Sora's Journal

An Emperor Rises

The following is the story of a young dragon who grew into something much, much more. Something bigger than himself.

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Demon Circle
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The Rain Formerly Known As Purple

(Includes spoilers for Maikendo)

(The River - Andrew Prahlow)
Sora stood on the edge of the lake, looking up at the storm clouds swirling over head. The thunder crackling across the sky made this place seem more hostile than usual. He closed his eyes and took a moment to just bask in the feeling of his surroundings. The smell of rain in the air, the feeling of the wind blowing across the water, the sound of the waves on lake. All of it, it just felt, calming. Like, despite it all, he was in control. He could feel the electricity in the clouds far above him, the way it jumped back and forth between the clouds, searching for some path down to the earth. It would keep searching and searching until it would find a way to its goal, just like he would too. He would get stronger, no matter what stood in his way. He would eventually break through all the things that tried to stop him, to limit him. He was sure of that.

Sora opened his eyes and looked up to the clouds, drawing L-Drago and readying himself. He took aim at the clouds and fired watching as L-Drago soared up into the sky in a blaze of fire, disappearing among the clouds. Thunder sounded in the sky as the shadow of a dragon was seen in the clouds. He and L-Drago would learn the power of the storm, the power the lightning held. L-Drago's shadow coiled through the sky in the flashes of lighting each time seeming to move faster and more erratically than before. Until the moment came where he could no longer distinguish between the movements of L-Drago and the lightning that surrounded it. Then, the sky was silent, as if what ever battle was happening high above had come to an end. As Sora stood there he heard a familiar voice come from behind him. "Mr Sora! You came back again."

Sora didn't even need to look to know who it was that was talking, He raised his hand and waved to Mimi, keeping he gaze locked on the clouds above. He heard her walk over and stand beside him, "are you looking for something?" She asked, following his gaze up into the quiet clouds. Sora nodded quietly, still scanning the clouds for something, anything to indicate what had happened. Just as he was about to give up, a streak of purple began to fall from the sky. It zigged and zagged, arcing down towards the two of them. Sora dashed to the side as to make sure Mimi would not get caught in the range of whatever was about to happen as he reached out his hand. The bolt of lightning shifted and coiled through the air towards him. Just as he had done the last time he was here, he closed his hand around the bolt as it reached him, causing a wave of energy to flow through him, too much energy. He couldn't let go however, not now. Instead, he harnessed it, willed it to his command. He raised his other hand high above his head, focusing all the excess energy into it. As he did so A purple sphere of electricity began to form in his hand as he felt the excess power flow out of him. He held this ball of energy tightly before spinning and launching it back up into the sky where it exploded in a brilliant flash of light.

(River's End - Andrew Prahlow)
Then, and only then, did Sora finally turn his attention to Mimi. The young mouse had a look of awe on her face as she stared up into the sky where the energy had exploded. "Sorry about that." Sora said, "I actually was kinda hoping you would show up. Since I have a few questions for you." Mimi took a second to shake herself back to reality and turned her attention to him.

"Questions? What kind of questions?"

Sora placed L-Drago back into the gauntlet before crossing his arms. "Questions about the last game I played. More specifically about a particular person who appeared in it that definitely didn't belong there." His tone was slightly harsher than he would have wanted, but he needed answers. "How did you get into that game Mimi?"

Mimi smiled, "Someone before you came here showed me I could go to lots of places." she said, "All I have to do is go through the door at the end of level 4, although it is kinda scary..." Sora thought back to that door, the one that allows you to leave this world at the end of the challenges. He had assumed that it would only work for players, not just anyone. However, it wouldn't be the first time something about this world had surprised him. "I think a lot of games now a day are all connected in a system rather than just being a cartridge, so it makes it easy to jump around from game to game!" She seemed so proud of herself as she explained everything to him, like a kid showing you their science fair project.

