Hearne Morgan's Journal

The Hospital
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Mushroom Hunt
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I made my armor better. More than better, it's alive. A part of the network. 

I was able to trade one of the fungi's new roots of power for an arm. An actual, usable, paper arm. And something else too, a gift for McKenna. There are so many things out there, so many people looking to turn a profit and sell their gifts. I'm glad I decided to join them.

The man I dealt with is some kind of craftsman and artist. He took cutom requests for the materials involved, and for adornment. 

The arm is easy to use, and makes breaking and entering a breeze. The gift is a trickier prospect, but still useful. Miraculous. The perfect gift to match her budding interests.

I've been following the case of those university murders, with the supernatural interference. Gearing up for the eventual hunt. More literal than the monsters I usually go for, but it'll do.

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