Jessie (Carrion) Hope's Journal

Box of Cassettes

A cardboard shoe box full of cassette tapes, each labeled with sticky notes, though one or two of them are labeled with hexagonal stickers with odd symbols. This box is hidden under the false bottom of her under the sink cabinet in her bathroom.

The Haunting of Hallow ridge
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B4C: The Coyote

This cassette is marked with a black, hexagonal sticker, marked with solid blue bars on two sides, the other two left empty, displaying the scale of the threat. The center is designed with a stylized white silhouette of a howling canid. Aside from the sticker, it’s labeled with the number 10/28/23 in frantic blue sharpie.

Home Invasion
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Y2W: Divine Deliverer

This cassette is marked with a black, hexagonal sticker, marked with solid yellow bars on two sides, the others leave empty bars. The center is designed with a stylized white gun silhouette. Aside from the sticker, it’s labeled with the number 10/22/23 in yellow sharpie.

“Supplement to the statement of Jessica (Dreamer) Hope about the events of October 22nd, 2023. Follow up for detailing new artifact: the Divine Deliverer. Type: Yellow. Danger: Two. Category: Weapon.

”Physical description. This is a silver Smith & Wesson Compensated Hunter revolver, seemingly extremely flashy and large for even the hand that wielded it. It’s decorated with engraved catholic imagery, including angels and crosses. When held, it emits a warm glow, as if all available light in the room makes it’s way to reflect off of it. Well, that’s how it seems to be when most people hold it, but when I do it lets off a barely noticeable purple and green sheen, mixed in with the white light. It also has the ability to change its shape, from pistol to shotgun to assault rifle to sniper. I had to get a hunting license and change it into a hunting rifle tone able to ship it out.

”Supernatural properties. In addition to the shape changing, it also has the unique ability to ricochet out of a target and into another. Also, it never needs reloading, and the chamber always seems to be empty. I think there might be some additional properties that need to be discovered in the field.

”Though… I’ve been thinking a lot about the Raven, and faith. I don’t know if it’s linked to the gun, but I feel like my link to dreams has become stronger, and I want everyone to know. To know their power, to know the messages a dream can carry.”

Truck Stop
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The Doll House
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The Light, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
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The Weirdling Planes of Poldahk
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The Hospital
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