"Why though?" Sora asked. "and on top of that, how did you even find me? There are thousands of games and I'm supposed to believe you randomly found the one that I was in?"

Mimi shook her head, "If you have the game cartridge I can always find you Mr. Sora" ^.^ she explained happily. "As for why, I just wanted to see what was outside Maikendo," Mimi's smile fades slightly, "but it never seems to last very long before I get pulled back." she kicked her foot against a lump of sand on the beach.

Sora gritted his teeth, "That's a reckless thing to do!" He shouted. "what if you get into a game you can't deal with? Especially on your own! You don't know what could be out there. You can't just hop into a game just because I'm there. I can't keep track of you like that!" Sora paused as he realized that Mimi's expression had changed from happy to worried, even slightly fearful, her eyes focused on his hands. Sora glanced down to see that his hands had begun to spark with electricity. That, combined with his shouting, no wonder she was worried. He took a deep breath and a few steps back from Mimi, allowing the static energy to dissipate. "Look, I just... don't want something to happen to you because you tried to help me." he said calmly. "I don't have any real way to stop you. Just... take care of yourself okay?" Mimi nods, a look of determination on her face.

The two of them began to walk back towards the cross roads as the storm clouds above began to disperse, allowing the sun to peek through. As they walked, one final question popped up in Sora's mind. "Mimi?" he asked, "that woman, Shimai, was she an actual part of the game? Or was that just you trying to find a way into the illusion those cultists made?"

Mimi hung her head slightly at his question, "I... made them up to seem like I belonged there... sorry..."

"You... wouldn't happen to have that drawing she did... do you?"

Mimi's face lit up as she began to flip through her sketchbook she carried with her. "Oh! I do have the drawing still." She carefully takes a page out of it and hands it to Sora. He nods gratefully and folds it up and puts it in his pocket.

"Thanks" The two of them kept walking until they reached the crossroads. Upon reaching it, Sora stops in place and turns to Mimi, getting down on her level, "By the way, if you ever mention me being actually nice to anyone, I'm going to have to vehemently deny it." Mimi nods, holding back laughter at that comment. "Good," Sora said, "now get going, and take care of yourself."

They wave goodbye and Mimi heads off back towards town, leaving Sora alone. After Mimi is out of view, Sora glances down at L-Drago in his gauntlet...

and the newly formed small crack in it's facebolt.

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F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!
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Life will change

Sora paced back and forth in his player hub, looking at the now badly cracked L-Drago. Why was this happening? Was something wrong with it? Did 'he' do something wrong? 

He could sense that the power within it was reaching a breaking point. It wouldn't last much longer if he kept using it at random.

But it didn't make sense... he was going to be the strongest. He 'had' to be the strongest. How could he do that without Drago? He needed to take a break, gather his thoughts. He couldn't make any rash decisions, not now.

As he logged off and took off the headset, Sora set it aside before staring up at the ceiling. Maybe he was going about this the wrong way... Maybe, like that judge, he too had been blinded and couldn't see the truth. He needed to take a step back and recoup.

However, as he went to unplug the headset, he noticed a message pop up, from Mimi...

He had never gotten a message from her before, and for some reason it sent a chill down his spine. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. All thoughts of taking a break left his mind as he booted the headset back up.

He paused just for a moment though as he grabbed L-Drago, looking at the cracks running along it.

"One last run, okay?" He said quietly "I need everything you can give me..."

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An Enigmatic Encounter (Hustle)

(Spoilers for Maikendo)
"What had that madman done now?" Sora thought to himself as he flew through the sky of Maikendo, scanning the ground below for any sign of CLYW. Why he had sent him a message of all people, he didn't know but if CLYW was here, Sora couldn't risk him being left to his own devices, not now, not after everything he had gone through. As he flew, Sora spotted him walking out of Rebecca's Cafe, that black bodysuit stood out like a sore thumb in Maikendo's cartoon graphics. Wheeling around, still not quite used to the speed of this new form, Sora dove down, crashing into the ground in front of him. Sora stared at him, he looked just like back then, how ironic they would meet again in the same place. So much had happened since then, perhaps he had changed too, or perhaps, maybe he was being too optimistic. Mimi was definitely rubbing off on him.

