Kim Huu Tuân's Journal

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No Time To Rest

One day was all I had. I wasn't injured or anything but I had no time to take a break... I did have a gun though so it was best to spend my time making it comfortable for me. I added some light engravings with my knife into the gun, nothing that would mess up the integrity just something I thought would be interesting. I always did this with my guns, my weapons are a bit more than just tools for me they're an extension of my body. The trigger finger is a nerve to the organ which fires off the bullets to deal with my problems. At the very least I know that this next job I'm going to get will be interesting enough... I have limited ammo though so I hope I don't have to use all of it in a pointless fight... Please let it go smoothly 

Smell no Evil
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When can I get a damn break? I just got off the plane and already I have a guy called the "show" up my ass. Well at the very least I get to see the famous Hawaii... I'm not impressed. It isn't that this place isn't beautiful it's just it reeks with American conquest. You can see the traces of culture here robbed by those of the United States for no other reason than their avarice. It's hard to relax here when you know that this is what they plan on doing to your homeland... Yet I tried. I decided to go to the beach for a while and do some physical labor. I think I'm getting a hang of my burned arm, it stung when I swam in the ocean but it wasn't so bad. I feel so much better and ready to take on the next contract whatever it may entail 

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