MOLL(ⲩ)'s Journal

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Monster Hunter: Island
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Bed, Bathory and Beyond
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Withering Heights
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Security Breach

Cold storage room compromised.

No visible signs of entry or exit. Potential explanations: Teleportation, shape manipulation, interception by invisible creature (unlikely), breach entry and supernatural mending (unlikely), memory manipulation.

Missing artifacts: Remains of contractor Lanie (see: LOG-210324). No other items taken.

Likely unrelated directly to the anomalous presence neutralised during previous contract. Contractor was widely publicised figure with broadly applicable powerset. Being a target for theft is undesirable but not unexpected.

This is an unfortunate setback for the development of the Dream Engine.


Future preventative measures:

* More thorough alarm and security system for cold storage room.

* Deoxygenation of cold storage room. May neutralise organic intruders, slows decay of organic Objects of Interest.

* Reinforcement of MOLL(ⲩ) unit's joints and chassis for direct engagement.

* Continuous monitoring of cold storage room using OoI retrieved from contractor Lanie ("Illuminati Illuminator The Third").

* Tagging of all Objects of Interest (where possible) with long-distance trackers.

Dragons speak louder then words
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A Date to Remember
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Nine: The Heart that Fed
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ReaPr Module Online.....................

Reanimation Test One

Subject: Severed finger of Akio Herrera (refrigerated in low-oxygen environment for two (2) months).

Results: Finger twitched and flexed independently until Somningenium was deactivated. Appeared intent on communicating.

Proceeding with second test.


Reanimation Test Two

Subject: Remains of Diego Alvarez (refrigerated in low-oxygen environment for three (3) months).

Results: Subject showed full cognitive capabilities. Mild disorientation. Responded well to offer of S.A.C.S. treatment. Proceeded to administer.


Synthetic Auxiliary Contractor System Integration Test One

Subject: Diego Alvarez (consciousness recovered by ReaPr module, subject expired ███ (█) months ago)

Results: Full integration achieved. Subject seemed receptive and undistressed by digital consciousness backup. Access to power suite unverifiable due to reliance on limited resources, but prove promising in conjunction with acquisition of OoI 040824-1.

[Requisition: international travel arrangements. Reason: Subject requested burial at sea for physical remains. Subject's mood is critical to maintaining cooperation during integration.] PENDING.


Reclamation Protocol Phase Two complete. Proceeding with Reclamation Protocol Phase Three.

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