"Oh, sorry, are you a contractor, or maybe a player?" CLYW asked, his voice, although surprised, had a note of happiness to it. It sent shivers down Sora's spine. Something was off, something was very, very off. Standing up, Sora reverted back to his human form, approaching the hacker with a determined stride. He was not going to let something ruin the peace he had worked so hard for.

"What are you doing here CLYW?" Sora snapped, "What did you do!?" CLYW glanced off up at the sky, seemingly uncaring about his presence or new form. As if something else was drawing his attention.

"I've done it Sora, I've cut out the middleman. Now nothing can stand in my way!" CLYW says, his voice dripping with enthusiasm. "I'm not bound by my humanity anymore, I'm truly free to discover all the secrets of Neo-Genis." The words felt like lightning through Sora's body. Surely he wasn't referring to what he thought he was. Surely he wasn't crazy enough to do that, no one was, right? And yet, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he was in fact that crazy. The person in front of him... CLYW... was no longer human.

"You're sick in the head... you know that you madman?"

CLYW turned to Sora, locking gazes with him. It felt like he was staring through him, the reflective surface of his visor seeming just like an endless abyss of inky blackness. There was just, something missing about him, "I've been called worse things before." He said

"Why do that, you sound around my age, you had your whole life in front of you and you throw that away? All for what, so you can be closer to whatever you have planned?" Sora snapped.

"My, previous form, was simply a limiting factor to my work, it won't be missed." CLYW responded, seeming almost disinterested at this point in the conversation, choosing rather to look over their body as if to check for something missing. "Although it may take some some time to get used to the... adjustments" Sora clenched his fist. A deep seated anger, that same anger that he had felt not a day ago, rising within him again. It wasn't that CLYW had chosen to give up his life, but the fact that he had seen it only as a barrier to him. That was a dangerous mentality to have, and Sora didn't want it near anyone he cared about. "I wonder if all my sensory functions are working properly?" CLYW asked before poking Sora with his finger. "It really is impressive how easily Neo-Genis emulated the human nervous system. I should study it mo..."

Sora cut his sentence short as he leaned back and punched CLYW in the jaw with his gauntlet, a loud crunch could be heard as his visor cracked from the force of the blow. "I don't  know, did that hurt?!" Sora snapped. CLYW stumbled back, reaching up and inspecting the damage done.

"That's gonna be annoying to repair..." CLYW muttered to himself, running a finger along the crack in the visor. "This suit isn't exactly standard issue." That was all he was worried about?! The damage to his suit?! He had just been punched in the face and that was his reaction?! Sora was about to yell at him again when Mimi walked out of Rebecca's Cafe, waving to them. In her hand she was holding what appeared to be a floppy disk.

"Hey Mr. Sora!" She called, running over to them. "Are you done relaxing?"

"Hey Mimi, no, not quite yet. I just..." Sora will take a concerned glance at CLYW who was still checking over their suit. "...checking in on things. What's the deal with the disk?" He asked, gesturing to the drive in her hand.

"Oh, this is for Mr. CLYW." She said, hand this device over. "The Doctor says that she isn't sure how games will handle your new form, so you should probably have a way to save yourself, just in case."

CLYW will take the disk and turn to Sora, "You see Sora? This form allows me to continue my work without worry of the traditional shortfalls of humanity. Sleep, food, sickness, all these can be eliminated with minor tweaks. And now with this..." he waves the floppy disk back and forth, his voice betraying his clear enthusiasm at his newfound situation "...I'm immortal!"

