignments", and whatever thief work I do as well. All sorts of gadgets like you would see in a bond film.

Anyways, today we finally got to walk into a home that was "ours" for the first time in a long time. Strolled in with only the clothes on our backs and the food in our bags. I got dibs on the larger bedroom, she got the medium one, and I have one spare for future projects. Tomorrow we are going out to buy clean mattresses, and sheets, and a laundry list of other things that we will be needing. Can't spend too much though, or else we won't be able to keep the water on. But beds and clothes... those will make her smile. So that's what I'll have to spend.

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