Viktor Caetano ("Lex")'s Journal

Viktor Logging System

If you aren't Viktor fuck off... Please and thank you and welcome Mr. Viktor!

Host Club
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Log 01-1 - Upgrading the Prototype

Well after the cluster fuck Contract, I got back home the day after, I sleep for a most of the next day. After I woke up I got some inspiration for my Watch, so I decided to start messing with it and I upgraded the power source so it didn't draw from the body of the User which was great, now I can reliably use it without endangering myself. Other wise I didn't do much with the watch didn't really have time or ideas for it so I stopped and decided to start learning more about technology all new fields and what not.. Also been practicing more with my weapons so I die one of these days..  I think I am going to go buy land somewhere.. I just don't know where yet a lot of good places just need to narrow it down... Otherwise this month has been pretty quite all things considered. 

This is for you
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Log 002-1 - We bought a fucking farm & Cryptid Hunting!

I just wanted to buy some land and have it sit there for a little bit while I worked on some other things, but things turned out better? I think. So I called up 'Abe' and had him be my man in the United States to buy the land. They were all a little confused on why I wanted to buy land in Goshen, Indiana, but I knew I wanted to do it due to the location.. Low land prices, No police, and a shit ton of supernatural activity. What contractor wouldn't want land in this area... We looked at two properties in or around Goshen. One being a closed down Art store which was in downtown Goshen, which wasn't ideal due to the hostilities of the people we decided to go with the second option which was a 20 acre of land nineteen of it being farm land and the one being the house, bard, silo and storage shed. we decided to rent one acre of land to an energy company for solar panels to make I think it was ten thousand.. Not too sure 'Abe' took care of that. I sold some of my tech to a company to make up some more of the Payments we needed to make, umm... what else.. OH we brought on three other people for this project one was Gull we met on my last contract, another one was Bryan and the last one was Lawenerce. We all brought something to The Farm so it was good.. we also decided to go hunting for a cyprid.. quite a list of it, but we hunted the chain racoon so it went alright... I think that's all we did this month it was a good month. 

The Enemy within
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Log 03-1 - I hate this hole..

I've spent a fucking month in this hole doing fucking nothing! I really mean nothing. That Fucking DA burned both my real name and my Alias.. I learned one lesson, which should of been obvious which is to never give out your name.. I keep that one for the future. Anyways I thinking up some Projects for later since I am doing nothing.. I think I am going to set up Shop in the basement of 'The Farm'. Just so I can build things while I am stuck in this god forsaken country. Anyways I got plans for some gloves that allow you to climb walls.. Although it wouldn't work well outside of urban environment. anyways I think that's about it I guess.. I am still going to kill that DA.. I know his name and where he works. I need to do it smartly.. he is a DA which means a lot of eyes are on him.. I don't know exactly where it would happen but I am going to take him down one way or another.. I know 'Abe' is behind me 100%. 

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Log 04-1 - Building a new gadget

After getting back from the Contract I got to work of having a hint of inspiration, and I made the 'Grav Gloves' which allow users to climb walls, although pretty slow they can still climb up walls which is hard for most. Anyways the tech behind this isn't really tech as much as magically enhanced, which is like a combo? I think there was something on this on the web about 'Technomancy' which I think I fall in consider my use of Tech and Magic. anyways I been putting together a Plan for the DA since he fucked me over.. I think I am going to ask Guy to help me find this fucker and get a detailed list of his house, work location, general day.. You know incase I need to take him out. But that's in the future for now, I need to get out of this country, because I fucking hate it here so much.. I can't leave this fucking Farm. 

Project: Wormwood
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Log 05-1 - Hong Kong ain't that bad...

Being in Hong Kong isn't that bad.. But it is rather boring not being able to go back to Brazil.. Or you know having 'Abe' or Bryan to bounce ideas off of.. But it's whatever. At least I am not wanted here and I don't have to hide my face. But I have been thinking on something for my next 'Project'. I want to make a tiny two leg robot scout thing.. It sounds weird, but I am going to make it soon.. But it will require me to use a bit of 'Mana' that still sounds weird, but its the closest thing I can call whatever I have flowing through my veins. So It will require me to use some of that, although the robot will last until someone destroys it, hopefully it doesn't happen.. but my mind keep coming back to that DA, I've had sometime to think.. killing him on a Contract will be a no-go, to dangerous.. need to find him outside it... But that's for another day. Right now I need to find a place to stay until my next contract. 

Passing the Hours
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Log 06-1 - Selling things on a website.

So, after one the contracts I went on I got a weird invite to a auction house type thing were people sell supernatural items of sorts... I decided to sell three of my artifacts I made, and waited to see what I could get for them. Although I had to run it by 'The Company' as we had an agreement.. although their offer made me think about it. Their restrictions were to harsh for me, as I think I can get more from other people buying it. 

Anyways I got like three offers on my items already, which is good as it seems they are all worth what they are buying.. although I hope some sort of bidding war happens, but we shall see what happens. The items I am selling are two watches of an old version and one brand new one of the gauntlets that I have made... Although it seems people do want them. 

The Doll House
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Log 07-1 - Making deals and building new Tech

Yeah soo.. After the last contract I fucking lost my Gauntlets, which are one of my main defenses. Anyways I might be forced to make a deal with that D.A.. Anyways I decided to create a little 'brand' of AegisTech since most of my shit falls under protecting the user and 'Aegis' means 'Protection' soo it made the most since. Also I needed something to make my 'Business' more legitimate so I have a reason to do this.  

Anyways I have a new design for a piece of tech for me and whoever I give it to. A Gasmask which uses my 'Mana' which purifies the air that is breathed in which also acts as a sort of cleanse for anything in the users body. It also seems to slightly make them more resilient in terms of there immune system. 

Anyways, I got to go make a phone call with this D.A, So I can get my shit back. 

The White Ronin
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Log 08-1 - Well.. we are starting to do something.. Also made deals with a person?

Soo.. We are going to start to 'collect' some Stags from a burning forest to go get a reward I think its like 350K and some item. Anyways I also want to collect some parts of these Stags to see what I can do with them. Anyways I saw an Item on Offer Red to get some Heat resistant. So I offered my Mind Shield Tech I designed a little while ago. So I offered it to him plus when I make some upgrades to it, but he wanted insurance to it.. So he asked for my body if I died before I finished the deal. I agreed, but he wanted me to tell my teammates so they didn't attempt to stop him, although I don't think they could. But its whatever I shouldn't be dead within the time it takes for me to get it done, So if anything I shouldn't worry about it.

Halloween 2024

Here Lies Viktor Caetano ("Lex")

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