Hearing those words dragged the memories of yesterday back into focus, sending a chill up Sora's spine. The memories of that place, buried deep within the code of Maikendo, a place he though could stay buried. "This is a dangerous path you're walking down CLYW..." He warned, "the last person who spoke like that ended up dead." CLYW simply shrugged seemingly unbothered by Sora's warning.

"Speaking of paths, how are doing with cooperating with others?" CLYW asks, his smug tone betraying the smirk hiding under his visor. Sora had to resist the urge to punch him again, he was messing with things he couldn't understand the weight of. Turning to Mimi, Sora will give a knowing look.

"Make sure he doesn't get himself into a situation he'll regret..." He says. Mimi gives an understanding nod. Sora then turned and knelt down, taking on his draconian form again as energy began to spool from his wings, moments later he shot up into the sky, leaving CLYW and Mimi to their own devices. He would need to keep a close eye on him going forward. He was not about to let anyone, contractor, player, program, anything threaten this place again, not while he had some say about it.

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The Tower - FLOORS 1-5
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Welcome to the Show (Hustle)

(Spoilers for Maikendo)
Sora looked out over the water. The afternoon air was cool against his face, providing a calming sensation. He could still see Mimi's expression when she had told him what had happened. She had seemed genuinely shaken by the whole experience. It was the first time Sora had seen her like that since what happened before, deep below in the heart of Maikendo... It was a face from his nightmares, the ones that had haunted him since that day.

As he sat there in thought, he heard the sound of someone approaching. He didn't even need to look to know who it was. He could feel his anger stirring. He wanted to yell at them, tell them what they did was reckless and stupid. He caught himself, however, remembering his first time in Maikendo. It wasn't their fault. The 4th level, Takeru's final curse on this world, It was painful for everyone. He wasn't about to let that monster hurt anyone more than it already had.

"Hey, Sora." Link's voice cut through his train of thought, bringing him back to the present moment. He had sat next to him, leaning forward so he was just within his vision.

"I heard about your Maikendo run." Sora said flatly, doing his best to not betray the anger inside him. Link seemed surprised by that info, readjusting themselves slightly.

"You did? How?" They asked curiously. Sora held himself back from making a snarky comment. This wasn't the time nor place.

"Mimi told me," He said, remembering the moment well. "She was pretty shaken up about killing you..." Link sat back, as if they hadn't thought about it much at all.

"I... can imagine, " He said honestly, a slightly somber tone in his voice. There was a slight pause before they quickly added, "But I don't blame her."

Sora clenched his fist slightly when he heard that, his emotions flaring. "You don't blame her?!" He thought to himself, "You were the one who picked a risky game. It was your actions that led to it. Why would she be at fault for any of this?" Sora leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he stared across the lake, still unable to look at Link. He needed to communicate, explain himself calmly. He was not going to let his emotions get the better of him. "She's never had that happen before. She's never had to deal with the idea that she killed someone, even accidentally." He finally managed to say.

He could hear Link shuffle awkwardly. This was obviously new news to him. "Seriously? Their tagine is that they're unbeatable - did... the others do it? Is she the only one?"

"Most people who make it to level 4 beat it without dying, the few that do have at least one of the 1-UPs to save themselves," Sora explained firmly. Most of Maikendo's deaths come from people's real bodies starving or other problems from staying in here too long, not from the characters killing them. "You were the first..."

There was a period of stunned silence from Link, as if the wind had been knocked out of them. "Suddenly, all the existential terror I've been repressing has come back in full force," they said, their voice weak and quiet.

"Yeah, that happens..." Sora responded as he stood, finally turning to look at them. Their expression seemed genuinely concerned and confused, and Sora could catch a slight glimpse of the flame tattoo on their collarbone, the mark of their membership in Sora's guild. That made Sora relax slightly, knowing that they had acted in line with the promise they had made took a lot of weight of his shoulders. He needed to remember that no one was perfect... even him, no matter how much he may have wanted to say otherwise. "I assume you probably have at least a few questions about this place. I can't promise answers to all of them, but I can hopefully explain at least some things."

