Jason Kyle's Journal

Passing the Hours
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(0-3) "Taking Care Of Business"
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I went to therapy after that last contract. My mind was all frazzled and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't open the door to my home without a shiver going down my spine, I couldn't walk around the street without being mortified by the sight of a mother with their child, at that point I knew I had to get help. So I went to therapy, confiding to her about my fear of mothers and doors.... and it helped, to say the least. Now came the more important part, to make myself more capable, I began to work out, abusing my ability to regenerate cells to repair the microtears that occur when you are building muscle. So obviously, I abused that for a while, I ate more, began to focus more on myself, not minding the words of others and just overall bettering myself. In the end, it helped and now I can carry more supplies and I will no longer let myself lack use. 

"Extraordinary Machine"
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See Me Not
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