"Next Plans and New Shenanigans"
"Got back home and got straight to work if I am going to be working on these jobs any longer, I got my finances in check and worked my ass off to have a proper schedule. Fuckin finally I say so, really glad I got that out of the way and done right, left spending money that is going toward this whole thing."
"That now done, I had encountered or finally got hit with the "payment".
"The feeling was as though a parcel of who I am is now feral, a lack of patience in the back of my mind. Things may be turning for the better though, I feel that this development into what I truly am is meant to simply be, or that this train of thought will lead me darker and deeper in an ocean of turgid horror."
"What I had seen was simply a taste as to come I believe, and the feeling I feel may grow stronger. I am simply glad my home resides here, and now with what I am capable I am probably going to get some cat or dog, maybe even something exotic I do have the space."
"Back on task, I realized I was going to get my hands dirty during all of this. I learned the basics of some door manoeuvers thanks to books and lovely YouTube videos, I am amazed how they are not restricted but yeah I plan on buying all sorts of provisions and gear this month. Gear and More in preparation, as I need more of this if I am truly going to make a heaven"