Derek Boon's Journal

Event Recount, 2023-

Each entry title is the month, day, year, followed by the time that it started. For example one that occurs January first at 1am would be 010120230100.

Where's my Water?
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Getting Registered

Fucking cult. "Maintaining the integrity of the timeline!" Go fuck yourself.

Now because of them I have to register with some stupid fucking organization. Didn't tell them hardly anything I didn't have to. Just told 'em that some cult from the future sent me back a couple thousand years. It seems I made it to before the Chicago pyroclasm though, so maybe I'll settle down there for a while, attempt to blend in with the populous while I attempt to figure out how to leave this forsaken period.

Perhaps once I do I could do a little exploring. The opportunities would be limitless. I could be a legend, appearing when I'm most needed as a savior to the masses before vanishing into legend once more. Being adored by the masses would make life incredibly simple, handouts anywhere you look, a cult-like following, maybe even existence outside of the law. Villainy doesn't sound so bad either...

The Hospital
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A Lead

These "Harbingers" might be the key to my dream.

So far I've been granted minor foresight and localized anomaly manipulation, should this go further I may be able to waltz through time like I had before, perhaps even without the destabilizer. More research is required, however, so for now I'll play along with their little jobs, despite the repulsive "coworkers" that they supply. Seriously, where do they find these people? They must be perusing the circus freakshow section to find at least 70% of them.

Regardless, the jobs are never too difficult so as to be failed, though I've heard some have failed theirs. Perhaps to avoid this I should keep in contact with the more desirable company. Doing a favor every now and then doesn't sound so bad when the benefits are potentially limitless. My guess would be most of them would require just a little convincing and a few favors to stick their neck out.

Dirty Business
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Powerful(?) Enemies

I should be on my guard from now on.

That mole creature seemed pretty interested in me instead of Stinky. Probably going to have to deal with that later. If I get the chance I'll probably have her help me out with it, she seemed pretty enthusiastic about the whole killing thing. If I get the chance I should also track her down and keep her close by. Though I'm not sure of her ability to watch my back I'm certain the bus wouldn't discriminate who I throw under it and she seems gullible enough.

I should avoid doing that though, she seems like a bad person to have as an enemy if the moles are anything to go off of.

Unfortunately there have been no developments in traveling about the timeline as of yet. These harbingers had better deliver soon or I'll have to talk to whoever's in charge.

Passing the Hours
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Building a Network

Those who are useful should be kept around.

What is it with these harbingers sending me with people with more muscle than I have problems? Regardless, I think I should bring Mule and Stinky together for my mutual benefit. Having warm bodies on-call never hurts. Plus I need someone to test the gene tampering program on.

Chicago's getting old too. Maybe I could go enjoy the countryside while it's still around. A large plot of land with much space to distract prying eyes would be ideal, though a significant source of income will be required for something like that. I should look for another source of income. Something less suspicious than stock market manipulation.

I could start a non-profit animal refuge as a front to clean money from various suspicious income sources. Hacking the banks of today can't be too hard, biosigs haven't been invented yet and I could just wire funds through the nonprofit's webpage.

Let It Go
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