Luke Griffin's Journal

Hospital Vist
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This power is amazing. Work is almost too easy now. Anything I feel like grabbing just disappears and I know I can just pull it out again later. Even if someone thinks they saw me take it there's no proof! I NEED to do more of these contracts this is awesome. Those security guards almost caused some problems though; I'll need to visit Tony and see if he can hook me up with a good tazer and maybe some zip tie handcuffs or something. I don't wanna fight, but it really would've made that mission easier. I'll ramp up my training too with all the time this power is saving me. If I had to guess, there's going to be a lot more running and jumping if I do more of these missions. I'll see if Tony has any special jobs coming up, since I've got more free time to prepare now.

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Learning Slowly

Lessons learned:

  1. Wear armor, who cares if people look at you funny, almost dying sucks
  2. Bring a car
  3. Exchange numbers early
  4. Fight back

I went back to Tony to pickup some armor. He had a kevlar lined jacket, armored motorcycle jeans, and some armored gloves. That takes care of Number 1. Two and three are just reminders for when I go on the next heist. Number 4 is going nicely now with this spooky knife. I've started driving up into the mountains to get some privacy to practice. The knife has no problems biting into the trees; it almost looks like it's turning slivers of them to smoke to cut more easily. It also seems to know where I'm trying to throw it. I've bounce it off of a tree to hit another one at almost a right angle.

I think there's some extra side effects to these powers because I think I'm getting stronger with this rehab work for my injury than I ever was before all this.

The High Cost of Living
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The scenic route

Halfway across the country with a shot up ride and nowhere to be. I might as well take the scenic route back home. My knife got a new ability to cut through and destroy anything now, it can even put it back together after. I tried this on a small town ATM, and it was fantastic. The easiest money I've ever made. I used it to buy a new car after wrecking my last one practicing some new aggressive driving techniques. Decided to stick with the mustangs for now, but I should maybe armor the car. Or I could just steal or rent one for a job.


Now I'm just driving around the country. I went up through New Mexico, and stopped in Santa Fe for a few days. Then I cut over to Arizona to see the Grand canyon for the first time. I always seem to get in trouble in Vegas, but it is right on the way back home from here. Maybe I'll get another job on the way and stay out of trouble.

The Hospital
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Kinda Lucky

Getting my accounts locked and frozen was somewhat of a blessing in disguise, I flew back to Vegas to pickup my car. I couldn't pull out much cash though because that immediately flagged all my accounts as suspicious activity. I still ended up causing quite the stir though. I decided to stay in Vegas for a few days and just practice running around and quickly navigating the streets of an unfamiliar city. The cops eventually stopped showing up to question me after the first few times. They never found anything stolen on me, and they eventually just accepted that I was running around the strip and city just for the hell of it. Which was mostly true, I stole surprisingly little during all of this. With this improved pocket, I could just turn a corner and make all the evidence disappear as well. Once the novelty of the city runs wore off, I headed back home to LA.

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry Debt
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Michigan's Angel

Thank fuck! Guy came through and was able to direct me to someone who could fix my hand. Beth met me in Michigan near the airport. She had a creepy looking tattoo set, and she tattooed my hand back on. It was super bizarre. I can't explain it other than that, but it worked and that's all that really matters. She didn't even want anything in return. I gave her most of the cash I had on me, and bought one of her CD's, then headed home to LA. Her music also rocks; we'll have to see if she blows up in the next couple years.

Now I need to get in touch with Talkative Tony to see what I'm going to do with all this loot from Cairo. Assuming I can actually sell it and make money, I'll try to get in touch with Beth again and get her what she actually deserves for saving my hand.

The Drill Bit
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Mafia Money

I finally got in touch with Tony about moving the gold I snagged in Egypt. Tony couldn't move it, but he recommended either the Mafia or a group of corrupt cops. I decided to meet with the Mafia because I know better than to trust cops. The meeting with the Mafia went amazingly; they didn't believe me at first. Once I pulled out the block of gold, they had someone inspect it and verify it was genuine. They wanted to buy it off me right there, and I told them I had 5 more to bring to them as well. They setup a shell company for me with a large amount of stocks and bonds as investments. I can now just live off of the dividends from that investment, which is bringing in almost one million dollars a month. I had the Mafia send Guy his portion of the money. Now I need to look into setting up an off-shore bank account. I'm a little nervous about my blood being linked to the massacre that was the last job.

The Gunshow
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Working for the Firm

After leaving those Sons of Salem assholes at their Gun Show, Guy brought me to a town where "the Firm" is setting up a base. They hired me for a small job to excavate some tunnels and rooms as part of their base using my knives to destroy the ground quickly and easily. They have quite the setup from what I'd seen. There was talk of building up a new hospital for the town. It's wild how much a few people with powers can accomplish in a short amount of time.


It's got me thinking that maybe I should be trying to do something else with these powers. I almost accidentally pulled off a massive heist and got set for life. Where do I go from here? I don't need the money. I wonder if there's some way to steal these powers; it would be nice to gain some without waiting for these random invitations.

The Bet 1
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