Alan Hawkins's Journal

(0-3) "Time Flies"
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The Start Of Something Special

I talked to Mr. Martinet about everything that went down during the job. He seemed pretty suspicious of the nature of these jobs and employers-- seems too good to be true and all that jazz-- but you can't argue with the results!

It seems like my connection with the suit's grown stronger since the job was finished, like that agent guy promised. I'm sure that if I keep going on these jobs, I'm bound to unlock more of its powers and save even more people!

With that being the case, I think it's finally time for some street level superheroism! College can wait another year, right? I'll need to work on my reputation so that I can help people more easily though-- the Paragon's still got a bad name after everything that went down. It might take some time, but my winning personality and strength of character should be more than enough to earn the public's favor back and show the world that the Paragon is a true hero!

(0-3) "Taking Care Of Business"
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Some-Thing’s Wrong…
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I finally decided to go out in Sacramento as the Paragon to help people out! It's been baby steps for the most part, but it's still good progress.

Sacramento isn't exactly a place riddled with crime or anything like that, so I wasn't too worried about needing to stop any villains or bank robberies or anything similar. It's pretty much just been basic street level stuff-- giving people directions, helping the elderly cross the street, rescuing cats from trees, etc.

At some point, I ran into a couple of middle-aged folks rushing out of a Walmart with stolen goods. They didn't seem to be terrible people or anything, nor did they hurt anyone on their way out. They were a little scared of me, but I talked them down and convinced them to return their items to the store.

I also did some volunteer work behind the scenes at one of our shelters, so all in all, I think I've managed to win over a good amount of public favor! Nothing's been quite big enough to hit mainstream news, but its been enough to where I can walk around in the community without too much issue now.

Hopefully, it'll all add up to be enough to show people that all I want is to help people out as a new iteration of the Paragon!

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