Sycamore Crane's Journal

Black Walmart Sketchbook

This journal is kept in a locked box, inside a cardboard box labelled COLORED PENCILS, in the back of one of Syc's desk drawers.

Fantastic Land!
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This entry has a black feather taped to the inside, along the top of the first page.


Remember how I said that y/a novels are supposed to be darker? Right, well, I found a dead body. I also think that y/a novels should make some kind of sense but I guess I don't get a say in things.


On the bright side, the blood stains are out of my shoes. I guess I could have just used one of the hoses in hindsight but it would have felt weird, and so I'd have had to just stomp around in the mud anyway so it didn't look weird if my parents couldn't actually see the stains, which I'm never gonna ask them about, so I'll probably never know.


So here's the story: I got my shoes covered in mud and went out with Walnut while the storm was coming, which I probably shouldn't have done, but I couldn't help it and I know it scares Walnut a little but I was hoping to ride in the rain I guess and just didn't wanna go home, and I'm riding across the field out west and there's this crow following me that I'm not really thinking about. But the storm comes on stronger and Walnut gets scared and I'm starting to hear... Y'know, I'm starting to hear things. Louder than normal and more like I had a sense of it being closer? But I didn't have a whole lot of time to think about that trying to control Walnut who almost smacked me off her running into the woods and under a branch, and I still don't know exactly what spooked her but now I'm wondering if it was this crow.


This crow met me in the woods hopping on the forehead of a naked dead boy. I have no fucking idea how it got there or why or how or who did it but I swear the thing was talking to me and I don't know, I swear it felt right, like things were clear for a bit and I had this little manic episode where I was just completely fine and talking to this bird, which I guess likes manic people cause it hopped on my shoulder and I named it Thorn without thinking much about it. And this little boy says he wants me to help him get revenge, which he'll have to be patient about because it's been a couple days and I'm still recovering.This crow Thorn never really makes noise though, and it's been a few days...

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