Hushen andraya's Journal

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Days of recovery

after everything that happened in that damn museum i had to confine in someone. i couldn't sleep for days and still every time i see a painting i start to panic and have trouble breathing i didn't know who to turn too so i started to talk to Keith. He at first didn't believe me about the contract until i showed him my new had he thought i went crazy because of a bad a debt collection. he soon realized i was not crazy after i showed him what it could do i told him this is what could help me take out Lucius. Keith told me to not let anyone know i have this gift that Lucius could find away to use it against me. several days later Keith started contacting me day after day either helping me get used to my new prosthetic or to help me with the nightmares he picked up a couple of my debt collection rout while i was recovering my leg. i been contacting James about his recovery and to see if he is still in the army after loosing a hand and i been contacting Roy to to see how he been holding up. I kind of want to ask him one day for lessens since i never got to finish school feel like if i do ever one day get out of this life it would do me some good to get a education. on the last day of this month Keith called me  told me that he may have a way to put my powers to use in taking out Lucius i hope he has a damn good plan.

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nightmares realized

After my last contract I thought the nightmares would go away but lately I been dealing with sleep paralysis and every time it happens I start to see a shadowy figure just slightly out of view. It started becoming constant i called Keith he explained to me i should research it i spent several days learning about it while it inches closer to me every day. I found out that it goes by many names and in many coulters incubi, Mara, Ogun oru, old hag, or Bou rat-tat. It is said to restrict a person speech and movement after researching that day it happened again but this time it was in sight walking closer and closer to me as i see a being cloaked in black smoke as if it was made out of shadows. As i laid there i could feel my heart racing i try everything in my will power to move to snap out of it i could feel dread as it reached the foot of my bed. And with every passing moment it got closer and closer climbing up my body from my lags to my chest and it leaned in to my head. I could finally see its eyes a crimson glowing red the being started to lean into the left side of my head all i could think was this is how i die but then it said in a soft quiet voice "don't worry". I hesitated for a moment still unable to speak it started to whisper again "i will protect you call upon me i shall appear don't fear me I'm always here ". As i lay there it slowly vanished i could feel my body moving again i don't know if this is a result of a gift or the nightmares. i contacted Keith about it he said the it was bad omens that he didn't want nothing to do with that power in particular. I started to see if it would happen again but with no luck it never appeared i tried in every language and every cutler then it finally came in the name of Bou rat-tat i tried speaking to it but it didn't make a sound just shapes with its body but it would fallow what i say i tried to see a easier way to summon it and it showed me a shadow poppet of a hand snapping and as i snapped it disappeared if this thing truly on my side i will need it for the days to come.  

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