"Yeah... how'd they... I guess, *choose* me? How did they know my address?" They asked, an obvious note of concern in their tone. It made sense. A mysterious game shows up on your door that traps you in a virtual world? It would probably be pretty concerning. Sadly, Sora couldn't provide an answer to that, simply shaking his head.

"I don't know, I don't think anyone does..." His voice trailed off. There was someone who would know. Someone he had hoped he would never have to mention again. "...I imagine only the creator would know..."

"... Do you know who the creator is?" Link asked

That sentence was like a lightning bolt through Sora's body. "...Pray that you never meet that monster." He said as his mind drifted. The sounds and sights of the lake slowly blurring and fading. Suddenly, he was back there, back in that infinite blackness, the pitch black core in the depths of Maikendo. He called out for Mimi, Rebecca, Oscar, anyone, but there was no answer. Instead, all he could feel was the gaze of that man, no, that monster on him as he fell. None of his powers worked. He couldn't draw his weapon, he couldn't do anything. All he could do was fall. Sora could feel his body tense up, every nerve stood on edge, ready to fight at the slightest hint of danger.

"... You good man?" Link's voice cut through the darkness, yanking Sora back to reality. Sora glanced at him and saw the worried look on his face. Following his gaze, he looked down at his hand, which was sparking with crimson lightning. He quickly shook it, snuffing out the static. He could feel his emotions swirling violently. He couldn't let them spill over... He had to be strong... He had promised to be strong...

"Any other questions?" He asked. Link gave him a look as if he wanted to ask more about what happened, but for whatever reason, he didn't, which Sora was thankful for.

"How often do you come here?" He asked instead.

"Whenever I need to think, which has been a lot lately, or to check on Mimi and everyone," Sora said, doing his best to calm himself down. "Or more recently to make sure no one is causing trouble." His mind drifted to CLYW, that madman. He still didn't know what his plan was, or if he was a threat to Maikendo.

"Is it... peaceful here? Besides the trials?" Link asked

Sora turned to look out over the lake, he could feel his emotions rising again. "Yes, for the most part, it is peacful here." He said. "Just breath Sora, you're fine, everything is fine," He thought to himself, "no one is in danger, everyone is safe..."

"See, that answer makes me concerned, Sora. What do you mean, for the most part?" Link pushed.

That was is, that was the thing that pushed Sora over the edge. He wheeled around, glaring at Link dead in the eyes. "I mean that as long as SOMEONE doesn't mess it up, then things are fine." Sora snapped. Link took a shocked step back. Sora could see the shock and worry in their eyes. It was the same look that Mimi had had when he had snapped at her that one time. His anger died instantly, replaced with a faint sadness. Sora backed away, clutching his gauntlet tightly. He had lost control again, even if only for a moment. "Sorry... that... that was wrong of me... it's not your fault..."

Link took a cautious step forward, "... Do you wanna talk about it?" They asked hesitantly.

Sora wanted to, he wished he could. He wanted to let all of this go, he didn't want to have these nightmares, he didn't want to be worrying about those he loved all the time. However now was not that time. Now he needed to be strong, he would be strong...

But then, why did he feel so sad...

"Maybe someday... but hopefully you'll never have to..." He said, silence hanging between them for a moment before he continued. "It's best for everyone if that stays buried deep deep down..." He looked up and met Link's gaze. "Plus if it means everyone else here gets to live peacefully then this is a burden I'll gladly carry alone..."

Link seemed puzzled by his words but accepted it nonetheless "Alright. Still, if you ever want help, you can call on me," he swore. "We're friends- or, y'know, at least good acquaintances. And I like to help people."

Sora could see the determination in Link, it reminded him of himself in a way. "I'll... keep that in mind..." He said, struggling accept the idea that he may not have to struggle alone. "Do you have any more questions?"

Link shook his head, "No... this seems like a SAO situation, where if you die here, you die in real life, right? Is there anything else about the game 'you' think I should know?"

