Alexis Surmile's Journal

chapter 3


I don't know what's happening.

During my afternoon prayers, I began to percieve a spiritual message, as it echoed within the chasm of my mind; it's repeating pulses brought faith to my heart as I began to believe my prayers were accepted or perhaps a holy message was being sent to God's lowly protector. However, the next second my mind nearly collapsed from the intensity of the screaming pain I had within my head. 

The next moment, I only remember myself waking up to a scorching heat, the warmth of the grainy sand tickling my cheek; the next moment I stood with effort from the unstable sands and observed my surroundings, only to witness a towering spire a couple of meters from my location. As I approached it in a need for clues, a group of people exitted it. 

While I did prepare for the situation they might not be friendly, I approached the man who stepped from the group to get closer to me. His speech sounded quite thorough and more complicated, like that of a noble's: However, his next words as he referred to himself as "Batman" proved to me his sanity was much more questionable than percieved at first. The situation showed no mercy to me, the group had no clue of my arrival or it's cause and I had no idea either so I simply joined them in hopes for answers. A part of my will began blossoming ideas that perhaps this group was a mission assigned to me by the Holy, by The Creator.

As such, I passively joined their esponiage as they scouted potential enemies, which soon broke into a fight. These people were much more talented than I believed at first sight which surprised me, quite gifted as well. We soon broke down the enemy forces, especially with bombs which my allies seemed to be in abundance of. 

Now I'm currently spending my time in rest and prayer within this town, that these people previously helped from what I can understand. One of the people of the group are quite unlawful sadly, as they attempted to court a lady of quite a young age, quite detestable but I will simply forgive as I recieved a gift from The Creator - this must be a sign. 

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