Sora thought for a moment, he could tell Link had a good heart. He knew what that would lead to - just like it lead him. Eventually, Link would face what was hiding below the surface. What hid behind that door deep down in the void. "Just one thing" He said. He knew his words wouldn't stop Link, they wouldn't have stopped him either. But he couldn't let him go there knowing he had stayed silent. "and I know you won't listen to me, because I didn't. If you ever feel the need to dig deeper into this place and it's inner workings don't, leave it buried."

Link paused, processing what he had said. "If... I do," He said hesitantly, "can I call on you to back me up? I know it's a lot to ask. You can say no."

Sora turned away, the idea of reopening that wound shaking him to his core "I... wish I could..." he said, that same feeling of helplessness that he feared coiling around his heart "I'll be here when it's all over, but... that is a challenge you will have to face without me..."

Link stepped forward, placing a hand on Sora's shoulder. "I understand- there's no hard feelings." He patted his shoulder, "If you ever want to play another game, though, feel free to hit me up, alright?"

Sora nodded, forcing a slight smile. "Yes, I... would appreciate that... thank you"

"No problem!" Link said as he offered his fist for a fist bump. Sora hesitated for a moment, before he returned the gesture. The two stood there as the sun set below the horizon, the lights of Oscar's house in the distance coming on as the last light of day faded. Sora didn't consider himself to have many friends, but if he did, he was glad to count Link among them.

Link suddenly straightened, his eyes going wide. "Oh yeah! I wanted to go talk to the otters!" He exclaimed, "Sora, you want to come?"

Sora chuckled to himself before he shook his head. "I'm good, they see me a lot. Oscar's probably upset with me using the lake for training at this point cause I scare the fish." He started to walk off before he paused and turned back to Link. "Link... one thing..."


"This world, the people in it, Mimi, they're like my family." He said. He could feel his determination burning deep within. The same determination radiating from Drago from the confines of his gauntlet. He locked eyes with Link. "I made a promise to them that I would protect them to my dying breath. Please understand that."

Link paused before smiling, the same determination radiating back at Sora. "You're a good guy, Sora. I'll do my best to protect them too."

"We appreciate that, more than you know." Said a familiar voice from behind him. Sora spun around to see Rebecca standing behind them, she looked like she had just got off from work. She smiled at them as she walked over.

"Rebecca... I..." Sora started to say before he caught himself. He didn't need to put on a brave face, not here, not now. There would be a time and a place for it. "Thank you..." Sora felt a tear roll down his cheek which he quickly wiped away before he turned to Link.

"See you around Link" He said, giving a genuine smile before he knelt down and changed into his draconic form, launching up into the sky. As he did though, he could have sworn he heard Rebecca say something into the night sky however, he was already too far away to hear...


Hope is a thing with scales

This is when Hope is a thing with scales happens, go read that one at this point.

Phasmaphobia 2
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Just a man...


Link's voice cut through Sora's train of thought. He glanced up at the green clad knight walking up to the guild hall. "Hey, glad to see you again, this time under less... chaotic situations." It was true, he could swear he had only ever really spoken with Link when something was on the line. But granted, things seemed to be on the line a lot for him. It was like every time he thought he could rest, something new showed up to rear it's head.

It was getting to the point that Sora wondered if maybe he was never going to be at peace. After all, he had started this on the idea of combat, so why should he ever expect any different. "Is that all I'm left with? Endless fighting? For what reason? Some meaningless title? Why am I even doing this?

Link's elbow nudged him out of his train of thought. "Penny for your thoughts? You seem distracted..."

Sora turned to Link, no, this time he wasn't going to force himself to go through things alone, he didn't have to.

Sora took a deep breath, he had a feeling he was going to need all his strength for what was about to happen.

(Continued in unbeatable downtime journals I ain't even giving yall the option to spoil that for yourselves.)

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